I Am the Swarm

Chapter 712

The balance of victory began to tilt in favor of the Ji clan, but the Zerg immediately counterattacked.

A Ji clan gunboat had just landed, and the soldiers and vehicles it carried came out in a file. Before they could disperse, the ground they were on suddenly sank.

A huge mouth rushed out from the ground, engulfing the Ji clan gunboat and some soldiers and vehicles. The sharp teeth densely distributed in a spiral shape in the huge mouth, like a grinder, grind and devour the soldiers of the Ji clan and those small vehicles.

Even the Ji clan gunboats with stronger defenses only lasted a little longer, and the corrosive liquid dripping from the monster's huge mouth made the gunboats softer and more delicious. Under this double attack, the protective armor of the gunboat's shell soon showed signs of wear and corrosion.

"It's a tunnel worm!"

This is also a Zerg unit recorded in the archives by the Ji Clan, although most of them operate underground. However, as the main auxiliary unit for the Zerg to open up new planets, there are a large number of them, and they appear on almost all planets occupied by the Zerg, so the Ji Clan will naturally not turn a blind eye.

Moreover, the huge size of the Nydus Worm even exceeds that of many Zerg space units. The size of a creature is usually linked to its strength and defense.

Therefore, although they are assigned to the auxiliary arms category, they still have good attack capabilities due to their huge strength and thick skin.

But their attack methods are too scarce and primitive. Although it is no problem to deal with some small units, it is somewhat powerless to deal with units such as Ji clan gunboats that take time to consume slowly.

Although the Ji clan gunboat was caught off guard, it was swallowed by the tunnel worms, and even damaged under the attack of sharp teeth and corrosive body fluids.

But from the current point of view, this can only be regarded as a superficial trauma to the Ji clan gunboats, and their main functions have not been damaged in any way.

The soldiers controlling the gunboat quickly stabilized their emotions after the initial panic. The antimatter cannon starts charging, and then sends out a shot at close range. An explosion occurred, and the gunboat was sounded by the anti-shock alarm. An attack at this distance was equivalent to an antimatter cannon hitting it in front of its eyes, and even the reactive armor at the muzzle was mostly melted.

But this degree of trauma is nothing compared to the tunnel worm.

Even if the tunnel worm has rough skin and thick skin, there is a high probability that it will not be able to withstand this kind of close-range bombardment, let alone the inner tube wall whose defense ability is even worse.

However, the tunnel worm lacks pain-sensing nerves. Even if a part of the internal tube wall is directly annihilated, flesh and blood will fly from the edge of the wound, but this huge damage can only be regarded as moderate compared to its larger size. Even this blow has not penetrated its body.

However, because the information of the tunnel worm was recorded, the auxiliary intelligence of the gunboat retrieved it as soon as it was attacked. Therefore, even though it was dark and still in the belly of the tunnel worm, the soldiers on the gunboat did not panic.

But soon they panicked a little. When the antimatter cannon was recharging, the tunnel worm squirmed the inner tube wall and moved the gunboat's position. After a few squeezes, the wound of the tunnel worm just now disappeared from the sight of the gunboat.

The second anti-matter main cannon was fired, blasting the inner wall of the tunnel worm into a bloody mess again, but soon the wound disappeared again, and the position of the gunboat changed again.

"No, we can't penetrate the body of the tunnel worm in a short period of time. According to the size of the tunnel worm in the data, it can withstand at least a hundred rounds of our shelling with this method."

"According to the charging time of our main gun, this time is enough for the tunnel worms to turn us into poop."

"We still have two high-explosive bombs on board, the power should be able to directly penetrate the body of the tunnel worm."

"But, brother, the inner wall of the tunnel worm is squeezed, so we can't even throw the bomb one meter away. I don't want to watch the whole process of its explosion so close."

"Well, I don't want to either, but I don't even want to become a papa."

"But it may turn gray."

"Okay, bro, although I know it's hard to make a decision, but now we have to choose between Huihui and Baba."

"I don't think it's time to choose one of the two. Maybe the tunnel worm can't resist a few shots. After all, no matter how strong or big it is, it's just a creature."

"Then try it. If there are other options, it will be better."

It's just that what they don't know is that the tunnel worm has retracted into the ground. Even if they blast away the tube wall of the tunnel worm, what they are facing is definitely not the blue sky and white clouds.

But like this unlucky gunboat, it is still a minority. After all, the tunnel worms belong to the auxiliary arms, and their attack speed is not fast. If you are on guard, even if the gunboat lands on the ground, it is difficult to swallow them directly.

Not to mention that after the initial wave of attacks, the gunboat has already hovered alertly at a position about 50 meters in the air. For Ji clan soldiers and anti-gravity vehicles that can fly, this is not too different from being on the ground. so different.

In addition, although the number of tunnel worms is quite large, it is nothing compared to the number of gunboats. It's a joke to rely on tunnel worms as the main output, and the Zergs are not that desperate.

The tunnel worms that retracted into the ground gave way, and then all kinds of Zerg units rushed out from the ground. There are spider war worms, flying cannon worms, and eye worms...

At the same time, there are also new types of troops joining the battlefield, such as a huge wild beast like a wild boar. They are more than twelve meters long and five meters tall at the shoulders. Apart from their huge size, what is even more striking is that the huge gun barrel it carries can be seen from the deep footprints on the ground when it landed. Its body is extremely dense, and its weight may already exceed fifty tons.

After rushing out of the dark underground passage, several wild boars roared to the sky, announcing their appearance. Then, there was a buzzing sound that made the ears tingle, a blue arc appeared, and the surrounding dust began to float abnormally.

"It's an electromagnetic gun!"

That's right, although electromagnetic guns have fallen behind the times in space warfare, they will never be outdated in intraplanetary battles, especially this small-scale 100-kilometer fight.

A projectile was fired and disappeared in an instant, followed by a huge sonic explosion. At this time, the projectile itself had already hit the target.

A Ji family gunboat was lucky to be selected, although they had already discovered and evaded it when the electromagnetic gun was gathering energy. But even a flexible gunboat can hardly dodge the electromagnetic gun attack at this distance.

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