I Am the Swarm

Chapter 668 Accept

This foreigner didn't play tricks, after all, his strength did not allow him to do so. I only heard him continue to say: "I stayed there for a long time, and was in charge of the magical potion that my family contacted with the Riken family."

Everyone instantly understood what the potion was. After all, although the Liken tribe was very powerful, they were well-known, and they were relying on that magical little medicine bottle.

When the outsiders thought that this person was going to reveal something about life-extending potions, they didn't expect him to suddenly change the subject: "During this period, I successfully discovered some of the dusty history of the Riken clan, a buried history. Actually It is not accurate to say history, because the total time is more than a hundred years, and this time, in our opinion, may be just a dormant time for a space flight."

"However, for that level of civilization, a hundred years is a long time. In the history I discovered, although many of the events were modified beyond recognition by the Ricken tribe, the real history, in my opinion, is useless .After all, it’s just a new race.”

This foreigner talked eloquently, but he didn't get to the point after talking for a long time. Seeing him immersed in memories, and everyone was really bored, and needed topics to pass the time and fear, he was allowed to continue talking.

It is extremely rare for a large group of representatives of middle circle civilizations and high-level outer circle civilizations to listen to a middle-level outer circle civilization representative talking nonsense, and the audience is completely silent, without anyone interfering with the speaker.

"I really think so, those histories are like cliché TV dramas, with no content at all. But now I feel that at least one of the messages is barely helpful to us."

"What is it?" Everyone's eyes lit up, and one of the foreigners asked.

The speaker was still immersed in his own memories, and was not disturbed by the questioning. He continued at his own pace: "According to the records of the Riken tribe, some of their teams fell into the hands of the Zerg for various reasons. But the Zerg They didn’t kill them all, but imprisoned them. And the cage that imprisoned them was their own battleship.”

"Hehe, the saying that the Zergs don't accept surrender has always been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. At first I thought it was just a fabrication of the Rickens, but now it seems that it may be true. If it is true, everyone, what I want to say is that everyone wants to Take good care of your battleship, maybe this is where we will live for a long time, don't ruin the environment..."

Everyone waited for a long time, but they didn't expect this person to turn the corner for a long time, and finally said such a thing. Although there is indeed a little bit of usefulness, it is only a little bit.

In fact, even without his reminder, after everyone decided to surrender, they would not intentionally destroy their warships. Because this kind of behavior is likely to be classified as provocation, it may cause unexpected effects. At that time, if it angers the Zerg or causes misunderstandings, it will not be worth the loss.

Besides, everyone is floating in the starry sky, and their survival depends entirely on battleships, so how could anyone destroy the environment they depend on for survival?

It's a pity that the foreigner who thought he had exploded the big news, in the end only attracted a blank stare. Under normal circumstances, his behavior would inevitably cause diplomatic tension, but at this time, no one continued to pay attention to him.

Just when many foreigners wanted to continue looking for the next topic to pass the endless waiting, the response they were looking forward to finally came...

"Sir, there is a situation!" All kinds of languages ​​sounded on the battleships of various colors, models, and races, but their general meanings were similar.


"A signal came from the direction of the Zerg, using our method, the simplest electronic signal, the language is the common language of the alliance, they..."

"What is the content, send it to my personal terminal immediately."

"Okay, sir..."

Soon, all ethnic groups got the news. The Zergs are willing to accept their surrender. In order to facilitate unified management, all races are required to activate their warships and station at designated locations.

At the same time, in order to avoid unpleasant incidents on both sides, there will be Zerg combat units on the battleships of each race to contact them. All races are asked to consciously disarm under the supervision of the contact unit.

The message is simple, but it's not what the races expected. In their vision, the Zerg should at least hold a decent surrender ceremony, and then they will take this opportunity to be bold and fight for some policies.

But the Zerg is indeed a Zerg, and they are simple and rude when they come up. Since you have already said to surrender, then disarm yourself and squat in the designated place.

"What should we do? I'm afraid there are many traps in the so-called designated place. Once we enter, we may not be able to leave by ourselves." A foreign representative said worriedly.

However, his words quickly caused another representative of the foreign race to snort: "Oh, what are you thinking about so much, it's as if you can run away now."


"Okay, man is a knife and I am a fish. Now that we have reached this point, we can only let it go. Now we can only pray that the Zerg are not as cruel as the rumors. If this is the case, we may still be rescued one day."

"I hope so..."

On the warships of the foreign race, the energy system started to work again, the extinguished ship lights lit up one by one, and the engines also restarted. According to the requirements of the Zerg, all their naval guns are facing the territory of the Star Sea Alliance, which is the opposite direction of the Zerg territory. Although this is not really useful, if it is to fire, the barrel is enough to complete the rotation in a second or two.

"This is the liaison officer?" The liaison officer who appeared in front of the foreigners was an upright wolf-shaped creature. This was the beggar's version of the China Assaulter without the HF organs and the FN blade. After all, these guys were produced from scratch on battleships. The thin energy gain and lack of rare materials are not enough for them to configure too high-end weapons.

Although these China Assaulters are somewhat strange, they are humanoid creatures, which makes the foreigners feel better. At least this wolf-shaped creature does not land on four legs.

Moreover, the aliens have different appearances. Compared with them, the image of China's assailant does not appear abrupt. At the very least, from an aesthetic point of view, in the eyes of many foreigners, China Assaulters are much better-looking than the long-necked monsters of Hummings' mother clan, the Sher clan.

"Could it be that this is also Zerg?" Rare humanoid troops appeared in front of the aliens, which inevitably caused them to misunderstand.

"According to the information provided by the Ji Clan, the Zerg Clan doesn't look like this. And I just compared the shape data, these guys appeared in the Yuntu Clan war before."

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