I Am the Swarm

Chapter 751 Explosion

A burst of energy erupted from the inside of the star. Although it was insignificant compared to the star, it was like ice water thrown into hot oil, causing some chain reactions quickly.

Stars are large plasmas held together by their own gravity, but this energy briefly disrupts their gravitational balance. Pushed outward by gravity and radiation pressure, the star swelled rapidly, visible to the naked eye, and soon engulfed its first planet, followed by the second.

"Accelerate forward!" Although the rapidly expanding stars look spectacular, this kind of magnificence, accompanied by a fatal crisis, is definitely not a sight that can be observed up close.

The Zerg seems to have also noticed the change of the stars, but once the change of the star-level celestial body occurs, it is difficult for civilizations like the Zerg or Ji to intervene.

The Zerg fleet, trembling with the Ji clan's unmanned fighter jets, separated a part and flew towards the mutated star. It seemed that they were trying to figure out what the Ji clan had done.

But the Ji Clan saw the direction the team was heading, and they were not chasing the fleet, nor did they stop it. Not to mention the distribution of these three melons and two dates, even the entire Zerg fleet, or even multiplying it by ten or a hundred times, is not enough to look at in front of the stars, let alone stop anything.

The expansion of the star became faster and faster. Before the Zerg squad had traveled far, it was enveloped by the expanding star. A few seconds later, the star enveloped the battlefield between the Zerg fleet and the Ji clan drones.

However, perhaps because the expansion is too fast and the energy is dispersed, the outer edge of the expanding star is only about 3,000 to 5,000 degrees. This temperature is nothing to the ancient class of Zerg. As for Ji Clan's unmanned fighter jet, although some internal precision parts cannot withstand the high temperature, its airtightness and heat insulation are quite good, and it can still maintain it for a while.

But the ballooning star soon overwhelmed the planet of life used to sign the deal. The planet's atmosphere is rapidly heated and boiled, the sea water is boiled and evaporated, and the vegetation and forests are ignited by high temperatures, burning raging flames.

Compared with those space creatures or battleships, the life on the planet has less abnormal resistance. Whether it was the protozoa, the ground troops of the Zerg, or the abandoned landing team members of the Ji clan, their fate had already been led to the same trajectory, the difference was only time.

The star is expanding faster and faster, even catching up with the Ji clan fleet that had left long ago, but the high temperature is only a few thousand degrees, and even the unmanned fighter jets are temporarily helpless, let alone the Ji clan warships.

"Open the slanted stance and continue to accelerate!" As soon as the stance was opened, some obstacles were completely unnecessary, and the speed of the fleet increased again, and finally broke out of the range of the expanding star.

Looking at the huge star that was still chasing after them, the commanders of the Ji Clan looked a little gloomy.

"Is it really good to do this?" Suddenly, a commander broke the silence.

Others knew what he was talking about, the reason why the Zerg queen dared to risk herself to participate in this conspiracy. Not only because this is the territory of the Zerg, after all, it has only been occupied by the Zerg for many years. Even if the Zerg develops rapidly, it will not be able to operate this place as an impregnable wall in just a few years.

And their real reliance is those foreign captives. Those captives numbered in the trillions, covering most of the members of the Star Sea Alliance. With these hostages, the Zergs did not believe that the Jis dared to risk the disgrace of the world.

But the Zerg had far overestimated the integrity of the Ji Clan. Not only did they take action, they even wanted to get rid of this hidden danger.

"What's wrong, such a rare opportunity, during the signing ceremony, the Zerg made a bold move, and even chose to blow up the star in order to kill the elders of the Ji clan. So, those captives, the elders of the Ji clan, and countless Ji clan elders Officers and soldiers were buried in the explosion."

"They won't believe such a statement full of loopholes."

"It doesn't matter, we have already given the explanation, believe it or not. Besides, even if they don't believe it, what can they do? A group of low-level forces of civilization in the outer circle and the middle circle, can they make a fuss?"

"But in our clan, there are quite a few people from other races. What if they raise doubts?"

"That's even better, just take this opportunity to eliminate a wave of disloyalty to our clan."

"But they also have elders."

"Haven't you noticed that you are ugly? What happened to the elders? It's not that the elders have never died. Just three days ago, more than a dozen elders died, and their role is only to let the Zerg relax their vigilance."

"Alas..." The commander who asked the question sighed secretly, the Ji clan had become nothing like the Ji clan he knew. But he couldn't say this clearly, otherwise he might be labeled as disloyal.

Although he is high and powerful, he is still a few chips behind the elders of the Ji clan. Now even the elders of the Ji Clan are dead, more than a dozen at a time. In front of this kind of power, he is not even a fart, so he dare not continue to talk nonsense.

After the star expands to a certain size, it finally slows down and gradually stops. But in an instant, the expanded star suddenly shrunk inward at a speed that was even close to the speed of light, making people jaw-dropping.

It took tens of minutes to expand, but it only took a few seconds to shrink back. The sudden compression allowed the star to temporarily reach a temperature of more than hundreds of billions of degrees. The collapse occurred in a very short period of time, and the upper layer of the star fell. It then collides with the collapsed core, releasing all the previously built-up pressure in that split second.

The explosion tore the star into pieces in an instant, scattering powerful shock waves. The energy released by it is appalling. The accumulated energy released by stars in a normal period of 10 billion years is only one-tenth of the energy released in one second at this moment.

The power of the shock wave generated by such a powerful energy can be imagined. Those planets that were not destroyed by the expanding star were destroyed and became the periodic table of elements without even surviving for a second.

But the power of a star explosion is not limited to that. In the next few years, or even hundreds of years, this energy will sweep the entire star field, and the range may exceed nearly a thousand light-years.

In other words, all the sites of the Zerg in this star field will be within the envelope of this explosion, and several star systems that are closer to each other will even be directly destroyed. Even with the Zerg's super adaptability, and The tenacious vitality, these star systems, will also be their forbidden zone.

Even if the distance is far away, those living planets will probably lose the ability to conceive and nurture life. Those corps of the Zerg that use native genes can only wait for death unless they are transferred.

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