I Am the Swarm

Chapter 517 Air Control

It took only two hours for the Meto formation to return to the orbit of the life star, but because it took some time to assemble, it has been nearly two days since the Zerg launched a full-scale attack.

This attack by the Zerg broke the previous rule of hiding at night and coming out at night. Therefore, Mo Tuo's ground troops have been under continuous attack for more than 30 hours.

With such an intense attack, except for the military base with the highest defense specifications, the rest of the bases simply cannot withstand this round of attack by the Zerg. And there are not many defense-level bases on the entire planet.

However, the Moto tribe later discovered that the Zerg tribe only attacked various bases, outposts and other military facilities, and did not offend civilian facilities and civilians.

As a result, a large number of Meto soldiers fled secretly, disarmed and hid in civilian areas. The Zerg didn't pursue these deserters, as if they didn't see them.

Ke Mo Tuo's insightful people all understand that one or two deserters may escape the Zerg's sight, but it is absolutely impossible for all deserters to escape the Zerg's surveillance.

The Zerg don't do nonsense, there's definitely a conspiracy involved.

Some people naively suggested that if the two countries are at war, they should only attack military facilities and avoid civilians. Isn't it right?

The policies of the Ji Clan make these civilizations, although there are occasional fights, but generally speaking, they are still too comfortable. With the passage of time, under the appearance of civilization, they have forgotten the cruelty of the laws of nature.

The war between the two clans is not a civil war between the same clans. If it is not my clan, it will be exterminated.

Fortunately, not all of the Ji clan are innocent, and there are still some people who can realize this.

Excluding this naive idea, is it because the Zerg are afraid of the Moto tribe, or the strength of the Star Sea Alliance, so if they don't do everything right, there will be room for change in the future?

But this idea was immediately rejected, and the Zerg resolutely launched a full-scale attack. They had no way out. Even if the Zerg surrendered immediately, the Star Sea Alliance would not let them go.

What's more, this matter is already strange, although at the level of the Mo Tuo tribe, they can't figure out the conflict of interests in this war. But they also understand that the Zerg are not mentally ill, and they will never launch a war for no reason, which in their view is completely suicidal.

Since the Zerg don't want to live anymore, what else is there to be afraid of?

After thinking about it, they couldn't think of the real intention of the Zerg. But the soldiers at the bottom didn't care about the deep meaning behind this incident. In the situation where there was no life or death, a life-saving straw suddenly appeared. As long as they wanted to live, they had no choice.

There are more and more deserters, and Moto's high-level command can't do anything about it. The soldiers are also their own race, and they can't make a decision that makes them die.

Previously, the Moto tribe never thought that the Life Star would be attacked before the space fleet was breached. According to their thinking, the space fleet must either block the Zerg or be destroyed.

It is easy to say anything if it is blocked, but if the coalition fleet is destroyed, then there is no need to struggle on the planet side. Therefore, they tried their best to send almost all their belongings to the coalition fleet.

Unexpectedly, the Zerg didn't play their cards according to common sense. At the beginning of the war, when the coalition fleet was not yet familiar with the Zerg's style of play, they penetrated the fleet's defense line and threw a lot of messy things on the planet.

At the time they didn't know what it was, but now it looks like some incubator or something. Moreover, these incubators produce troops so fast that in just a dozen days, they can start a war that sweeps the world.

Due to the lack of air units, the only gunboats and transport boats were also targeted by the Evil Eagle. Therefore, the entire Meto force has only plane combat capabilities. This is naturally a three-dimensional strike of the air, ground, and underground that is no match for the Zerg.

Fortunately, the formation of 3,000 battleships returned to aid before the situation completely deteriorated. Before they finished docking on the orbit, they opened the hangar, and then tens of millions of fighters, forming nearly a million formations, swarmed out and roared into the atmosphere.

Although the Zerg has been operating on this planet for some years, most of the time they have to hide, so they don't have too many large air units.

Naturally, it is not a problem for them to deal with a small number of gunboats, but they are not opponents at all when facing space fighters with a number reaching tens of millions. What's more, there are 3,000 warships floating on the high-altitude orbit. Although they are dispensable on the main battlefield, they are definitely the existence of the overlord here.

Air supremacy changed hands, nearly a million fighter formations roared past, so many that they could be seen anywhere on the surface by looking up at will.

"Damn! Where did these guys go?" But what made their brains bloodshot was that the Zerg troops, which had been in groups before, suddenly disappeared.

"According to the previous information, the Zerg are very good at digging caves, and they should have hidden underground!"


"There are some troubles now. Although we have regained the air supremacy, we still cannot eliminate those Zerg."

"Even if we can't destroy them, we have to make them dare not come out again!"

"Call those deserters. It was justifiable before, and they were saved from the crime of running away. If they can't be called back now, they will be punished for several crimes!"

"When there are more people, we can start transferring people. The frontline is not optimistic, so we should make plans early."

"Although 3,000 warships can't hold all of them, it's a little bit more to carry a little bit more. Let's do our best."

"But we don't have that many hibernation pods."

"Implement military control, uniform allocation of resources, and give priority to the construction of dormant cabins! Anyway, once the front line is lost, other things will not be taken away."

"That's right, as much as you can make, even if it's not enough at that time, it doesn't matter. It's better to waste a few years of life than to die."

"I think this matter should be kept secret. We can't take too many people away. If it gets out, it may cause panic."


Under the deliberations of a group of Moto high-level officials, some orders were issued, the soldiers who escaped returned to their posts, and other things were proceeding step by step.

It's just that at night, bases everywhere are always attacked by Zerg from time to time, but the formation of fighter planes is on standby at any time, and the formation of drones is patrolling the air all the time.

As a result, air support from Moto's side was very rapid. Zerg troops are often bombarded indiscriminately shortly after their appearance. After a few times, the number of swarm night attacks gradually decreased.

Afterwards, the swarm changed their tactics, and the Moto tribe also changed accordingly. Both sides came and went, and each other won and lost. But without air supremacy, the swarm never achieved the same results as they did at the beginning.

However, the game on Motuo's life star can only be regarded as a small fight after all, and it depends on the main battlefield to determine the future direction of the situation.

Thank you for the reward of 100 starting coins from Man Wang, Rainbow Jam and MU.

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