I Am the Swarm

Chapter 615 Faction

The small car of the elders of the Ji clan appeared and landed straight on the tarmac of the Huling clan-style castle, and the security system did not respond, so the identity of the person who came was ready to be revealed.

It seems that the owner of the castle, the long-lost elder Seid of the Ji clan, has returned. The raptors in the sky have completed their mission, they should not get too close to the castle, this is not their range of activities.

But it doesn't matter, the area around the castle is the key area laid out by Rowan. Except for the interior of the castle, the dozens of kilometers around the castle are almost all-round, without dead ends, and are monitored by the swarm.

At this time, all kinds of insects crawling on the ground, burrowing in the soil, and flying in the sky around the apron, plus some other small birds and animals were all arranged in place.

After the ultra-small battleship stopped, the hatch opened, and a row of robot soldiers stepped down first. Rowan discovered that this Elder Saide liked to use all kinds of intelligent machines very much. His behavior clearly belonged to the Chengji faction of the Ji clan.

This Chengji faction is a mainstream faction in the Ji clan, and the central idea is to coexist with artificial intelligence. They believe that intelligent creatures should not exclude artificial intelligence, especially "ying".

"Ying" is the wealth left by the original Ji family. It has faithfully implemented its own program for millions of years, and has never made a move beyond it, which is enough to prove its reliability.

In fact, all the Ji clan, including the foreign clan, had no way to refute this point. "Ying" has indeed never done anything other than what was set. The reason why it is feared and guarded against is because the original season clan died out, and the outsiders were eager to move, and did not intend to abide by the game rules left by the original season clan. Still peering into their legacy.

And "Ying" followed the setting, directly took over the command of the fleet, and wiped out several leading civilizations. You know, if those civilizations survive to the present, they are all civilizations in the inner circle, but they simply disappeared in the long river of history back then.

Although there was a reason why the civilization in the outer circle had not yet developed at that time, this behavior of "Ying" was enough to make many people fear it.

Some people who opposed it believed that the big guy managed to survive until the original Ji clan died. Originally thought that from then on, the shackles would be cast off and he would reach the pinnacle of life, but who knew that there was still a supervisor above his head.

They dare not guarantee that they will not make mistakes in their life, if they make a taboo left by the original Ji clan, and "Ying" is a ruthless thing, which makes many people feel insecure.

The other person who opposed it was purely worried about the safety of "Ying" itself. The rules left by the original Ji clan are the basis for the stability of the Star Sea Alliance, and a stable environment can maximize the exercise of power.

Therefore, they are willing to abide by this rule, but what if one day "Ying" makes a mistake? It's like the tragedy caused by the hacking of the system by speeding enthusiasts.

Although that didn't happen to the Ji Clan, it was enough to warn people that if the artificial intelligence became unreliable, it would be a catastrophic thing.

Even an artificial intelligence that only coordinates automatic driving and plans routes can cause such a big loss, let alone something like "Ying".

It's not that they are against artificial intelligence, they just oppose that artificial intelligence has no shackles and still has such a large authority. It's been pretty reliable so far, but what if?

These are the three mainstream factions of the Ji clan. In addition to the Chengji faction, the Xijiao faction is opposed to artificial intelligence, and the Jiazhong faction is opposed to artificial intelligence's huge authority.

However, this is not a formal faction, and it is not restrictive. It just represents the individual's own position and is derived from the convenience of communication and alliance.

Judging from Saide's performance, he is obviously a Chengji faction, and it is very obvious, and he has not concealed it in the slightest. After he left, the castle was all maintained by omnics, and no servant could tell.

After knowing that the owner of the castle was Elder Seide, Rowan also checked his past through his own means. Judging from his previous public speeches and debate speeches, he can see the characteristics of his inheritance.

But what puzzled Rowan was another figure who drew his attention here, the elder Cecil of the Ji clan. Judging from past remarks and performance, she is not a Chengji faction.

Although the clique is just a secret statement, it represents an individual's point of view. With different views, it is somewhat difficult to become friends.

Then why did the biological armor that Cecil bought come from Seid? Is it just a simple transfer? If this is true, it is not good news for Rowan.

This means that everything he has spent a lot of energy here, although it cannot be said to be wasted, is also a waste of time.

After the mechanical guard stepped out of the battleship, he skillfully made a warning action. Then, a tall and strong figure appeared. Although he was wearing a cloak and his face could not be seen clearly, but from the perspective of the insects, Rowan still thought that this person was Probability is Seid.

The characteristics of the Heita tribe are quite obvious, and their appearance is absolutely worthy of their racial name. Ordinary foreigners really can't get that feeling. Therefore, race is the first thing to match.

Secondly, among the group of people who came down, the Heita tribe surrounded in the center was the only living body. This is also very easy to distinguish, because although the actions of other "human beings" are also very flexible and natural, there are large areas of mechanical structures exposed, and people can tell at a glance that they are mechanical soldiers.

In fact, not to mention the technology of the Ji clan, even most members of the foreign clan, it is easy to put a layer of bionic skin on the robot.

However, no matter whether it is the Ji clan or the foreign clan, almost none of them support this. The head structure, which can blur the boundary between the living body and the machine, is even more resisted. Even the Chengji faction of the Ji clan who supports the coexistence of artificial intelligence, most people Not supported either.

However, there are exceptions. Among the foreign and Ji clans, on the surface, there are very few people who are fanatical mechanical enthusiasts. In their opinion, the fact that omninics wear bionic skin is just a trivial matter, and there is no need to resist it.

Indeed, these are small things compared to their beliefs. And their beliefs or goals, they have never hidden them, they believe that mechanical immortality is the way out of the future.

They believe that the body is just a skin, and the spiritual consciousness is the foundation of creatures. They should transform into virtual life similar to artificial intelligence, so that they can change to achieve the purpose of immortality.

Today's technology is so advanced, it will be easy to build a mechanical body, even if it is damaged, it can be replaced at any time, and there will be no shortcomings such as vital organs of living organisms, which will make them stronger.

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