I Am the Swarm

Chapter 500 Breakthrough

The commander of the former army knew very well that if the breakout failed, then their besieged warships would be in danger.

At this time, he made a crazy decision to give up defending against attacks from the other three directions, and the troops broke through to the rear regardless of losses, running one by one.

At this time, the formation of the former army was deployed. The Tero Fleet, which originally served as the sharp knife department, was in the rear, and the other two civilization fleets were on each side. In the middle were those damaged battleships that still had full operational capabilities.

If this decision is made, the Trout Fleet in the rear will inevitably suffer heavy losses, but in this situation, we must take the lead and work together to have hope of survival.

Seeing that Tello took the initiative to take the most difficult job, the other two families had nothing to say. The three clans quickly unified their thinking and began to attack in the direction they came from.

At the same time, the warships on the outer layer of the fleet were switched to the remote control mode, and the personnel on them were transferred to the inner battleships in small boats.

The warships on the outer layer have been abandoned, and they will serve as defenses to fight until the last moment. At the same time, the damaged warships that were originally hiding in the center of the battle also began to move outside after the personnel were transferred.

With these abandoned warships as cover, the defense of the coalition forces has risen to a higher level. But there are advantages and disadvantages in everything. The original purpose of these battleships is to use their bodies to block the bombardment of the swarm.

But as these warships were destroyed one after another, they lost the ability to actively adjust their angles, and their wreckage began to block their own sight and firepower.

The impact of the insect swarm has not stopped for a moment. In addition to the good long-range firepower output of the biological combat unit, it also has a strong melee combat capability.

So the swarm wanted to shorten the distance between the two sides.

The coalition forces are just the opposite. They want the battle situation to be that the two sides keep a certain distance, and then shoot each other.

The starry sky is huge, and there is a huge room for detours. If there are only tens of thousands of troops, their strong mobility will allow them to play more flexible tactics and keep distance easily.

But now the two sides have nearly 100 million troops on the battlefield. In such a huge battlefield, there are either friendly or enemy troops in all directions, and there is no mobility at all. It is very difficult to use flexible tactics, not to mention that the main force of the coalition forces has been surrounded by insects, and there is no room for detours.

At this time, the former army of the coalition army was squeezed from all sides by the swarm troops. They wanted to keep a distance from the swarm troops, so they could only move inward. This caused their formation to become tighter and tighter. Originally, the distance between warships was more than 10,000 kilometers, but now it has been compressed to less than 3,000 kilometers.

The tight formation affected their shooting angles. Coupled with the occlusion of the wreckage of their own battleship outside, if this continues, it is only a matter of time before they are approached by the swarm.

The commander of the coalition forces far outside the battle circle and the commander of the Chinese army in it were all in a hurry, but there was no good way to do it. They could only watch the swarm of insects squeeze their battle space continuously.

Millions of warships gradually shrank into a ball, and the momentum of breaking out was stopped. The situation became more and more unfavorable for the coalition forces.

The battle in space does not feel the passage of time. In fact, the two sides have been fighting fiercely for nearly a month. During this period, reinforcements from the swarm continued to pour into the battlefield, and some new troops also came from the Locke Mutual Aid Association, but the number was limited and could not play a key role.

Seeing that the rear army was a little overwhelmed, and that large-scale reinforcements were nowhere in sight, and seeing the space octopus that had rushed tens of thousands of kilometers in front of the fleet, he gave the order to release the ship's strategic nuclear bomb.

On some special battleships, hidden silos were opened, and huge barrels rose into the air with white smoke, flying towards the swarm.

This kind of large-yield carrier-based nuclear bomb is actually configured more or less in the fleet of each race. It is a cheap and powerful explosive that can be used in many cases, such as clearing obstacles, clearing waterways, and so on.

But at this time, it is not a good time for them to appear.

Because they are launched by projectiles, they have entities, their targets are large, and their speed is relatively slow. With fiery red energy beams flying all over the sky, it is almost impossible to reach the designated place to detonate.

Therefore, it is absolutely wishful thinking to attack the Zerg with a strategic nuclear bomb.

However, the command of the coalition forces has no good way. Conventional means cannot break the situation, so they can only seek those unconventional means to try.

If the nuclear bomb is not a direct hit, in fact, the direct damage to the battleship is not great. However, the centralized detonation of large-scale and large-yield strategic nuclear bombs can cause a large-scale magnetic storm, which can paralyze various instruments and interfere with radar and fire control systems.

The coalition forces hope to use this super large EMP field to interfere with the Zerg troops and usher in a breathing space for the coalition forces.

In his opinion, although the nuclear bomb explosion itself can't cause any damage to the Zerg, the strong radiation and magnetic storm produced by the explosion must be more harmful to living organisms than mechanical units.

Coupled with the fact that their battleship itself has protection against this aspect, after comprehensive consideration, he made this decision.

Originally, there was only blue and red in the void, and suddenly a round of small suns exploded, followed by the second round, and the third round... until finally, the densely packed small suns were superimposed together, isolating the fronts of the two sides, and the dazzling light spots made all optical observations invalidated.

The location of the explosion was closer to the direction of the coalition forces. This was because the nuclear bombs could not penetrate the firepower net at all. In order not to waste, the coalition forces had to detonate in advance.

It turned out not bad, the explosion did temporarily halt the Zerg's advance. The powerful light and heat radiation generated at the moment of the explosion made it impossible for space octopuses that can convert radiation into survival energy to get close.

Moreover, the blasted strong magnetic field also made some of their own tissues and organs a little out of control, and needed to be adjusted temporarily.

However, this explosion had an equally huge impact on the coalition forces. In such a fierce battle, there are almost no completely undamaged warships. This also greatly reduces their defense against the pervasive electromagnetic invasion.

The circuit system and electronic equipment of many warships were burned. If you are lucky, you have a backup plan and can continue to support it. If you are unlucky, even the backup system is damaged, you can only choose to lie down.

But at this time, the coalition forces no longer cared so much. They chose to abandon the damaged warships and organize the remaining warships to break through to the rear with all their strength.

As for the personnel on those battleships, the strong magnetic storm outside at this time made it impossible for those personnel to transfer even by small boat. They could only silently watch their fellow teammates drift away, while they stayed where they were, waiting for that unknown fate.

Although the nuclear explosion blocked the Zerg's pursuit, the coalition forces also left nearly one-half of their troops, which can be described as a heavy loss.

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