I Am the Swarm

Chapter 718 K2N9

K2N9 was packed and dropped from near-orbit by the Ji clan fleet, just like the unmanned fighter plane dropped the B5 bomb, and the throwing level of the battleship was also very accurate. What's more, this large airdrop cabin already has a propulsion system, which can be adjusted in position.

At the target location, ten fully staffed elite teams have been waiting for a long time. They will work in groups of two and use a K2N9 together to investigate the situation of the Zerg Queen.

For many years, not many wars broke out within the Star Sea Alliance, even if there were internal disagreements among allies, conflicts broke out. Usually, after the Ji Clan arrives, they will fight in seconds.

Therefore, vehicles like K2N9 had no practical value for the Ji clan in the past. However, in order to cope with the variables, the staff still brought some.

Fortunately, they did not do useless work, and K2N9 came in handy so quickly.

Since it has no practical value, the K2N9 model is a bit old, and the elite soldiers of the Ji clan, although they carry the word "elite", they cannot be required to be proficient in everything. Fortunately, K2N9 can use assisted driving. How to drive this big guy is a difficult problem for elite soldiers.

The model is old and only for the Ji family. K2N9 is still a very advanced thing for other civilizations, and it is even incomprehensible.

Elite soldiers are worthy of the word elite, at least in terms of boarding speed. After five K2N9s fell from the sky, the ten elite formations waited for the vehicles in just over a minute.

Time is tight, they have to reach the target location before the Zerg, and check the target situation. If the target is seriously injured, it must be brought back for treatment in time.

"Boom!" Even the Ji clan technology cannot completely eliminate the loud noise of the K2N9 in the working state, especially the Ji clan soldiers in it, the riding experience is extremely poor.

"*\u0026@! Can't those scientific researchers consider our feelings? This thing doesn't seem to be for people to sit on. Is it difficult to add an internal sound insulation layer to it with our technological level?"

"Stop complaining, the person who designed this thing has been dead for tens of thousands of years."

"Hehe, I know that person. He is an ancient master. He thinks that machines that lose their voices are like losing their souls. Only their roar can make people's blood rush."

"Shit, I bet he hasn't sat in his work himself."

"That's not necessarily the case. Some people really like it. I know those self-driving racing gangs who like to add electronic dampers to their cars to simulate the sound of ancient fossil fuel vehicles starting."

"That voice is really touching."


Chatting before a mission is an important means to eliminate tension, but unfortunately 500 meters is too short, and the speed of K2N9 is not slow. Before the soldiers could say a few words, the personal terminal had issued an alarm that it was about to reach the target location.

In an instant, all the staff changed from a state of idle chatting to seriousness. This is not a drill, and if they make a mistake, they may lose their lives. Too many people have died in this war, and they don't want to be a part of it.

"Ten meters away from the target position!"

"Five meters!"

Although they were close at hand, they couldn't find the Zerg Queen because of the soil barrier.

"Be careful, the target's new beacon has not moved for five minutes." The position of the Zerg Queen's beacon has never moved since the B5 bomb exploded.

This is a bit abnormal, because although their movements are very fast, it still takes a lot of time for K2N9 to shuttle from the near orbit to the surface, even if it accelerates autonomously.

And during this time, isn't there any unit trying to rescue their queen? Or, is this a trap?

"Hazardous objects and energy were not detected by all instruments."

"Everyone is in place, approach carefully!"

There are shooting holes on the K2N9, and each soldier occupies a hole. But this is actually useless, because the soil layer is close to K2N9, and the soldiers can only stare at loneliness.

"Three meters away from the target!"

"Two meters!"

"Be careful, don't crush the target!" If the Zerg Queen was still alive and was crushed to death by them in the end, then they can just kill themselves here, otherwise, when they go back, those officers must have prepared a colorful plan for them. The package will make them feel the hardships of life.

It's a pity that the environment here is too special. The previous explosion compacted all the soil here, so that all the original Zerg passages disappeared. They couldn't even leave K2N9 without enough outdoor play space.

"The beacon is ahead!"

"I can't see it, can I still drive forward?"

"No! It's too close."

"Perhaps the Zerg Queen's personal armor can bear the weight of K2N9."

"No, we can't take any chances. Did the instrument detect a biological response?"

"Perhaps the queen's private goods can block all kinds of signals. Our equipment didn't respond, but a human-shaped biological signal was found 20 meters to the upper right."

"That might be the Queen's bodyguard, what's his name?"


"Yes, do we need to go and see?"

"Don't worry about it, let K2N9 use the current location as the boundary to clear out a space for our activities, and we will go down and dig out the Zerg Queen!"

On both sides of the K2N9's body, several mechanical arms suddenly stretched out. They worked quickly, like iron shovels that never stopped, quickly clearing the surrounding gravel and soil behind them.

"Okay, one group will follow me, and the other groups will investigate and guard!"

The clearing area of ​​K2N9 is very narrow. There is only one path on both sides of the machine body for one person to pass sideways, and in front is a small square area where four people can stand at the same time.

"Be careful, although the target is an enemy, it is much more precious than our gold."

The area ahead was narrow, and two Ji clan soldiers held special instruments and carefully cleaned up the dirt in front of them, while their teammates behind them quickly passed the dirt to the rear.

But before they cleared away a few squares of sand and stones, a violent vibration came from far and near, quickly.

"Careful, come up!"

One K2N9 is digging, and the other four K2N9s are scattered within a range of 50 meters around, doing vigilance and defense. But due to the environment, they can only observe the surrounding situation through instruments.

"According to the opponent's signs and parameters, it is a tunnel worm of the Zerg race!"

"Come towards us! Get out of the way!"

The soldiers of the Ji clan have all seen the power of tunnel worms before. Although they are positioned as auxiliary arms, their attack ability is not bad at all under certain special circumstances, such as now.

With obstructed vision and no maneuvering space, Ji clan soldiers could only hide in K2N9 and let this iron lump determine their own life and death. Fortunately, K2N9 is quite powerful, leaving the tunnel worm's route in a matter of seconds.

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