I Am the Swarm

Chapter 637 Opinion

The intelligent bodies were discussing enthusiastically, expressing different opinions based on their own styles and perspectives, but the topic turned around and seemed to return to the original point, the problem that gave Luo Wen a headache.

If the situation of "Ying" is not spread, it will be difficult for the outsiders of the Star Sea Alliance who cannot truly feel the crisis to unify their opinions.

"Actually, I feel that even if the aliens of the Star Sea Alliance know Ying's situation, it will be useless. Their civilization forms and relationships are too complicated, and their distribution is too vast, so they cannot be effectively united."

"That's right, those foreigners are not trustworthy at all. If Ying really comes to the city at that time, as long as they give a little condition, they can choose between exterminating the clan in the future or exterminating the clan immediately."

"From this point of view, their favorability and alliance seem a bit cheap."

"That's true. In fact, their combat effectiveness is actually not strong. If the Ji clan itself and those inner circle civilizations don't end, what we are facing now is almost at the limit."

"That's true. Among the coalition forces on the front line, there is the Lashudia tribe, who is known as the first civilization in the middle circle, and there are several high-ranking civilizations in the middle circle. It's nothing."

"Don't be careless. Their combat effectiveness is still very strong. If Lord Juggernaut doesn't want to unlock new tactics and arms, we may not be able to beat them."

"But no matter what, their value is not as great as imagined. At present, our enemy can already be determined to be that Ying, and the combat power of these middle and outer circle civilizations, in this level of battle, can there be any difference?" No."

"I think that instead of trying my best to spread the situation of Ying, it's better to let nature take its course and kill those foreigners. Anyway, Ying is using us to buy time. And what we lack is time. To some extent, we and Ying can reach an agreement on short-term strategic goals."

"It makes sense. Since they are not worth much, then we don't need to care about future alliances and relationships, and just attack. Our swarm itself doesn't need such things as vassals, let alone allies, and they are very interested in being a I am afraid that the vassals will not agree."

In the discussion among the intellectuals, the doves were speaking and discussing at the beginning, but gradually, the hardliners began to gain the upper hand and took the initiative.

Since Rowan opened sub-bases in other star fields, the mentality of the hardliners who had no worries began to expand rapidly. For all the weak, just do it. Any talk is nonsense and a waste of time.

But there is still some truth to what these guys said. In the early days of the Zerg Swarm, when the Star Sea Alliance was first discovered, any member of it was a giant to the Zerg Swarm.

Even a super weak chicken like the Duoqi tribe, a small mobile fleet can cause huge losses to the swarm. If it weren't for relying on the local advantage and increasing troops faster, I am afraid that the war at that time would have caused more losses.

Therefore, for the swarm, the Star Sea Alliance is a giant, and the aliens are also numerous. At that time, Rowan didn't have the ability to divide bases in other star fields, and the Star Sea Alliance really had the ability to completely wipe out the insect swarm.

Therefore, Luo Wen was also cautious, walking on thin ice with every step, fearing that he would provoke enemies that he could not provoke and attract the army. That period of time caused a lot of pressure on Luo Wen and had a great impact on Luo Wen, so that until now, when dealing with some time, Luo Wen has not yet stepped out of this setting.

But the sapients are different, not to mention the sapients from the Ratman and Rickon tribe. As the swarms and the Star Sea Alliance began to contact, the old infiltration mode was coupled with the erosion of life-extending potions.

There are more and more races from which intelligence comes from. In the eyes of these races, the swarm is powerful. Especially with the passage of time, the more intelligent bodies transformed later, their original bodies, the stronger the impression of the swarm.

Therefore, these intelligences who have not experienced the period of the swarm's weakness are more able to understand the current position of the swarm than Rowan, and see the strength of the swarm.

However, with the speeches of these guys, Luo Wen, who watched all this silently, turned his head around. If you want to expose the situation of "Ying", relying solely on the Star Sea Alliance's own system, the possibility of success is infinitely close to zero.

To achieve this, Luo Wen currently thinks that the more reliable method is to find the behind-the-scenes organizations and rely on their original information dissemination system to expose this matter.

But it is quite difficult, finding them in the first place is a big problem. Secondly, there must be some evidence to prove that what Luo Wen said about "Ying" is true. After all, you can't let people risk their lives just by talking in empty words. After all, "Ying" is not easy to mess with. Besides, the Star Sea Alliance and the Zerg Swarm are still at war.

If no evidence is given, the foreign race will definitely think that this is a counter-measure by the swarm. But the evidence is not so easy to provide. Regarding the situation of "Ying", everything is just Luo Wen's inference, and there is no conclusive evidence at all. Moreover, the place where the evidence was found was thousands of light years away from the territory of the swarm.

If the swarm wants to find something in that kind of place, it must have its own intelligence system. So how did the intelligence system of the swarm penetrate into that kind of place?

The critical point in this is extremely frightening if you think about it carefully. Maybe this kind of self-exposure not only fails to achieve the original purpose, but may also have the opposite effect. Don't wait until the end, the alliance against "Ying" has not been achieved, but the level of the war against insects has climbed several levels.

Moreover, their communication system may still be successful in small-scale secret exchanges. But once the publicity starts, some people will inevitably be exposed. "Ying" has the means to convert "one of my own people". Once it catches a few, the consequences can be imagined.

Before Cecil was exposed, I don't know how many people were involved behind it, and to what extent the organization was violated. Once they lose too much, they will definitely be more cautious. Even if the swarm provides the necessary evidence, the possibility of reaching a cooperation is almost negligible.

At that time, the swarm, as the active party, might be asked some rude demands, so why bother.

But if you don't rely on the resistance organization of the Star Sea Alliance itself, you can rely on the swarm to complete the task of propaganda and dissemination. What Luo Wen can think of is to use the relationship between intelligence and body to spread the matter in a large amount at the same time to reach a certain scale.

But doing so will inevitably expose a large amount of intelligence. Once they are damaged, the loss outweighs the gain. It is not enough to describe it.

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