I Am the Swarm

Chapter 696

"Intelligence Department, what's the comparison? Is that the real Zerg Queen?"

"Report, at present, the characteristics of the other party and the recorded Zerg Queen, including height, face, body details, including voice, demeanor, speaking tone, etc., are basically consistent. However, we have too few records about the Zerg Queen. There are not many samples, even if they all match, it is impossible to confirm with 100% that it is the real Zerg Queen."


"Sir, what should we do next?"

It's just that the officer is scratching his head now. If so much manpower and material resources were wasted, so many people were mobilized, and the lives of trillions of prisoners of war were betted, and only a double was killed in the end, that would be ridiculous. up.

If this is the case, I am afraid that even if he has a hundred lives, it is not enough to apologize. Fortunately, he is only a member of the staff, and he does not need to carry this cauldron by himself.

"Everyone, let me tell you what you think. The ceremony is about to begin. With the behavior of the Zerg Queen, I'm afraid she won't stay long after signing the agreement, and she will leave. Our time is running out."

The think tanks around looked at each other, this blame is really hard to bear, even if they all can't bear it.

The scene was silent for a while, everyone was silent, and no one wanted to speak at this time.

"Everyone, silence can't solve the problem, so no matter what it is, talk a little bit. What you say may inspire others to a certain extent."

"Okay, let me come first. In fact, I want to say that now we don't know how to use our brains and can make decisions. It is impossible for us to use imagination to judge whether the other party is true or false. Therefore, the most important thing to do now is to It is the intelligence department, they must use all means to give us more intelligence."

"That's right, we don't need to analyze this kind of information at all. I think we can just flip a coin and leave the choice to luck."

"But if we don't make a move, isn't our condition paid in vain?"

"When you put it this way, I think it is more likely that the queen is a fake. Think about it, everyone, our plan is not that difficult to guess. Now even the guys from the outer circle of civilization know that our goal is The Zerg Queen. The Zerg Queen followed suit and used a double to sign the agreement. Not only will she not be in any danger, but she can also develop for a hundred years for nothing."

"Indeed, this is the way to maximize the benefits. If it were me, I would do the same."

"But isn't she afraid of being discovered? Once she is discovered, whether it is on the scene or in public opinion, the Zerg will be defeated."

"Hmph, they may bet that we won't be able to detect the truth, but the truth is, we really can't tell the difference."

"But don't they worry about our misjudgment and do it directly? Even if the queen is fake, those intelligent Zerg will never be fake, right? More than 5,000 clansmen are also a big loss for the Zerg. gone."

"The number of intelligent Zerg is rare, and it has always been our speculation. What if there are really many of them?"

"This issue should not have been resolved by us. Before this ceremony, we had already raised questions about how to distinguish the real and fake Zerg queens, but at that time, the intelligence department guaranteed that there was a way. If we knew they were as virtuous as they are now, we would never have launched this plan at all."

"What's the use of saying this now? The key is to look at the intelligence department."

"Indeed, it is meaningless for us to quarrel here. We should report the truth and let the officers put pressure on the intelligence department."

"That's right, as it should be."

The pressure quickly turned back to the intelligence department, but the intelligence department was also inexplicable. When the ticket was confirmed, it was the officers who fought in their names. They didn't even know that they had any special means to distinguish between the real and fake Zerg Queen.

They have already done everything they can do, such as pupil scanning, voice recognition, and even the gap between teeth. They have obtained data through special instruments and compared them.

According to the conclusion drawn by their instruments, that is the real Queen of Zerg. But the Zerg's biotechnology is advanced, and it is inevitable that they will come up with something beyond their imagination. In addition, this time the pot is so huge, no matter what, they dare not guarantee it.

Time passed bit by bit, and as the time for the signing ceremony approached, people in all departments and links began to feel sweat dripping from their foreheads. Even the alliance personnel on the scene were a little at a loss.

Especially Ambrose, he not only wants to stabilize Sarah, but also try to guide Sarah to speak more and make more facial expressions for the intelligence department to collect more information. He also has to worry about when the plan will start, which is related to his wealth and life.

As an experienced human being, he has also noticed something is wrong. First of all, the plan seems to be beyond his control. As the frontline and most direct plan executor, although the information he has obtained so far seems to be sufficient, he always feels that there is something hidden from him.

The second is his colleagues. The elders of the Ji clan are numerous and scattered all over the place. It is very normal that they are not familiar with each other. A total of twelve Ji Clan elders came to this ceremony, and he had contact with four or five of them, but among them, only two could reach the level of familiarity, as for the rest who had no contact, Not to mention.

It stands to reason that even if there was anything abnormal about them, it would be difficult for him to feel it. However, the keen intuition brought about by experience still made him feel a little awkward, and sometimes he would be instantly frightened when facing those colleagues.

In this case, Ambrose did not ignore it. If it wasn't something wrong with his spirit, then there must be something wrong with the other party.

Now, it's time for the ceremony to start, but as the most direct person in charge of the front line, he hasn't received any information about the progress of the mission yet.

Different from those intelligence officers and staff think tanks, being an elder of the Ji clan for many years allowed him to understand and know more about the inside story of things. According to the past practice, since the Ji clan has formulated this plan and reached the implementation stage, it is impossible to have problems such as being unable to distinguish between real and fake Zerg queens.

As the frontline person in charge of implementing the plan, he should have cared about this issue. But because of the guarantee of the intelligence department and past experience, he ignored this point. As a result, he is now sitting on pins and needles, and the time to start the plan has not been notified for a long time, and things seem to be gradually getting out of his control.

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