I Am the Swarm

Chapter 7 Enhancement

When Rowan regained consciousness again, he didn't know how long it had passed.

Although he didn't move, the fluff on his body told him that the white worms next to him were still nibbling on several of them tirelessly.

"Is it still a bug? It's still not dead?"

Originally, I still held a little bit of fantasy, hoping to start the third life or return to the previous life after death.

I didn't expect that this kind of insect, which sounds like a great variety, has such a tenacious vitality. Opening the intestines and breaking the stomach, even the food is just eaten from the top, and the bottom is drained clean, and it can still be alive.

It's incredible.

But now there is nothing to be emotional about, I checked my body, and found that the third-tier body with the belly stretched out has shriveled and fallen off to the side.

Although the wound had healed, no new body had grown, making him look a little shorter.

The injury on the back cannot be seen, but it should be fine. The broken leg wound on the hind limb has healed, and no new one has grown.

At this time, his body was extremely hungry. Since the tail had healed, it meant that he could keep his food.

He dragged his weak body, and managed to crawl back to several roots, where the white worm was enjoying the sap. There is nothing to say, kick it away, and lean forward by yourself.

After licking and licking, catch the white worm and come back to open the hole again. In this way, after several rounds of cycles, the stomach finally feels full.

As soon as he was full, he began to feel exhausted again. Without thinking about other things, Luo Wen moved his body and returned to the place where he was hiding just now, and fell into a coma again.

Just like that, after waking up, kicking the white worm, eating, and then falling into a coma, and repeated it for countless times, Luo Wen finally regained his spirit, and there were some shed shells scattered around him.

At this time, his appearance has changed drastically.

First, he found that his eyes were much larger, and they could take up half the size of his head. And the viewing angle is also very wide, like a 360-degree wide-angle camera, you can still see your back.

This was the first time he saw his back. Although he had never seen anything like it before, he could feel that there was only a small piece of hard armor on the back, and the rest was the long abdomen that was directly exposed. , This is also the reason why those ants can directly attack his abdomen.

But now, from the back of his neck, the original shoulder armor has become larger, extending to both sides, even wrapping his sides, greatly increasing the protection on both sides of his body.

That's not to mention, from this shoulder armor to the back, another semi-circular carapace grew, protecting his short abdomen. Now his entire back looks like a seven-star ladybug, except that his carapace is a whole piece, and it is pure black, covered with some fluff.

The original crippled hind limb fell off from the root, and then a new one grew out, and it was thicker than before, covered with sharp barbs.

At the same time, he also discovered two new hind limbs, which can also exert force against the joints. If he is now lying on his back, with a more rounded figure than before, it should be more difficult to turn over.

But on the contrary, in this case, his two hind legs can touch the ground in reverse, and then prop him up with force.

Finally, there are his mouthparts. The original licking mouthparts have not disappeared, but have become much smaller. Maybe it's because deep down in his heart he doesn't want to continue to bother the tool worm, a pair of big teeth he dreamed of grew out of the corners of his mouth, and he can finally be self-reliant after drinking tree sap.

All kinds of problems encountered in previous life have been compensated and improved in this round of evolution. Rowan could only shout silently, Ife Ash, awesome!

Although he has been enhanced in all directions, Luo Wen does not intend to seek revenge on the ants immediately. Two fists are hard to beat four hands, not to mention they are far more than four hands.

After this round of intensive, multi-faceted evolutionary enhancement, he has more or less understood his body.

First of all, evolution also needs to follow energy conservation, which is why he eats many times in the middle.

Then, when encountering certain difficulties, the body will instinctively select a section of gene activation that is most suitable for solving such difficulties from the gene pool in the body. Sufficient energy in the body will speed up the activation speed. For example, he found that digging was slow. At that time, he had just replenished his food and had enough energy, and then he grew a pair of digging feet.

Rowan felt that as he continued to grow and develop, he could even choose certain gene segments to activate on his own.

And the amount of this gene stock is determined by the mother of the bug. If the breeding time is sufficient, then the prepared stock will naturally be large, but vice versa.

But Ife Ash basically had to rush to leave an egg when he was about to burp, so most of the eggs didn't carry too much inventory.

Unfortunately, Rowan belongs to most of these cases, and it can even be said that it is basically out of stock. Only some simple digging, eating, plus genes such as kang, ice resistance, etc., are enough for the larvae to use in the early stage.

However, this alone is enough. After the larva passes through the weak early stage, it will definitely encounter all kinds of creatures of all kinds, see their various specialties and abilities, and then choose the most suitable one to arm themselves.

Luo Wen realized something, maybe the initial understanding was wrong. It may not be a hasty decision for bugs to leave only some basic genes to their offspring, but a deliberate and deliberate one.

Each Ife Ash grows in a different environment, and encounters all kinds of strange creatures. If you haven't seen it with your own eyes, select certain fragments of the gene to activate. At that time, it's just a waste of energy, it's okay, it's not good if something out of season grows.

Perhaps a long, long time ago, when faced with difficulties, Ife Ash rashly activated certain gene fragments that he had never seen before. In the end, not only did it not solve the problem, but it cost my life.

Perhaps, this selection of leaving only basic gene fragments is also the result of evolution.

After thinking about it, Luo Wen felt that this decision was very, very reasonable.

It's like, if some cheater puts a gene fragment of the self-destructive bug in the gene pool.

In case one day encounters any difficulties and needs to work hard, he may just want to find some methods that can stimulate his potential in a short period of time and enhance his strength without relatively large sequelae.

As a result, the gene pool has no wisdom and cannot understand too complicated ideas, but instinctively recommended this desperate method. And he chose to activate it without knowing the specific mode of operation, and then woke up to find himself turned into a bomb...

Luo Wen speculated maliciously that maybe some seniors had encountered similar things.

Now he can finally have a good night's sleep without worrying about playing himself to death in random thoughts.

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