I Am the Swarm

Chapter 660 Chase

At this time, the high-level coalition forces showed quite good efficiency. After receiving the information from the Komok tribe, they quickly counted the number of refusal weapons owned by each tribe.

Then, with the help of artificial intelligence, these weapons were quickly distributed, and the races with additional resources will provide assistance to those civilizations that do not carry relevant weapons.

On the outside battlefield, the coalition forces have suppressed the Zerg troops in a small area. This makes the danger index not high on their front. Therefore, the transport ships of various ethnic groups can shuttle back and forth relatively unscrupulously.

A few hours later, although more than a hundred transport ships were particularly unlucky, they were affected by the Zerg's artillery fire and fell on the way to deliver the express delivery. But fortunately, although everyone doesn't bring many refusal weapons, they have a good abundance. Therefore, even if a few ships of weapons were lost, the coalition forces would quickly replenish them from other places.

With the weapons in place, all races and warships sent task teams. With targeted weapons, they quickly curbed the spread of Zerg traps.

Soon, except for those who received external support, the weapons of other races could not fully match their own mechs, resulting in a slight delay in progress. Most of the rest of the foreign races started to counterattack and began to clear the passages that were previously blocked by the Zerg traps.

"It seems that victory will belong to us." Looking at the real-time data, the red dangerous area occupied by the Zerg has rapidly shrunk, and the green safe area after being cleared has rapidly increased. A representative of the foreign race sighed at the right time.

His words aroused some echoes, and everyone once again expressed their gratitude to the Komoks who provided this method. However, some representatives of foreign races, out of caution and other reasons, are not so optimistic.

"Before we discovered the Zerg trap unit, they stayed on our battleship for an unknown period of time. So we still have to be careful to prevent the Zerg from making any new tricks." A representative expressed a cautious view.

"That's right, we have speculated before that the Zerg must have backhands. Even if we found a way to deal with them, due to the large internal space of the battleship, the complicated route, and the scarcity of combatants, until now, we have not had any The race, any battleship, completely wiped out the Zerg. But we must not take it lightly if we don’t talk about completely cleaning them out.”

In a high position, frizzy guys are still a minority after all, so cautious and conservative views quickly occupied the high ground. Everyone began to watch all kinds of real-time data nervously, checking relevant information, hoping to get good news that the Zerg would be completely wiped out.

But things are not so smooth, the follow-up development of things and the expectations of foreigners, some things are counterproductive.

Since the Komoks were the first to discover this method of restraining the Zerg trap, their actions were also the fastest. With the joint advancement of the Z series teams on the warships, they quickly restored many areas.

But precisely because their progress was the fastest, they were also the first to discover some new problems.

"Damn it! Captain, what should we do now?" The team members' anxious and distraught voice came from the communication channel.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Knox was also a little speechless. These Zerg creatures really don't speak martial arts.

Previously, they traveled all the way and wiped out an unknown number of Zerg units along the way. As analyzed before, these guys are too rigid because they rely too much on the mimicry system, and their advantages and disadvantages are too obvious.

If they can't be found, then these Zerg traps can at least complete a one-for-one exchange. But if their mimic system fails, then these guys who have given up their mobility are perfect targets.

Even if they are only twenty meters or even ten meters away, they can be easily dealt with with long-range weapons.

However, they still underestimated these things a little. From the previous few minutes, in the passageway they traveled, they could see corroded irregular concave areas on the metal bulkhead.

The familiar appearance allowed the team to immediately know what existed in these places.

"Looks like they got away."

"Hurry up!"

Seeing the enemy evacuate early, the team started chasing them. But Knox's rich experience made him not blind when chasing. The sonic gun was turned on all the way, and sure enough, several Zerg creatures were found ambushing on the road.

These guys are really too cunning, if they chased blindly just now, they might be hit hard by these guys who didn't escape. Now that the Z series spare robot inventory is running out, if a few of them are folded here, the team will probably withdraw from the battle order.

Fortunately, these things did not happen, and they also informed the brother team of this situation in time, avoiding losses.

The increased speed allowed them to quickly catch up to several fleeing Zerg creatures. Only then did they realize that the moving speed of these guys was not as slow as they had imagined.

Using their arms and legs to absorb on the metal bulkhead, and then swinging hard, with the help of the weightless environment, they can fly forward at a very fast speed.

Fortunately, on the way, there is a gravity cabin, which is a temporary rest room for the crew, where some food and sanitation facilities are provided to serve the crew who pass here and need it.

And it was this different channel that helped the team a lot. In a room with gravity, those Zerg creatures could not easily fly tens of meters like before, but could only jump little by little, and their speed dropped to the extreme.

It is precisely because of this that the team was able to intercept a few backward Zerg creatures. Without this gravity cabin, they would never be able to catch up to these guys if they had to carefully ambush them.

Although a few Zerg creatures were prostituted for free, it had little effect on the overall situation of the battle. The team continued to move forward and reported this new discovery at the same time. This may be the Zerg traps, another place that can be targeted. I hope those staff members can come up with something based on this.

But I'm afraid they can't wait for them to come up with new ideas, because the idea they are using now is very useful. According to this speed, they will clear all the passages in a few days.

But within a few minutes of this idea, Murphy's Law came, and they saw the scene in front of them. In the cabin in front of him, there is an important energy hub. If it is destroyed, the functions of some areas on the battleship will be greatly affected.

At the same time, they found a lot of Zerg trap creatures. There are so many of these guys, I am afraid that those who were missing before all ran here.

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