I Am the Swarm

Chapter 597 Advice

But after the panic, nothing happened. The two also crawled out of fear, and their IQs were back online. Their brains regained their composure, and they reorganized the ins and outs of the matter, and found that there was a high probability that they were scaring themselves.

"Ying" is a product left over from the original Ji family, and the new Ji family is only its successor. At the time of the initial transition, in addition to the core principles, there were still a large number of orders from the original Ji clan left in the system of "Ying".

It's just that after hundreds of thousands of years of the new Ji clan era, the traces of the original Ji clan in the "Ying" command, except for the core principles, have been reset.

As modern people today, Humins and Cecil naturally have not experienced the period when the New Season Clan Presbyterian Council constantly tested the bottom line of "Ying" and voted to revise the order. Coupled with the long time, both of them have become accustomed to the current supporting system.

But what was their initial guess? Although the latter deviates from the main line, at first they speculated that the Zerg, the five creatures, and the life-extending plant might all be from the original Ji clan.

So the reason why "Ying" ignores the anomalies in this area and erases the relevant traces, is it the remaining instructions of the original Ji clan? You must know that those native Ji clan who wanted to set up a biological laboratory stayed away from the territory in the first place, just for the sake of peace.

However, when conducting experiments, it is inevitable that there will be disturbances. If the deployed monitoring devices report anomalies back, and if they are discovered by those foreign scientific researchers, then they will have to move again.

Therefore, it is understandable to add some related instructions to "Ying".

"I need to look at the previous records and search how the predecessors handled this kind of hidden instructions." Cecil started to operate again. Since the information to be retrieved was too long ago and the time period was too vague, it took a lot of time. time.

Fortunately, in the swarm network, the memory data has a fast-forward function, Sarah skipped the long and boring wait, and did not have to be drowsy like Hummings who provided the information.

"I found it..." Cecil's voice came suddenly, awakening Hummings who was in a trance.

"How about it?"

"Because the situation here is a bit special, the authority level of the instructions is very high. I can only detect that there are indeed abnormalities in the command set here according to various methods, but I don't know what the specific content of the instruction set is." Syl shook his head regretfully.

"Is there a way to find out?" Hummings asked.

"No, the original Ji clan who set up the instruction set has a very high status. With my current elder authority, I can't shake his instructions."

"What if you add me?"

Cecil glanced at Hummings, shook his head again, and said, "No, our authority level in Ying is a bit worse than that of the native season clan itself, plus the native who set up the instruction set The Ji family was probably the elder at that time. Even combined with the previous information, the authority level of this instruction set is obviously beyond the record, and it might not be done by more than one elder. In this case, let alone the two of us, even if we Adding the square of the two of us, it is impossible to untie the cube."

"There is no way to open this instruction set."

"There must be a way. Hold a meeting of elders. If the number of participants reaches 60% of the total number of people and more than half of the votes are in favor, it can almost be untied."

"Hehe, although the requirements for unlocking all the materials and records are much lower than directly unlocking the materials in the biological laboratory. But for us, there is no difference between the two, and we still cannot unlock it." Xiu Ming Si showed an annoyed expression, shaking his long neck from side to side, looking very angry.

"It's not necessary. In fact, it's enough to do this step. With this, we can confirm a lot of information. First of all, the star field where the Zerg is located is indeed related to the biological laboratory of the original Jizu, even if it is not the main body of the laboratory. , at least it is also an important branch and experimental site. In this case, the inexplicable appearance of the Zerg, and the creature that led to all of these, are most likely caused by the original Ji clan. As for the life-extending plant, I can't say..."


"The reason why the Primordial Season Clan is dying is because of directly modifying genes to prolong life. Therefore, they are probably looking for another way to prolong life without side effects. And the life prolonging plants you mentioned are very suitable for the requirements. But the strange thing is, according to what you said, the life-extending plant is already close to the finished product, and it only needs simple extraction to have a good effect. If this life-extending plant is the handicraft of the original Ji family, why didn't they use it? Unless the life-extending plant There are any defects, or it is not from the hands of the original Ji clan."

Hearing Cecil's guess, Hummings shared his intelligence information: "The life-extending plants do have some flaws. Their broad-spectrum is not strong. After testing, its extracts are only effective against about 30% of the alliance races. ,Have an effect."

"That's it. This range is too small. The original season family is likely to be in the 70% that does not produce any effect." Cecil nodded, indicating that this is right.

But Humins disapproved of what she said, he shook his head unconsciously, and Cecil immediately noticed his actions and said, "Hummings, do you have any different opinions?"

Hummings thought about it, and finally said: "Cecil, you don't know, our development of life-extending plants is very fast, so fast that you can't imagine. In fact, it is not difficult to increase its broad spectrum. When we first came into contact with it, its broad spectrum was just over 20%."

Cecil did some calculations in his mind. Hummings was full of calculations, and within a few years of contact with life-extending plants, he increased the broad-spectrum of life-extending plants by several percentage points. This progress is indeed a bit astonishingly fast.

But it may be a guess that has been affirmed by Hummings all the time, and now it is suddenly denied, and I am a little unwilling. So, she continued to fight: "Maybe it's because our technological level has surpassed the original Ji clan by a lot. After all, hundreds of thousands of years have passed since then."

It's just that her tone of voice was full of uncertain guilt. Obviously, deep down in her heart, she didn't agree with her point of view.

Hummings shook his head, and said earnestly: "Cecil, this old man is a few years older than you, so I would venture to give you a piece of advice, never underestimate the original Ji family. They are the founders, and we are just the successors. A mother is a mountain that we cannot overcome, and we have no right to be arrogant."

Although Cecil was a little bit unconvinced by the advice of Hummings at the same level, but thinking about it carefully, it was indeed true.

Thank you book friend 20210928223745047 for the reward of 1500 starting coins, and thank you Rumeng Rumeng and Guigu junior for the 100 starting coins.

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