I Am the Swarm

Chapter 608: Obstructed

During the expansion of the creeper underground, many samples of native organisms were captured by the way. Although they were all the most basic insects, they still provided great help for the insects to understand the planet.

Rowan analyzed their genetic samples remotely through the creep, and then some swarm versions of native insects began to appear on the surface of the planet openly.

Soon, some swarm versions of small native creatures also began to appear, and some flying insects and birds also joined the sequence one after another. These inconspicuous little things are the best scouts. Under the coordinated scouting of space and ground, Rowan quickly located the storage location of the biological armor.

This is a large-scale building on the ground, which looks like a fortress and a palace, covering a very large area and is magnificent. The whole building is sprayed with golden and green patterns, and the surrounding greenery is also excellent, full of various native plants.

As long as it is a normal intelligent creature, it will be extraordinary at a glance. Although the building is eye-catching and dazzling, there are no idle people waiting around it.

If you look carefully, you will find that the hidden corners of those buildings and plants are full of monitoring instruments. There are also drones occupying the commanding heights in the sky, all-weather, 360-degree investigation without dead ends.

Even the fully automated garden robots working on the green belt are connected to the Ji clan's artificial intelligence, acting as vigilantes.

Seeing such a scene, Rowan didn't find it strange. This is the palace and standard security treatment for the elders of the Ji clan, and Hummings also has a similar set of defense mechanisms.

Because although the number of elders of the Ji clan is large, reaching as many as tens of thousands, but thinking about their territory and status, they will feel that these numbers are not only small, but also somewhat in short supply. Each of them is a big man in charge of a large area, so it is reasonable for them to have such ostentation and security.

However, in terms of architectural style, it is not uniform, but depends on the personal preferences of the elders of the Ji clan. Cecil's mother clan is the nature-loving Pot Spirit clan. They like the golden sun and green vegetation, so these two colors appear more often in buildings.

In fact, the Ji clan is quite taboo to show some customs and preferences of the mother clan. Ordinary Ji clan members are better, but if the Ji clan members who hold power reveal these things, they will usually be attacked by others.

Because they have actually separated from their mother clan and become a new race. At this time, there are still some habits of the mother clan, and it will be considered that they have not completely separated from the mother clan.

Then such a person in power is bound to be unable to be fair and just when dealing with certain matters related to his mother clan. In the eyes of those outsiders who call themselves the Ji clan, this is a serious behavior of eating inside and outside, and it is absolutely not allowed.

In fact, it is not so easy to let go of the connection with the mother clan, but even if ordinary people cannot let go, they will not show it in some obvious things, and even do the opposite.

For example, Hummings’ mother family, the Sheer family, they like a relatively dark environment. The rich people of the Sheer family live underground, while the poor live on the surface. This is a very obvious racial characteristic.

However, in order to avoid suspicion, Hummings not only lived in a very tall palace, but also lived on a high floor. He even wanted to replace the walls with light boxes to illuminate the room transparently.

And Cecil didn't know why, so he showed his preference so blatantly. You must know that there is a laboratory of the Ji clan hanging in the sky here, and more than 60% of the population on the planet is from the Ji clan.

I'm afraid this matter has already been seen by them, and if it is hyped up and spread by someone with a heart, then even if Cecil is an elder of the Ji clan, he may be very annoying.

Rowan doesn't know why Cecil is so independent, this matter is big or small, if there is a chance, Rowan still hopes to find out.

The defense of the castle is too tight, not to mention birds, even flying insects can't get in. These guys even frantically installed a small laser device at the entrances and windows of the castle. Whenever a flying insect approached a certain distance, it would be locked and wiped out instantly.

Although these defense systems are only to prevent those annoying small local insects from harassing the big people inside, they are not specifically aimed at the Zerg, but they actually increase the difficulty of the Zerg's infiltration.

Not in the air, and not much better on the ground. There are cleaning robots all over the castle, and they will regularly spray some pesticides to kill and repel insects to prevent insects from approaching.

In order to be realistic and prevent some possible accidents, the swarm version of insects built with native creatures as a template, except that they can provide Rowan with a vision as a node unit, the rest of the attributes are exactly the same as the original body.

Therefore, they will also be affected by such potions, and even killed. After Rowan tried many times, although he found some gaps a few times and successfully broke through the outer defense, the sweeping robot in the castle was actually equipped with a miniature version of the electric shock device.

Although its output power is very low, it is enough to kill any intruding local insects. The insects that Rowan used to sneak in were affected by the first line of chemical defense and could not exert their full power. Now when I encounter these sweeping robots that are specially designed for those who slip through the net, it is natural that they have received a few rounds of therapy.

Both the air and the ground ended in failure. In desperation, Luo Wen could only sacrifice his old skills. Although the insect swarm has spread to the sea of ​​stars, the traditional art of digging holes has never been lost.

But the trick of Hundred Trials and Brauns was defeated by Waterloo. In other words, the Ji Clan is worthy of being a race with a history of more than a million years, and everything is done flawlessly.

These guys actually smeared a layer of radiation material on the bottom of the building frantically. Because the foundation of the building is equipped with a radiation protection layer. Therefore, this layer of radiation materials has no effect on the interior of the castle, but externally, they have a more overbearing insect repellent effect than those insecticides.

The nearby native insects were killed by the radiation accumulated in the soil before they even touched the foundation of the building. Slowly, a layer of death zone was formed here, a forbidden area for native insects.

Although the insect swarm is not afraid of these radiations, and can even absorb them, if they are simply insects made from native biological templates, then their fate may not be much different from their original models.

However, if the swarm creates some creatures that far exceed the abilities of native creatures to infiltrate, even if they have the appearance of native creatures, they will probably immediately alert the castle's defense system.

Now is not the time to scare the snake, but the current situation is indeed a bit difficult for Luo Wen.

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