I Am the Swarm

Chapter 756 Transfer

"Don't be careless. Maybe the Zerg has some special means of delivery. But after this star explosion, the Zerg's infiltration plan should be completely shattered."

It turned out that the Ji Clan detonated the stars not only to clean up those hostage handles, but also to clean up these infiltrating units of the Zerg.

Over the years, the Zerg have sent countless infiltration units towards them. Their size is too small, and the Star Sea Alliance has no ability to search every inch of the star field and completely clean them up.

And according to the inferred data, these infiltration units must have an extremely powerful dormancy mechanism, which can make them float in the void for an exaggerated number of years. Although the speed of these small things is very slow, if it takes a long time, who knows where they will disperse, maybe tens of thousands of years later, they will be able to disperse throughout the Star Sea Alliance.

Without people realizing it, the place below their habitat has been hollowed out and turned into a Zerg territory. This situation is very scary when you think about it.

Therefore, the Ji clan, as the leading brother of the Star Sea Alliance, must come up with a perfect plan to eliminate these hidden dangers once and for all.

Thus, the plan to detonate the stars appeared. Although this plan was opposed by many people at the beginning, it was finally passed with the blessing of killing multiple birds with one stone.

The powerful shock wave formed by the star explosion will hardly be attenuated in the early stage. The star systems closest to the explosion point are also the star systems with the highest probability of being infiltrated by Zerg. Except for the stars, all other planets, satellites, small Things like planets and meteorite belts will be destroyed by this powerful shock wave.

And the Zerg that might inhabit and settle on them will naturally be cleaned up as well. As for those small infiltration units that are still wandering in space, it is even more impossible to withstand the shock wave of the star explosion.

However, the speed of the star shock wave is not fast. Before that, the Zerg is likely to attack the Ji clan fleet with all the troops lurking on those planets.

But judging from the fact that they haven't shown up, it may be true that as the previous staff officer said, the time is too short, and they haven't had time to land yet. It may also be that the time is too short, they have not developed much, and the troops are far from the opponent of this Ji clan fleet.

But if the Zerg Queen is placed in the middle of the fleet, the current half of the fleet enters the star gate, which is equivalent to halving the strength of the Ji Clan fleet again. If the Zerg rush out at this time, it is really hard to say who will die.

"Then put the target at the front of the team? Wouldn't that be a bit inappropriate?"

"What's wrong? Opposite the star gate is the hinterland of the alliance. Even if the Zerg rush out, we can destroy the star gate, and our remaining warships are enough to ensure that we leave before the Zerg encircle us. Of course, this is just the worst case scenario. "

"Impossible. If the Zerg could really reach this level, they would have intercepted us halfway. Why wait until now."

"Maybe it's because their forces are too scattered. We just got the news that the detection device we deployed on the LKDW377 side has detected stealth units that are suspected to be Zerg. The number is unknown."

"We have ignored this. Even if the Zerg has infiltrated all the galaxies around here, it is not easy for them to get together."

"In this way, there may be Zerg troops following us along the way, but they didn't do anything because of their lack of strength."

"I don't think so. Although the Zerg has the inheritance of an unknown civilization, it seems that the level of technology is not superior to ours at present. In most aspects, they are still far behind. They want to follow us quietly. In my opinion, absolutely impossible."

"I think so too. Wouldn't it be better if they had the ability to directly destroy the star gate and wait for the troops to assemble before intercepting us?"

"Makes sense."

"Don't think too strongly about the Zerg, but to be on the safe side, I still think it's better to put the goal first and pass through the star gate."

"But we also have rats inside, what if they?..."

"You say they are mice, and you still look down on them so much? Don't they still want to snatch the Zerg Queen? Not to mention whether they can get the specific location coordinates opposite the star gate, even if there are people of them in the fleet, but this point We are not without precautions. On the opposite side of the star gate, Ying has mobilized a team to respond. Besides, the opposite side is different from here. Even if the Zerg show up, they will return to their territory if they cannot win. In our hinterland, as long as they dare to show their heads, it is tantamount to suicide."

"I hope so."

After some discussion, the battleship carrying the Zerg Queen was arranged at the front of the team.

A few days later, the fleet had arrived in front of the star gate, and the surging energy tide overflowed, and the center of the ring-shaped star gate gradually became a little different.

"The channel is connected, everything is normal, you can enter!" After the mechanical broadcast sound, the first hundred warships entered it first.

Only a few minutes later, the quantum communication equipment sent the message that the vanguard reported safety.

"Okay, the vanguard has already contacted the responding troops, and Serena hasn't issued an alarm, let the target go!"

The battleship carrying the Zerg Queen was already ready to go. After receiving the order, it joined the team and headed for the star gate. But just when it was about to enter the star gate, an accident happened.

The bright light on the star gate suddenly went out partly, and then turned on again instantly, which caused the passage in the center of the ring to become choppy and unstable.

"What's going on! Serena?" With the level of technology of the Ji clan, with artificial intelligence self-checking all the time, it is impossible for some low-level mechanical failures to occur. Not to mention such a critical and coincidental point in time, the occurrence of such a thing must be a sign of what is about to happen.

"The connection to the C36 area of ​​​​XM1209 is lost... There is an unknown authority intrusion... Warning, warning, the system has been compromised, the system has been compromised... The coordinates of the star gate have been changed..."

A series of mechanical sounds sounded, but what they broadcast made many commanders and staff members of the Ji clan break out in a cold sweat.

"Stop them!" shouted a commander.

"Contact the battleship JZJ18982192798, the contact failed, the other party has turned off all communication equipment... Trying to take over the battleship JZJ18982192798... The subroutine of ZN1568901 was disabled, and the takeover failed... The battleship JZJ18982192798 lost control and was suspected of being hijacked. Notify all units to pay attention... Requesting further instructions..."

The ZN1568901 subroutine is the shipboard artificial intelligence of the battleship JZJ18982192798. The commanders and staff members of the Ji clan only feel that they have refreshed their knowledge, and there are actually people who can do this to this level.

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