I Am the Swarm

Chapter 583 Discussion

If you were the Zerg commander and faced with such a situation, how would you choose?

Many foreigners in the coalition army are thinking about this question.

After a fierce battle, retreating in defeat should be the choice of most foreign commanders. I tried my best, but it seemed a bit unwilling to say that I put my life on it.

If conditions permit, run if you can. Keep the green hills, and don't worry about no firewood.

So do the Zerg have this condition?

The commanders thought again.

Then I realized that it was too much.

As the attacking party, the coalition forces only occupied a small area in front of the Zerg. And this is the territory of the Zerg. Behind the Zerg is their base camp, and the waterways extend in all directions.

Moreover, in order to prevent the Zerg's star bomb plan, the coalition forces have always kept the Zerg at a relatively farthest safe distance from the Zerg.

At this distance, even if the Zerg commander ran away in front of them, they might not be able to catch up.

"Hehe, I found that the commander of the Zerg wants to leave at any time, and we are powerless to stop it."

"Besides, the Zerg troops are all biological weapons. They are not real Zerg at all. The commander really has no pressure to run." This is true. Basically no guts.

Abandoning the tribe and fleeing, not everyone can afford the title, let alone this kind of war involving the entire alliance. If this is done, it is estimated that it can also be included in the history of the league. But this kind of record, no one wants.

"If the Zerg commander runs away, our only gain is to win the war." Not long ago, this result was the best, but when the aliens find that there are better options, let them see This, I feel a little unwilling.

"Is there a way we can stop the Zerg commander from escaping?" an alien representative asked.

"We don't even know where he is. The battlefield spans tens of millions of kilometers and hundreds of millions of combat units. It is simply impossible for us to lock the Zerg's car in it."

"Indeed, if we don't even know where he is, we won't be able to make some targeted plans."

"The Zerg is a cunning race, unlike our commanders who all have their own flagships. They have different shapes, appearances, and body shapes, which are very recognizable."

"Maybe it's a tactic too, and it's working so well that we're having a headache."

"Actually, it's not as troublesome as you think. Why do we have a flagship? Isn't it for the safety of the commander? The Zerg must be the same. If I were the commander of the Zerg, I would definitely stay in those large combat units. Those little things at the 500-meter level have much rougher skin and thicker flesh." A representative of a foreign race expressed his opinion, and everyone seemed to have some reason.

"If this is the case, the target position will be reduced from hundreds of millions to tens of thousands." This reduction ratio made some foreigners secretly startled.

"It seems that it has been lowered a lot, but in fact it is not much different." However, different opinions were quickly expressed.

"That's right, although the number of those large units is only tens of thousands, because of their size, they are equipped with larger energy cannons with longer range, so they have always been at the rear of the Zerg. , and touch their vicinity."

"Actually, the number of targets is not that many. If it were me, I would definitely choose the largest one. In this case, there are only two targets left."

"There are only two, it seems that there is no difference."

"Yes, they stay in the close orbit of the stars, where they are the farthest from us. And the Zerg giants are thousands of kilometers in size, how should we search for them?"

"That's right, look at those 500-meter-level space octopuses, they can hide so many small units in their stomachs. Even if the Zerg commander doesn't run away, he just hides in the Zerg giant structure. It is difficult for us to find him." ascend to heaven."

"Difficulties can be overcome. If we can really trap the Zerg commander, we have so many warships here, even if we drag, we can drag the giant structure away."

"Haha, this method is good. When we drag them to our territory, it will be enlarged ten times, a hundred times, and we can also find that brain-dead Zerg commander in it."

"But it's just your imagination. Why did the Zerg commander hide in the giant structure? Wouldn't it be better for him to leave directly?"

"Indeed, unless we can stop him before he escapes."

"This is difficult to accomplish. We can't wipe out those Zerg units in one fell swoop, and it doesn't take long to escape to the spaceship."

"This is a paradox in itself and has no value for discussion."

"Can we send out some soldiers to cut off their retreat in advance?"

"What are you thinking? There is still a planet of the Zerg behind them. Besides, the stealth technology of the Zerg is well known. No one knows what is floating in space in their territory. If the troops are divided, it may be sending troops. This is different from the Zerg before. How is your behavior different?"

A foreign representative spoke eloquently, but he accidentally offended many people. They just defined the Zerg commander as a brain-dead style, and the reason why he won such a crown is because of his tactics of sending troops.

How different is the behavior of that foreigner from the Zerg now? Isn't this a different way to scold them.

"Then what are we still discussing? Don't forget the original intention and win the first victory, isn't it good? We are not the biggest beneficiaries of the extra ones, so there is no need to work so hard."

Everyone fell into silence, which is indeed a problem. So what if they capture the Zerg Commander? It's just possible to learn some exclusive information, know what the treasure is, and get more honors and season family points, other than that, it seems that there is nothing else.

Is it worth working hard for these? The number of Zerg troops has dropped sharply, but the high-end combat power of the coalition forces has not lost much, and there is still a chance to surround the Zerg.

But who to send to cut the Zerg back? If the Zerg finds that the back road is blocked, they will definitely jump straight away. If it is not done well, it will directly turn around and rush directly into the encirclement.

And that is the territory of the Zerg race, if the Zerg race hides some ambushes waiting for them, wouldn't they be trapped in a tiger's mouth and made dumplings?

If such a situation really occurs, it will inevitably suffer heavy losses. Therefore, most of the civilizations in the outer circle and some civilizations in the middle circle agree with the view that the first victory is enough.

The equipment is fine, but the casualties of personnel, no matter where they are placed, are the focus of attention. For some unwarranted benefits, it is too unworthy to bring yourself to a military court.

Thank you Gogou for tipping 100 starting coins.

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