I Am the Swarm

Chapter 639

"The swarm still has a vast territory, but this is just the tip of the iceberg, and the war has just begun."

"Yes, the war may last for a long time, and we may spend half our lives in this war."

"You guys are quite enlightened, okay, okay, I hope I can live until I retire."

"It won't be easy unless we make every war so easy."

"I'm afraid you're thinking too much. The reason why this war is fought like this is that we have the superiority in firepower, and the second is that we have the fleets of those outer civilizations as shields."

"It is indeed the case. The fleets of those civilizations in the outer circle cannot withstand such consumption. It will not take long for their fleets to be exhausted. At that time, it will be entirely up to us."

"The population and war potential of those guys are really too bad, far from meeting the standards for participating in this level of war."

"Hmph, don't mention them. I think that after the Zerg Swarm has demonstrated the standard troops of the dark energy system, many of them may not be able to meet the standards for participating in the war even in the civilization of the middle circle."

"You can't say that, at least those civilizations in the middle circle are more effective as shields than those in the outer circle."

"Hehe, that's right."

"There's no need to gloat. If this war continues, those civilized fleets with a lower technological level than ours will be exhausted sooner or later. When it's our turn to be the worst on the field, then it's our turn to be cannon fodder shields gone."

Hearing this crew member's words, the surrounding people were a little silent. Although everyone tried to refute him, they couldn't find a reason, because what he said was indeed correct.

"Haha, that will be a long time later, maybe before that, we have already been sunk."

"It makes sense. In this case, we don't have to think about the future, perfect!"

"Shut up, you two crow mouths! I will be able to hold on until the day I retire."

With some self-mockery, the dull atmosphere just now relaxed again, but Siegel, who was operating the instrument, looked more and more serious.

"What's the matter, Siegel, hasn't the surveillance system been repaired yet? To be honest, the work efficiency of those robots is much higher than ours."

"Hey, that's just you. I work very hard. One person can do the work of at least two robots."

"If bragging kills, you alone can win the war."

"Then you underestimate my fighting power a little bit."

"Haha, that is, if bragging is lethal, we can go home now, and you can take care of the swarm yourself."

"Then you have to move fast, or I'll finish the fight before you pack your bags."

But their bragging and farting did not relax Siegel's solemn face, and he was still staring nervously at the instrument in front of him.

Suddenly, dense error reports came from the instrument, making the surrounding voices quiet.

"Siegel? What's going on?" Alexon, the team leader, asked.

"I don't know, the two engineering robots sent to repair the equipment suddenly lost contact just now." Siegel said loudly. Suddenly, there was another alarm sound from the instrument, and Siegel's eyes were fixed: "Sir, another monitoring screen on the B5 floor has also been blacked out. This may not be an accident or a quality problem."

One is an accident, but the probability of two accidents happening simultaneously in a short period of time is very small, and everyone understands this truth.

"Shouldn't we be attacked by something?"

"Could it be that the Zerg has infiltrated it?" If the interior of the battleship has been attacked, given the current battlefield environment, the first thing everyone thinks of is the Zerg.

"How is it possible, don't deify the Zerg race too much, they are not omnipotent." Another foreigner vetoed it.

"That's right, our hull is intact, and there are no signs of invasion at the entrances and exits. Don't scare yourself." The foreigner's point of view has gained more support before, but I don't know if they really think so, or just for the sake of it. Find comfort in your heart.

"Siegel, is there anything unusual about the last picture sent back by the engineering robot just now?" the team leader Alexon asked. The technology has reached their level, and one or even several cameras are installed on the machine to transmit some real-time pictures. Just don't take it easy.

"There is no abnormality, team leader, they lost contact suddenly." Siegel reported: "In case there is any omission in my inspection, I have sent the video to Gwendolyn, and I believe that the results will be reported back soon. .”

"Very good, Siegel, well done." Although Siegel is only a low-level crew member, it is because his qualifications are not enough, but the young Siegel is from a well-known military academy, and he is proficient and tough in business. It's no worse than a veteran who has been in the army for many years. This kind of talent, I am afraid that after this war is over, I am afraid that he will be promoted to the team leader.

Even if he is at the same level as Alexon, and his promotion potential is huge, he will be promoted to Alexon's boss in a few days if he is not equal.

And Gwendolyn is the shipboard artificial intelligence. The brains of intelligent creatures can receive and process limited information at the same time. When viewing the video screen, it is inevitable that there will be omissions. However, as long as the software and hardware keep up with artificial intelligence, there will be no such problems. This may be the reason why people are so afraid of "ying" and love and hate it.

"Team leader, Gwendolyn's feedback came back. She searched three times and found no useful information." A moment later, Siegel received a message, and he quickly read it and reported to Alexonhui .

"Send five maintenance teams to check!" Alexon thought for a while, then ordered. Each mechanical maintenance team is composed of two engineering robots, and five maintenance teams are ten. This kind of large-scale dispatch is usually used when the hull is accidentally damaged. Just repairing two monitors is indeed a bit overkill.

However, this is not a waste of resources. It is to confirm the status of the B5 floor. If everything is normal, it can only mean that it was really an accident with a small probability.

"Understood, sir!" Silger nodded to express his understanding, and he swiped his hands quickly to send instructions to the maintenance team that was on standby on the B5 floor.

The sound of bragging and farting around has stopped just now. Although everyone despises the enemy at the strategic level, in fact, they are still very concerned about the situation on the B5 floor. After all, just now, many people vowed to live to retire.

Time passed slowly, and everyone experienced the feeling of living like a year. Siegel looked at the expressions of the crowd and felt a little disdainful. These guys are really bad.

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