I Am the Swarm

Chapter 744 Elimination

In fact, if Sarah only uses basic abilities such as electromagnetic acceleration, these functions will not even be able to continue to reduce the energy reserve. Even under the overload of the dark energy furnace, the energy reserve is still increasing at an extremely slow speed.

Carrying the wreckage of K2N9 and the hard-top metal barrage, Sarah's body slowly moved backwards due to the strong kinetic energy, and her feet pulled out a deep mark on the ground of the passage.

But when the electromagnetic system intervened in the work, the electromagnetic ejection exerted force instantly, and the huge power increase made Sarah immediately retreat and advance towards the Ji clan team against the wreckage.

If there were only Ji clan soldiers present, Sarah would have killed them long ago, and then fled. But just because of the four mechanical soldiers, the combat effectiveness of this team has undergone a qualitative change.

The time gained by the machine finally made those ordinary Ji clan soldiers react and quickly joined the ranks of shooting. The multifunctional rifles are now using the energy attack mode. Although this attack may break through Sarah's biological armor, according to Serena's calculations, using them is the fastest way to break down Sarah's defenses.

Sure enough, the K2N9's metal armor couldn't withstand the attack of this active main battle weapon. After a few shots, it was punched with several holes, and even Sarah, who was hiding behind her, had several scorched black marks on her body.

Struggling to throw out the metal wreckage in her hand, Sarah bent down to avoid a few energy shots, and picked up another relatively intact K2N9 wreckage. go out.

In the midst of the explosion, this kick created a sonic boom. If she went to participate in any football games, she would be a god-like existence based on the strength of this kick alone.

A few metal wreckages, like shells, flew towards the Ji clan team. If they were allowed to approach, they would definitely disrupt their formation.

The Vulcan cannons of the two mechanical soldiers turned around. According to Serena's calculations, they could not cause damage to the Zerg Queen, but could only stop her advance to a limited extent. Blocking metal wreckage like shells had a higher priority. Some.

Sure enough, the shell with strong kinetic energy was intercepted by the Vulcan shell with the same kinetic energy halfway. But what Serena can calculate is only based on the information in the existing database, and it cannot predict what the database does not have.

Without the blocking of the two Vulcan cannons, Sarah's ability to move has greatly increased. Although it was only a short period of time, Sarah, who has super high computing power and reaction speed, easily caught this flaw.

With the maximum output of electromagnetic kinetic energy, Sarah's entire body burst into a dazzling blue halo, and there seemed to be a buzzing sound in the air. With a flash of blue light, Sarah rushed forward a few steps in an instant. At the same time, she was completely enveloped by the blue electric light, and the electric arc bounced off her body, exuding a dangerous aura.

Sarah's change made the Ji family realize immediately that this is a new variable added. Although Serena reacted quickly and manipulated the Vulcan cannon to re-target Sarah, it was already too late.

Although Sarah was still a few meters away from the Ji clan's team, they had already entered the range of the electromagnetic field. At this time, Sarah has turned into a dazzling white ball, and outsiders can no longer see her figure, and those blue arcs seem to have disappeared.

Just when the energy level kept rising and reached the limit, the white light ball suddenly exploded, and a wave of powerful energy pulses, like a tide, swept away in all directions.

The soldiers of the Ji clan who were swept by the tide continuously burst out electric sparks. While a large number of weapon systems failed, even the face masks and helmets integrated with multiple functions had a short circuit. The harsh radio waves almost caught their eardrums off guard wear.

Pain-sensing nerves, this kind of ability that does not know whether it is evolution or degeneration, caused these tingling pains to instantly crush the soldiers' body systems. They bent down unconsciously to cover their helmets, and the shooting naturally stopped.

And those mechanical soldiers were even more unbearable, they went down directly, but judging from their constantly flashing eyes, they were trying to restart and reconnect to the Duji clan network.

Of course Sarah would not give them this chance. Although she was a little weak after the big move, she still stepped forward a few steps and chopped those mechanical soldiers into pieces. As for the ordinary soldiers bending over and moaning in pain, Sarah touched a few high-explosive grenades and pulled them away, throwing them at their feet.

The rest depends on their luck, don't rely on the hope she didn't give them. A few seconds later, there was an explosion behind Sarah, the passage collapsed, and everything was calm.

Although the protective suits of the soldiers of the Ji clan are sufficient to withstand this level of explosion, it is under normal circumstances. Sarah does not know whether they can still survive the damage due to their own materials after some of their functions are destroyed by the electromagnetic pulse. Such a strong defense. Even if they can be prevented, can they survive the rescue after the air circulation system is damaged? But what does it matter to her? Sarah was not stupid enough to sympathize with the enemy.

This wave of electromagnetic pulse, to be honest, although the effect is cool, the energy consumed is not high, it is only the value of the instantaneous output, which surpasses a little bit of negative energy shield. But the negative energy shield is consumed continuously, which is incomparable to the explosive electromagnetic pulse.

But to be honest, this skill is a bit tasteless, because the Ji clan's own equipment has a good anti-EMP effect, and Sarah must get close enough to them to be able to penetrate their defense system.

Fortunately, this system only needs the support of a small organ tissue to acquire this ability. Based on the principle of not occupying space and not overwhelming the body with too many skills, Sarah's worm body is equipped with this ability. Didn't expect it to work wonders here.

But this thing is basically a one-time ability. After it has been exposed, with the ability of Ji clan's artificial intelligence, it will basically not give Sarah the environment to use it a second time.

After cleaning up the previous Ji clan team, there is no obstacle in the passage, and after walking a few more steps, Sarah will be able to get out of this gelatinous bonding area. As long as you leave here, it means more than half of the success.

The specially made worm body has a very strong resilience. After a few seconds of rest, the internal damage caused by the overloaded electromagnetic ejection and output just now has been recovered. Sarah regained her fighting ability, and she immediately quickened her pace. Coming out of the falling passage, she had been delayed here for nearly ten seconds, and she could not delay any longer.

It only takes less than a second for the instantaneous electromagnetic acceleration to start working again. Even if the terrain is complicated, she can still run a hundred meters in the passage and leave this place.

It's just that the moment she exerted her force, Sarah felt a warning sign in her heart. She only had time to deflect her body a little before she was slammed behind by a huge force.

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