I Am the Swarm

Chapter 498: The Chinese Army

The swarm didn't give the coalition forces too much time to react, and noticed the abnormality on the side road. Through special channels, the blades already knew a little bit of the inside story. Knowing that this situation is not a trap, he naturally launched a full-fledged pursuit.

There is no effective command, and everyone is fighting and retreating, hoping to let other ethnic groups come to the front. In this case, the coalition forces on both wings retreated millions of kilometers. Even retreated to a position further back than the rear army.

But don't forget, the central allied forces are still marching forward bravely, and the entire central allied army has been isolated during this advance and retreat.

The Zerg troops, who were chasing the coalition forces on both wings, suddenly turned their spears and cut to the middle from both sides, separating the central army from the rear army, forming a situation of encircling the central coalition forces.

"Put the troops up, stop them before the casualties! Before we eat the middle, don't let any support troops come over!" Sarah, the swarm command center, said forcefully.

The battle of tens of millions is a big scene that the Locke Mutual Aid Club has never experienced, but to Luo Wen, this is nothing at all. Back then, he had commanded tens of billions of wars, and after that battle, he completely established the hegemony of the swarm on the origin star...

Therefore, although it was the first time for Sarah, who had been guided by Rowan, to face this situation, she was not too flustered. Moreover, the composition and mode of the swarm did not include the complicated post-war pension and other work, which also made Sarah a lot less worrying about the future.

The command and staff of the coalition forces quickly discovered the swarm's intentions. Although they responded quickly and responded, it was too late.

Endless space octopuses blocked their way, and the Taikoo class released all the adults and larvae they carried, covering the entire void.

Due to the fierce hand-to-hand combat record of the space octopuses, the coalition forces did not dare to approach them before they were completely emptied. Therefore, even though adults and juveniles have almost no long-range attack capabilities, they still have a strong deterrent effect.

However, the number of space octopuses already surpassed that of the coalition forces, and there was a gap of dozens of times in the number of adults and larvae released at this time. At this time, relying on long-range attacks alone, even if the swarm troops don't fight back, it is not something they can break through in a short time.

And the coalition forces in the middle who were double-teamed had also received the order to retreat. Although the view was hindered, the commander of the Chinese army did not understand why the commander of the coalition forces asked him to give up the current good situation.

But he knew that at such a time, the commander of the coalition forces could not be aimless. After repeatedly verifying the authenticity of the message, he gave an order to retreat.

But at this moment, they suddenly realized that the rear army of the coalition army that was following behind had been intercepted by the Zerg army at some point. I also understood the reason for the retreat.

When the Chinese army made an assault, they faced the strongest pressure, and the entire team faced the attack of insect swarms on three sides. The tail of the central army was defended by the rear army.

But when the Zerg cut in from both sides and blocked the rear army, they did not attract the attention of the Chinese army. Because in the past, the rear army did not keep up, and the Zerg army took the opportunity to intervene. But soon these Zerg were wiped out by the rear army. It's just that this time, the insertion time of the Zerg troops was a bit long.

What's more, at that time, their eyes were red, and they didn't pay attention to the things behind them.

On the current battlefield, due to the wanton attacks from both sides and various sacrificial explosions, the entire battlefield has been shrouded in a raging energy storm. Many sensitive detection and communication devices have been disabled.

Moreover, the Central Army and the Rear Army belong to two management systems, and there is a gap in the first place. Now that the communication is still up and down, communication is even more problematic.

The combination of various reasons has led to the situation where the Chinese army is now besieged on all sides and fighting alone.

But now there is no time to worry about what went wrong. The commander of the Chinese army knew that the situation was critical, so he made a decisive decision and switched from head to tail. After repelling a wave of Zerg attacks, they all turned around and prepared to retreat.

But within a few minutes of the entire battleship turning around, due to the relationship between the shooting angle and the turning of the hull, the firepower weakened a lot. The Zerg troops who had just been repulsed took this opportunity to rush forward again, causing a lot of damage to the coalition forces.

Brilliant red energy beams are flying all over the sky. The energy beams of both sides are similar in color. After shooting each other, it is impossible to tell where these energy beams come from and where they are going.

From time to time, the armor of coalition warships was blown off, the hull was damaged, and thick smoke floated from the cabin, filling a large area, making the scene even more chaotic.

For the damaged battleship, with luck, neither the energy system nor the propulsion system was damaged, but some unimportant cabins were blown up. They can use the cover of friendly troops to hide in the center of the army formation, and while performing simple repairs, they can use the cover of teammates to tilt their firepower.

And if the propulsion system is damaged, it's okay to attack, but if you can retreat, the speed will decrease, which is tantamount to slow death.

As the saying goes, when being chased by ferocious beasts, as long as you can run faster than your peers, you will have the hope of surviving. At this time, the same is true.

The battleships with damaged power kept falling behind. With good luck, the surrounding battleships would shoot hook locks, and several battleships would hook one at the same time, and then dragged it to retreat together.

If you are unlucky, you will be overwhelmed by the overtaking swarm troops before you can wait for your companions to rescue you.

And the warships that were towed away were not out of danger. The mode of N dragging one caused the speed of many warships to be damaged, and at the same time, they lost their maneuverability.

Unable to actively adjust their angles to deal with the swarm's attack, they will be hit by more and more energy beams, and will soon be penetrated by the reactive armor, falling into a situation where they cannot protect themselves.

The most tragic thing is that after the armor is penetrated and the energy system is hit, this type of warship basically loses the possibility of rescue. It will either die on the spot or die after a while.

"MD, what are the other fronts doing? Why haven't you beaten the Zerg back yet?!" Looking at the mid-lane commander whose battle damage was rising, his blood pressure also rose.

Don't be afraid of opponents like gods, but teammates like pigs. The middle road is about to hit a high ground, but the opponents penetrate on both sides, and then the teammates pass through the river and block the middle road in turn. It doesn't make sense.

Until now, the commander in the middle lane has never thought that his smooth sailing here, and the reason why he was able to regain his previous victory, might just be intentional by the swarm.

There are more and more damaged battleships, and the damaged battleships have begun to be abandoned directly. Foreigners flew out of them in various small boats, scurrying around in the flames of war, hoping to board other large ships that escaped.

This is a very dangerous behavior. Small boats such as these rescue cabins and transport boats have no resistance to the firepower of the battleship's main guns.

Basically, it is inevitable to die, but at this time, I can't care so much.

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