I Am the Swarm

Chapter 727 Intercept

With the Ji clan occupying the superiority in the air, they began to project troops to the surface almost crazily. The number of troops that ten thousand warships could carry was beyond imagination. And there is a wave of more battleship support coming to the near-earth planet near-earth Guida.

At the same time, as the Zerg's electromagnetic interference system spread across the planet was gradually destroyed, Ji's mechanical soldiers also began to deploy on the battlefield. These metal bumps, which are tireless, painless, and commanded by advanced artificial intelligence, have much stronger combat effectiveness than the elite soldiers of the Ji clan.

Although the strength of the Zerg Queen's biological armor exceeded the expectations of the Ji Clan's staff system, her escape again was within the expectations of the Ji Clan.

After all, as the queen of such a powerful Zerg, and confident to come to this planet to participate in the gambling game, she must be holding the hole card in her hand. Now the two sides are fighting over who has the stronger conventional combat power and whose hole cards are hidden more.

However, from the point of view of the Ji clan's command and staff system, the Zerg queen exposed a crucial hole card in the face of only two hundred Ji clan soldiers, which was very unwise.

However, according to previous data analysis, the Zerg Queen is not an unwise person, so there are only two situations for her to make such a move. One is that the donkey has run out of skills and has to expose this hole card, and the second is that the Zerg Queen still holds multiple hole cards, and this one is the most inconspicuous one.

Although the members of the Ji clan expected the first case, their reason told them that the second case was much more likely. They have to guard against it.

"No matter what the hole card is, it has its limit. As long as the target is isolated from the Zerg army, more or even all of her hole cards can be forced out at a very small cost."

"That's right, just like this time. Use our conventional combat power to continue to consume her!"

Taking advantage of the cover of the thick smoke, Sarah escaped from the battlefield, and then continued to run toward the depths along the passage. The commander of the Ji clan team reacted quickly, and immediately organized manpower to catch up.

The soil around here had been tamped down by bombs before, and there was only one channel just dug by the tunnel worm larvae. Although Sarah's speed is fast, the Ji Clan's propulsion system is not slow in a straight line. In the absence of a fork in the road, it is difficult for Sarah to get rid of the pursuers behind.

Sarah also tried to ambush the pursuers, but because of the markings on her body, the Ji clan soldiers could easily control the distance. Once she turned back or stopped moving, the Ji clan team, who knew they were invincible, would do the same.

In desperation, Sarah could only try to explode at extreme speed. Although this will accelerate the consumption of physical strength and energy, it can produce a sonic boom. It would be great if the channel could be collapsed with a sonic boom.

It's a pity that when Rowan designed the tunnel worm, it was too perfect, and the safety factor of the passageway it built was very high. Although the sand and rocks were scattered by the sonic boom, and it looked shaky, it still couldn't pass the last hurdle.

Sarah regretted that she didn't take a few more high-explosive grenades from the Ji Clan just now, otherwise, she would be more confident in collapsing the passage and throwing off the followers behind her.

But now she can only continue to speed up, trying to leave the soil compaction area earlier, as long as she leaves here, there will be a criss-crossing network of underground passages outside, and she can run a hundred routes casually, throwing off the Ji clan .

But if her thoughts or choices are too obvious, the Ji Clan will definitely not let her succeed easily. With the disappearance of the interfering magnetic field, the means available to the Ji Clan increase exponentially.

Through professional instruments, the underground passages within a depth of 3,000 meters were quickly outlined in a 3D sand table. And the solitary passage in the compacted soil area is extremely eye-catching.

"Go down from above, block this road, and pay attention to those tunnel worms, give priority to killing or driving them away!"

With the arrival of professional equipment on the battlefield, although the huge tunnel worms have tried their best to reduce the noise when they are in motion, they still have nothing to hide from the professional equipment of the Ji clan.

In order to reduce the difficulty of the task, these big guys became the priority targets of the Ji clan. For example, the tunnel worm cub who opened up the passage was ambushed and killed by Ji clan soldiers when he turned back because he ran too fast. Another tunnel worm that had attacked the Ji clan's pursuit team before also ended up in the same fate.

After mastering the physiological laws of the tunnel worm, it is not difficult to kill it. Ji clan soldiers only need to detect its action route in advance, and then plant high-explosive bombs along its route. By devouring the advancing tunnel worm, you can kill yourself.

Therefore, auxiliary arms are still auxiliary arms after all. Although it is true that some results can be obtained by relying on surprise, it will not last long.

Although the Zerg Queen can break out at a speed beyond the sound barrier, it is not enough to look at professional vehicles of advanced civilization. Therefore, the Ji clan can easily deploy defenses at the front of Sarah's escape route.

A team of more than 200 members of the Ji clan rushed into the passage on K2N9, and outside the passage, there was a team of nearly 3,000 people standing by nearby because of the capacity of the passage. At the same time, more teams were deployed, including the latest mechanical warriors.

The Queen was alone and under siege, and the Zerg naturally desperately rescued her. However, due to the loss of air supremacy, the ground battlefield was forced to abandon, and all personnel went underground.

The underground is the main battlefield of the Zerg. Here, the combat units of the Zerg have stronger combat capabilities than those on the surface. However, because of the channel accommodation and terrain problems, the combat effectiveness of the Ji clan was weakened to the extreme.

In the beginning, the Ji Clan could only rely on continuous investment of troops, and then use the cluster effect of long-range firepower to gain an advantage little by little.

But the underground environment is too complicated, and the Zerg's combat units can dig tunnels to attack from unexpected angles at any time. For example, those small, nasty bugs, like enlarged ants, especially like to attack the soles of soldiers' feet.

Under the coordinated attack of the Zerg's multiple arms, the Ji Clan also suffered heavy losses. Afterwards, after precise calculations, the Ji Clan avoided their own blocking point, and then dropped a large number of ground-penetrating bombs in the nearby area. Although the carrying capacity of this thing is not much, it is enough to cover a range of hundreds of kilometers .

With the concentrated detonation of the ground-penetrating bombs, the passage collapsed and the soil layer was compacted. The originally smooth underground passage network was blown to pieces. A large number of Zergs were exploded and squeezed to death, and the reinforcements also needed to re-open the channel. The previous tide-like attack of the Zergs suddenly became less silky.

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