I Am the Swarm

Chapter 650 Journey

Different from Zerg meteorites, firstly, the launch of the original nano-species must have a carrier, and after the launch of the original nano-species, it enters the detachment program and advances to the target area at sub-light speed.

Secondly, due to the small size of the original nano-species, there are only the most basic development modules. Therefore, it does not have the ability to turn and slow down, and can only go one way to the dark.

In fact, it doesn't matter, after all, quantity can make up for everything. In one launch, the carrier can simultaneously carry hundreds of millions of original nano-species. Compared with the Zerg Meteorite, the original nano-species can really cast a wide net.

However, the times are changing too fast, and the Zerg meteorite, as the earliest way for the Zerg to explore and expand around, has fallen behind too much. Flying at sub-light speed, you can circle the planet several times in a second, and you can fly out of the star system in a few minutes. Such a seemingly exaggerated speed is really not enough in the vast universe.

Nowadays, Zerg's opponents generally have warp speed engines, and their flight speeds are calculated in multiples of light-years. It may take decades for the original nano species to reach the star field, and perhaps the Zerg can capture it in a few years. In this case, like the Zerg meteorite, the original nano-species could no longer keep up with the development of the times.

And with the increase of "insiders" in the Star Sea Alliance, the coverage area of ​​the insect swarm network increased, and it became a more convenient and quick way for the "insiders" to carry the insect nest seeds and drop them.

Therefore, this former pinnacle work of Rowan was eliminated and frozen shortly after it was born.

But this is not because the original nano seed is not strong, but its delivery method is too backward. Once there is a faster delivery method, it can still create miracles.

However, compared to the faster delivery method, Rowan later discovered other uses of the original nano-seed. Its powerful characteristics do not need to be limited within the original framework.

When the two armies are fighting, because of the range of the weapons, even if the speed of each other has exceeded the speed of light, after the actual fight, the movement speed of the two sides can hardly even reach the speed of light at low pressure.

In this case, the original nano-species attached to the ancient-class projectiles are enough to allow them to quickly and effectively approach the enemy fleet. But just being close is useless, the original nano-species was originally only an auxiliary infiltration unit, it was not a combat unit. Behind the battle line, there are no strict requirements for its development speed.

But if you want to use it as a combat unit, its previous development speed is a bit too slow, and it needs to be faster.

But there is no perfect creature, and there are various constraints in the body, and it is difficult for even Rowan to overcome. But as long as you think about it, there is always a way.

Since it is impossible to take care of both, then we can only highlight one point. In the world of martial arts, speed is the only thing that can't be broken. The most important thing in wartime is the speed of soldiers. The original nano-species must develop faster to form a large-scale combat power in the enemy's camp.

Aiming at this point, Luo Wen devoted himself to research, and finally let him find a way to accelerate the development of the original nano-species. After the new nano original species is attached to the target body, it will split itself at an unimaginable speed. But the price is that the lifespan of the original nano species and its derivatives, or the service life will be shortened sharply.

However, the original nano-species don't care about the service life. If you want to win the war, how can you not pay? The consumption of the original nano-species should be classified as conventional battle damage.

The new ultra-fast version of the original nano-species is carried and launched by the ancient-level projectile. Due to its size, it is almost defenseless. Therefore, when the ancient-level projectile is intercepted and destroyed by the enemy, more than 90% of the original nano-species will die on the spot.

And the remaining 10% of the original nano species will continue to fly, and some of them will be exploded to change the direction of flight or slow down the speed. It would be better if the direction was simply changed, and there is still hope for life.

But if it is slowed down, in the middle of the fierce battlefield, a unit without the ability to act and protect can imagine the fate.

The rest of the original nano-species with the correct direction and speed up to the standard have only passed the first hurdle. During the subsequent journey, various explosions, magnetic fields, and wreckage of warships will kill them or block their way.

After going through all kinds of disasters, there is no one who really touches the target. At this time, they have only completed the first step.

Next, they need to attach to the surface of the battleship and absorb the external radiation energy to split themselves. During this period, they will also go through various hardships, and the artillery fire from the direction of the Zerg has no identification of friend or foe for them. Therefore, they are likely to be killed by own fire.

At the same time, the explosion of artillery fire, the martyrdom of warships, etc., are still threatening their lives. When they finally collected energy, their number has been further reduced.

The energy harvested from the first wave is used to mutate mobile organs, sticky tentacles inspired by the silk of the space version of the spider war bug.

In space, in this almost non-resistance environment, the sticky tentacles ejected by the nano-species can be up to two meters long. It's not that this number cannot be increased, but this is already the limit of the original nano-species, it must maintain a nano-scale body size and avoid detection from the enemy.

Although it was only two meters, with the cooperation of the tentacles, its moving speed was not slow.

The warships of all races are all manufactured by the military industry, and few people dare to cut corners in this regard. They're high-quality and well-crafted, but there's always a loophole that allows a nano-sized unit to sneak into the ship.

Although the original nano-species are now small enough to become a node unit, they cannot link to the swarm network. But before departure, some basic information has been engraved into their bodies.

For example, the hull structure diagrams of warships in their target area, so they can always find those gaps at the fastest speed.

Through the open cabin, apron, damaged wounds, and even idle gun barrels and launch ports, the original nano-species sneaked into the interior of the battleship.

At this point, they are basically safe for the time being. The next step is to absorb energy, split more cells, directly reach the threshold of the node unit, and link to the swarm network.

At this time, they will receive new instructions, and at the same time, Rowan's authorization will also be issued. According to the number of nanites infiltrated in each battleship, they get their own tasks.

They began to mutate, some mutated into creep seeds, some mutated into queen eggs, and some mutated directly into logistics or defense unit pups.

Among them is a brachiopod-type trap unit, which is widely acclaimed because of its simple structure, less energy required, and rapid development.

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