I Am the Swarm

Chapter 522 Pressing In

The Zerg Swarm and the Star Sea Alliance gathered more and more troops on the front line, but the Zerg Swarm did not show any attack intentions, which made the alliance a little confused.

The representative of the Locke Mutual Aid Association, who knew the Zerg very well, had a sudden illness a few days ago, and after a few days of rest, he became a little taciturn. According to him, the Zerg didn't move much now, and he couldn't analyze anything.

It is reasonable and makes people unable to find faults, because everyone can't analyze anything. It would be a bit strange if he could analyze something.

However, the alliance didn't care about such waste. The longer the time dragged on, the more troops they got. And there will be more and more advanced civilizations coming later.

After a few more years, maybe the Zerg will be directly beaten back to the birth point by a wave.

On the Zerg side, they actually didn't care too much about whether to attack or not. The territory of the Star Sea Alliance is not only difficult to chew, but also will disperse his forces. And on the other side of the swarm territory, the outer circle of the outer circle, there are countless unowned star systems waiting for the swarm to occupy.

Although the Zerg Swarm has only occupied more than 20 star systems in the Star Sea Alliance, but in this star field, the number of star systems in the territory of the Zerg Swarm is already close to 200. The country that was planned to be conquered.

Moreover, this is only a branch base. Since Luo Wen mastered the long-distance warp technology, he has teleported anchor units more than 20 times, and more than ten anchor units have successfully settled down.

As long as they are given some time, each of them can develop to the size of the swarm on the side of the star field of origin.

Therefore, Luo Wen's mind is very simple now, he doesn't want anything from the Star Sea Alliance, he just wants to fight. But with such a pure purpose, no one will believe it if you tell it. Therefore, it is normal for those guys from the coalition army to be unable to understand the thoughts of the swarm.

In the fifty-fifth year of the new era, the confrontation between the two sides has been going on for more than five years. For many years, except for the small-scale exchange of fire between the reconnaissance troops, the two sides have basically lived in peace, but more and more troops have been hoarded on the front line.

As for the alliance, the number of races in the alliance has reached 91, which is almost half of all members of the alliance. On the Zerg side, the brightness of the stars in the star systems adjacent to the battle line has also decreased by a few percentage points.

"The Zerg doesn't seem to plan to take the initiative to attack."

"Do you have any idea?"

"I think the time is ripe, why don't we take the initiative to call in the past. If it continues, more and more people will come to share the cake."

"Go to you guys. I would rather have more people sharing the cake than make wedding dresses for others." The concern of the representative of the foreign race was not unreasonable. After being reminded by Weller, after abandoning their prejudices, many foreign races looked squarely at the Zerg race. combat effectiveness.

According to the latest intelligence, it is conservatively estimated that the Zerg has stationed more than three billion troops on the border.

The civilization of the Star Sea Alliance, because of the intervention of the Ji clan, the technology tree can be said to be highly assimilated. Therefore, compared with the outer circle civilization, most of the civilizations in the middle circle are just faster battleships, stronger weapons, and higher firing rate and range.

In the case that the technological level has not reached a qualitative change, they want to eat the three billion troops of the Zerg, and their own losses will never be too low.

Many of their races are very far away from the Zerg, and they need to sail for decades to get there. It is not easy to send some troops over. In case of a serious injury due to a mistake, it would be no problem to distribute the cake according to military merits later, but if the cake is too large, there will be an internal fire in the end, and without troops in hand, I am afraid that my life will be lost.

Therefore, to be on the safe side, it is natural to wait for all the participants to arrive before attacking together.

"Hmph, I understand what you're thinking. But the guy who is far away may take a hundred years to get there. Do you want to wait here for a hundred years?"

"It doesn't matter a hundred years. In a hundred years, the strength of our family here will at least be several times higher than it is now. No matter how you calculate it, you will not suffer."

"A hundred years later, reinforcements from others are also coming in a steady stream. According to your thinking, there will always be fishermen on the way, and this battle will never be fought."

"Whatever you say, anyway, I'm not in a hurry. Someone will stand up and take charge of the overall situation if it drags on. I don't believe that the Ji clan won't come out if this matter is dragged to the end."

"If you wait for the Ji clan to show up, you can only drink some soup."

"It's not bad to drink soup, but I'm afraid I won't even be able to drink soup."

"Hmph, you're afraid of wolves and tigers, and you've turned into a dog. I'm ashamed to be with you."


However, although many foreign representatives remained cautious, as time passed, more and more representatives began to support the initiative to go to war. Because a new point of view has quietly emerged, that is, to start a war in advance, even if you can't eat meat, you might be able to know what the meat is. But if the inner circle and the Ji clan were to end, they might not even know what the meat was.

Every race and civilization, as long as they have a little ambition, will not allow themselves to be so muddled and at the mercy of others. Even if they can't get it, they still need to know what it is. If they have the opportunity to do something in the future, this is an important reference factor.

Another thing that makes them eager to act is that the latest intelligence from the scouting force shows that although the expansion of the Zerg has stagnated on this side of the border, there is no restriction on the other side.

Everyone seems to be hanging up, but in fact, Zerg still maintains a very fast expansion and development speed. This discovery made the foreigners feel a little stupid.

In the fifty-eighth year of the new era, the coalition forces accumulated on the front line have reached nearly three billion, and there are also a large number of fleets from the middle circle civilization, and the technological level is stronger than that shown by the insect swarm last time.

As a result, the coalition forces began to gather.

Because this time the coalition forces do not have a single existence that can subdue all other civilizations. Therefore, compared with the Keya Alliance and the Locke Mutual Aid Association, the command system is more chaotic. However, the representatives of the coalition forces are well aware of this. They did not forcefully combine all races together. Instead, they set aside a region, assigned tasks to their respective races or small groups, and signed a mutual assistance agreement.

After some re-planning, in the 60th year of the new era, the coalition fleet set out from more than a dozen star systems, heading towards the Zerg territory, pressing in across the board!

Three billion warships of all kinds set off together, and the scene was very spectacular. They are scattered on a front nearly fifty light-years long. It takes more than 20 years for a warship of a force like the Mo Tuo clan to run from one end to the other.

A war of this scale may be the largest war in the entire history of the Star Sea Alliance.

Therefore, all the participants seemed very excited, they were looking forward to the moment when the battle started, they were making new history.

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