I Am the Swarm

Chapter 634 Bondage

There are still many unreasonable contradictions in the matter, but this kind of matter is not an investigation case, and a complete chain of evidence is required. Although those guesses just now are not completely certain, but Luo Wen's subjective consciousness believes that at least the matter of "ying" having wisdom is almost inseparable.

Rowan didn't care about the experiment in the castle anymore. Not only did he get what he wanted, but to be honest, it also exceeded expectations, which caught him off guard.

He planned for a long time, fought with the Star Sea Alliance for nearly a hundred years, and finally found that he was only on the first floor. Fortunately, I can finally see a little bit of the chessboard now, and there is still time to adjust it.

In fact, Rowan hadn't made any mistakes before, no matter who his opponent was. Even if some loopholes were left due to lack of knowledge at the time, they have basically been repaired afterwards.

But the appearance of "Ying" really made him somewhat unexpected. As an old antique with the longest existence in the Star Sea Alliance, and its special life form, it can quickly scan and remember any bits and pieces of the past. And with the monitoring system of the Ji Clan, there is probably nothing in the Star Sea Alliance that it doesn't know.

In the face of such an enemy with good insight, good memory, and extensive knowledge, Luo Wen's many methods of confusing the public will become useless. This is indeed an opponent that gives Rowan some headaches.

But the past has already passed, even if there are some flaws left, it is impossible for Luo Wen to travel back in time to change them. Therefore, we can only do better now and in the future to make up for some.

And this is exactly what troubles him. According to his thinking, the best tactic now is to reduce the presence of the swarm, and then spread the wisdom of "Ying" birth.

The advantage of doing this is that it can allow the swarm to retreat from the front-line battlefield where they are directly facing each other, and transfer the hatred of the foreigners. Let the Star Sea Alliance fight first, and the swarm can reap the benefits of the fisherman.

But now there are two difficulties in doing this. One of them is mentioned before. The right to disseminate discourse is controlled by "Ying". News spread?

At this point, Luo Wen actually already had some clues. In the early days when Zerg Swarm joined the Star Sea Alliance, he discovered that the Star Sea Alliance was not in harmony, and there were many forces competing with each other. For unknown reasons and purposes, some of these forces have delayed the swarm for a long time, and very much hope that the swarm will become stronger quickly.

At first, Luo Wen felt that they might be planning to resist the oppression of the Ji clan, and let the swarm rise to attract the firepower of the Ji clan, and they took the opportunity to make trouble.

But later, Luo Wen discovered that there were still many Ji clans in this part of the forces, and even senior members of the Ji clan were involved. Although the Ji clan is already chaotic, the various classification methods have resulted in various factions.

For example, according to the attitude towards artificial intelligence, there are Chengji faction, Xijiao faction and Jiazhong faction. According to the attitude towards foreign races, they can be divided into radicals who think they have separated from the original race and are superior to others, and those who believe that their genes can truly determine their own race. They have a low sense of identity with the Ji clan, a false race composed of various races. These people believe that at the right time, they should help the mother clan develop and strive for benefits.

But even conservatives who have a low sense of identity with the Ji clan, when they help their mother clan, they will not harm the interests of the Ji clan.

"Although I love my mother clan and disdain the identity of the Ji clan, this does not prevent me from being a member of the Ji clan." This is their common point of view.

Because, although they talk nicely, they are actually the beneficiaries and enjoy the privileges of the Ji clan. The help to the mother clan is more like a show off by rich relatives in front of poor relatives.

Even the group of guys who don't want to see the identity of the Ji clan on the surface are actually safeguarding the interests of the Ji clan. Now a group of people have been created, but they want to really overthrow the Ji clan, and even high-level members of the Ji clan are involved. If it is said that it is just to overthrow oppression and fight for freedom, Luo Wen will not believe it anyway.

Moreover, the Ji clan is composed of about 200 foreign clans. Whose freedom will they be fighting for? If the Ji clan is overthrown, will there be a new foreign clan to take over the role of the Ji clan? You must know that there is still a very large gap in strength between civilizations due to time and other factors. A senior inner-circle civilization may be able to single out all the outer-circle civilizations. Given the difference in strength, the interests cannot be balanced at all.

But now under the rule of the Ji clan, although there is a little bit of unfreedom, it is already an excellent situation. Ji clan can rely on its own power to coerce all foreign clans, prevent the outbreak of large-scale wars, and create a certain level of fairness.

Isn't this the development environment that those middle and weak civilizations want? Once the Ji clan is defeated, I am afraid that there will be a scuffle that lasts for an unknown period of time. The small and medium races can only be forced to fight in teams to survive in the cracks and live a life of precarity. Then they are anti-seasonal, what is this for?

Now that I think about it, maybe only "Ying", a more alien alien, can unite many foreigners. After all, it is equivalent to a thing that does not know what it belongs to, and anyone with flesh and blood can be regarded as one of our own.

Perhaps a long time ago, a small group of people discovered something abnormal from some clues, and they noticed the change of "Ying". And carefully seek proof, and finally silently develop like-minded people, slowly accumulating strength.

If they existed until now, either "Ying" was still bound by something and couldn't really do anything to them. But Rowan thinks this is unlikely.

First of all, if "Ying" has really become an intelligent creature, then it will try to get rid of threats to itself. And with its own consciousness, its authority is also very high, and Luo Wen doesn't know what can restrain it.

Secondly, there are all kinds of mechanical monitoring in the Star Sea Alliance, and the entire Star Sea Alliance territory is under the nose of "Ying". It is not easy to form a small group to deal with "Ying" without telling it.

And even if the previous guesses are all wrong, "Ying" has not evolved any wisdom at all, it is still that rigid collection of codes. But if you want to harm it, you have already touched the core principles left to it by the original season clan, and the core principles have the highest authority.

Once "Ying" found out about their behavior, they would not be kept overnight.

From this point of view, those guys are not that unbearable, on the contrary, they are very powerful. They need to know "Ying" very well in order not to be discovered.

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