I Am the Swarm

Chapter 73 Marching

Every day the army is stationed, it consumes an extra day of supplies. Although there are still a small number of troops that have not arrived, Rowan no longer intends to wait any longer.

The weather this day was fine, cloudy, and with the canopy of leaves above the head, it blocked most of the light and heat, which was suitable for the army to run long distances.

With Luo Wen's order, more than 6,000 transport bugs, loaded with various types of troops and supplies, ran towards the red ant nest with eight long legs at the same time, and the scene was momentarily spectacular.

The trees on the side of the road quickly passed by the corner of his eyes, and Rowan took the lead and ran at the forefront of the team.

At this time, his task is to guide the army. As the bug with the widest visible range in the bug swarm, he must lead the way.

Along the way, the army avoided two hunting teams of red ants.

The quantity and quality of the swarm army completely crushed the red ants this time, so there was no need to entangle with these small troops on the road. Luo Wen planned to lead the army to go straight to Huanglong first, take the opponent's lair directly, and then disperse the troops to clean up the territory.

As for the two troops just now, let the big guys behind handle it.

Two hours later, after several rounds of trimming and food supplements, the transport bugs passed through the two kilometers of woods and saw the familiar "crater".

There is nothing to say. It is not once or twice to wipe out the red ant nests. The army directly surrounded the "crater".

Rowan turned around twice around the entrance of the cave. The fluff on his legs sensed the touch from the ground, and he found the underground cavity pipe.

He stretched out the claw, and after the digging foot became a claw, the front part became sharper. At this time, it is more handy to poke holes in the ground.

A few openings were opened in the pipes of the red ant nest, and after a few waves of red and black ants came out to check, the swarm army directly pressed in.

The giant elk soldier ants are at the forefront, and the little soldier ants are covering around them. If there are few insects on the opposite side, rush forward to fight melee, if there are many insects on the opposite side, make an opening, and the worker ants behind will provide long-range fire support.

The bugs fought steadily, and although there were some losses, they were all within the acceptable range.

The battle continued until dark, mainly because the passage was relatively narrow, the team could not be deployed, and the superiority of the troops could not be reflected. In fact, less than one-fifth of the total army rushed into the passage.

Most of the army was waiting outside, and by the way, they cleared the three returning red ant hunting teams.

There is nothing to say about the battle of 1.8 million VS 10,000 or 20,000.

Basically, just as the rear army was about to charge, the battle was already ended by the front army...

To be honest, even cleaning the battlefield later took longer than fighting.

The loot is collected, and that's how the war of the bugs goes, and the victor gets everything. All the wreckage of the enemy and friendly troops will be recovered, and become the nutrient for the victor to grow again.

According to statistics after the war, the swarm lost about 20,000 people. Since most of the battlefields are in passages, the enemy's losses cannot be accurately counted.

But according to previous experience, there must be four to five million ants in the nest. Even if he was cut off by big-headed ants a month ago and rested for a month, he has almost replenished.

Luo Wen estimated that at least 400,000 yuan was needed.

Including the three hunting teams that were destroyed outside, there would be a total of about 450,000.

Just as they were calculating their accounts, a team slowly approached in the distance.

This is a large-scale unit of the swarm, two hundred super giant soldier ants, five hundred giant soldier ants and two large scorpions.

Both types of giant soldier ants use the template of the big-headed soldier ant with some minor modifications. The ejection start gene is added to make them move more flexibly in a small range. At the same time, the size of the jaw teeth is slightly increased to slightly increase their attack power.

The two scorpions belonged to the experimental species, because some genes for strengthening muscles were added. They are a bit bigger than their prototypes, not counting the tail, and their body length is about forty centimeters.

Since he really couldn't think of their function, Luo Wen just tried to build two, just to test their combat effectiveness through this battle with the big-headed ants.

In addition to the super giant soldier ants and scorpions, there are about 10,000 small combat units riding on their backs to protect them.

Although these big guys look powerful, their combat power is reflected in singles and group battles. If they were allowed to encounter a red ant hunting team alone, those poisonous stingers would be enough for them to drink a pot. If you are accidentally surrounded, your life may be in danger.

Before, because they were not strong enough to keep up with the speed of transporting bugs, they were arranged by Rowan to move slowly behind.

Anyway, they are not needed in the battle of clearing the red ant nest. And the army ahead has left a lot of pheromone markers along the way, enough to keep them from getting lost.

When the army marched before, the two red ant hunting teams encountered. Rowan chose to bypass them because he was in a hurry.

However, bypassing them does not mean letting them go.

After crossing them, Rowan left two mobile teams to watch them.

These teams are responsible for tracking, harassing, and laying traps. The team not only has regular arms, but also special combat arms such as scout bugs and spy bugs, and even an ant queen.

The IQ of the queen ant allowed this team to carry out more complicated tasks formulated by Rowan. Combat methods are also more flexible and changeable.

After breaking away from the main force, the two teams ran to the front of the red ant hunting team and placed many confusing pheromone beacons.

These beacons kept the Predators circling in circles without realizing it.

Afterwards, the team gathered the giant unit combat troops that were slowly marching in the rear, and at the same time conveyed Rowan's order.

Looking at the trophies behind these big guys, Rowan nodded in satisfaction. It seems that they have executed their orders quite well.

However, the corpses of a few giant soldier ants are a bit eye-catching. Red ants do not have such combat units, so their origins can be imagined.

And the missing half of the escort troops made this operation look a bit flawed.

Fortunately, those super giants and giant scorpions did not lose, the battle was won, and the dead guys were brought back.

These big guys are protein for walking, backup rations for living.

When there is a food crisis in the ant nest, the worker ants will kill these large combat units to supplement food. Therefore, the loss of these big guys is enough for an ordinary ant nest to feel distressed for a long time.

Although Luo Wen hasn't chilled to this point yet, he can't help being stingy. He regards the bug swarm as his own, and it would be fine if it was a small unit, but each of these big guys was cultivated by him with a lot of resources. Whether it is alive or dead, it is not enough to lose one.

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