I Am the Swarm

Chapter 502 Perception

The rear troops of the coalition army also saw the artillery fire from the opposite friendly army at this time, and they, who were somewhat weakened by the swarm troops, suddenly became more energetic.

"They're out!"

"Just work harder, get those guys out, and we'll be able to withdraw!"

"Attack with all your might!"


The civilizations that make up the rear army have no connection with the civilizations that make up the front army, except that they are both members of the Locke Mutual Aid Society. In the front army, there are no comrades in arms in the rear army, not even the same clan. If it weren't for the orders from the clan, they wouldn't have survived until now.

And even if they stay here, they don't care about whether they can rescue the former army. They only plan to stay here until the former army is wiped out and loses the value of rescue, so they can naturally retreat.

But they didn't expect that the former army could break through the siege of the Zerg through self-help, which gave the rear army the hope of "off work" ahead of schedule. This morale and mentality immediately became different.

The firepower of the rear army suddenly became more intense, and under the two-phase attack, the Zerg troops decreased at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Intensify the firepower, we will go out immediately!" The former army commander shouted.

However, the former army fleet is already scarred, and its energy output has reached its limit, and it is impossible to increase its firepower at all.

Fortunately, the firepower erupted from the rear army was strong enough to finally open a gap in the Zerg's front.

"Rush over!"

The friendly army on the opposite side has already made a passage, and victory is just around the corner.


The Yuanpan flagship where General Wheeler was located was contributing firepower in the rear. As a senior general of the Trout tribe, his original position should be to follow the front army to charge.

It's a pity that the new commander-in-chief is not in the same faction as him. After incorporating his subordinates and parachuting a new commander, he sent Weller to the rear army. Originally, the idea was to isolate his influence. After all, those troops have been under Weller's command for many years. If he is also in the former army, there will inevitably be a struggle for power.

In the end, I didn't expect that Weiler was saved by a mistake. After all, his big and round flagship will definitely attract a lot of hatred. If he follows the rush, it may be difficult to come back.

Therefore, Weller sincerely thanked the commander of the coalition forces for his eight generations of ancestors at this time.

However, in the former army, there are still many subordinates who have a good relationship with him. Watching their casualty ratio continue to rise, Weiler's heart has been tugging.

Therefore, he was very active in the battle of the rear army to rescue the front army. Unfortunately, there are only a dozen frigates left under his command.

There are less than 20 warships, whose style is incompatible with the friendly forces around them. The role they can play is very small in this million-level and tens-of-million level war.

Fortunately, looking at the situation now, the former army is about to break through successfully, but, besides being happy, he also feels a little doubt.

Although the Zerg had fierce firepower, for some reason, he always felt that the Zerg was not very active in intercepting the former army and preventing the two armies from joining together.

Wyler frowned, called up the data and diaries recorded automatically by the battleship's intelligence in real time, and carefully sorted them out one by one. Finally, he raised his head in horror. His feeling was right, the Zerg did have a conspiracy, and they hadn't added more troops to the troops inserted into the belt for a long time.

This situation can only explain one problem, the Zerg are taking the initiative to let them go.

Are the Zerg so kind? Wei Le sneered with disdain, his mind was caught between the cracks of the door, he was not so naive enough.

Could it be that the Zerg slack off, or lack of troops? Weller was in the middle of the battle, and he had limited knowledge of the situation, so he didn't know how many Zerg troops were left. However, according to the previous data, it is speculated that the Zerg will definitely not be so small that they don't even have enough reinforcements to insert troops.

If the Zerg was really weak to this extent, the order he received now was not to pick up the former army at all, but to cut and surround the Zerg army in the opposite direction.

So, what is the reason?

Since accepting the task of inviting the Zerg to join the Star Sea Alliance, Weller has been studying the Zerg, and he has read the few materials over and over again.

It can be regarded as, among the foreign races, a character who knows the Zerg very well.

He found that the Zerg always planned before moving. In the recorded battles, no matter how ignorant, anti-intelligent, and unreasonable the Zerg was in the early stage, the final result was beneficial to the Zerg.

Therefore, although he had never seen it, he still concluded that the Zerg must have an extremely large and intelligent think tank to make suggestions for every action.

Just like when the coalition forces assembled before, although there is still no evidence that the Zerg has discovered them in advance, Weller always has a feeling that the Zerg did find them, just to lead them into the encirclement and let them gather troops.

Subsequent developments also seem to confirm this point of view. The coalition forces moved step by step, the front army broke through seemingly like a broken bamboo, and the two wings were sniped and suppressed, and then turned back to cut off the connection between the front army and the rear army, etc., step by step. The coalition forces are being manipulated in the palm of their hands.

Then there is only one possibility for the slack shown by the Zerg at this time. This is a trap, and the Zerg has set up a new trap.

But what exactly is the content of this trap, Weller has no clue.

Judging from the current situation, the front army and the rear army of the coalition forces will soon converge. Although the rear army is attacked on three sides, the retreat route is safe. Once the former army is received, the firepower of the two armies will increase sharply after the two armies meet. If they want to evacuate, the Zerg will not be able to stop them at all.

Now that the strength cards of both sides have been exhausted, if the Zerg want to set up traps, unless there are some big killers hidden or a large number of ambushes.

But in the void here, there is no shelter within light years, and there are various alliance scout ships and instruments on the periphery of the battlefield. But wanting to ambush a force that can ambush tens of millions of coalition fleets is tantamount to nonsense.

Unless, this ambush is outside.

Weller's eyeballs rolled twice, and he had a clue.

"Not good!" Weiler's eyes widened suddenly: "Connect me to the commander of the coalition forces!"

"Sir, it's a wartime situation, so you can't contact us by leaps and bounds."

"Fuck!" Weller was a little bored after hearing this. His guess still needs data support, and he must obtain relevant data before he can make a judgment. And his current superior is a foreigner, and if he reports to each other layer by layer, the news will inevitably be leaked.

At that time, guessing right may cause panic in the army, and guessing wrong, the end will be even worse.

But now that the communication is under control, he has no way to leapfrog and practice without permission.

Weller walked around a few times irritably, and suddenly gave an order: "Turn the bow and go to the coalition headquarters!"

"Sir, what should we do if the foreign race asks? We need a reason."

"It's just that the battleship is malfunctioning and the electronic system is stuck. We need to temporarily withdraw from the battle sequence and go to the headquarters to find the commander to authorize unlocking."

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