I Am the Swarm

Chapter 774 Blocking

"We can't wait any longer, we must declare war on the Ji Clan now!"

"Are you crazy? We are no match for the Ji clan!"

"Do you have a better way? If you continue to wait, the efforts of our ancestors will be in vain."

"That's right, we must take the initiative to start a war. Although it is indeed a bit hasty, but after thinking about it, it is a good choice."

The meeting place of the mysterious organization has been changed. Since it is already planned to reveal its identity, there is no point in continuing to hide it. Sure enough, under the black robes, are all powerful figures in various inner circle civilizations. But at this time their opinions were not quite unified.

"Appreciate further details."

"The advantages of taking the initiative to fight, one is that this decision, although it is very hasty for us, is the same for the Ji clan. The second is that the war will disrupt the rhythm of the Ji clan and make their self-examination impossible. , at least in the army. They must use these troops to support until the arrival of reinforcements. Even if they know that there are ghosts inside, they must do so. Third, after the war, we can take XM768 and XM1209 stars openly door, and send the Zerg Queen back safely."

Hearing this, everyone thought about it carefully, and it was true. The original war against insects, mobilization and mobilization of the army, the Star Sea Alliance has been preparing for decades. And for a war like this involving nearly twenty advanced civilizations, it will take longer to prepare.

But the inner circle alliance has actually been preparing for this day for hundreds of thousands of years. Although it is not at the combat readiness level, it is much better than the Ji clan.

And the inner circle alliance has another big advantage, that is, the civilizations in the inner circle basically border on the Ji clan, which can easily threaten the territory of the Ji clan.

Although the Ji clan has a lot of troops, more than half of them are scattered all over the Star Sea Alliance, such as garrison points, star gates, star ports, and those patrolling troops. Although the troops of the star gates and star ports can quickly pass through the star gates Hurry back, but if they leave, there is a risk of losing the star gate and star port.

If they disperse the troops, some of them return to aid, and some stay behind. Don’t forget how the star gate XM768 was lost before.

Although compared with the Ji Clan and the inner circle alliance, the combat power of the middle circle civilization and the outer circle civilization is dispensable, even if they all rebel, supporting the inner circle alliance through the star gate will not have much effect .

But the Ji clan couldn't give up those star gates because of this, because those garrison points and patrolling troops outside had to go through the star gates if they wanted to return quickly.

When the Ji Clan built the star gate, they didn't expect this day at all, so the star gate, star port and garrison point are usually separated by a long distance.

Another reason why the Ji Clan can't give up the star gates is that in the Star Sea Alliance, although the Ji Clan has built many star gates in various places, there are only ten of them in the Ji Clan territory. In case the outer star gate is lost, the inner alliance can send troops directly to the hinterland of the Ji clan through the star gate. It can even transmit large-yield bombs and directly blow up the star gate. If the ten star gates in its territory are blown up, the Ji clan will be left alone and helpless for a long time.

It's a pity that the Ji clan has been operating there for too long, and has already built the territory into an impregnable wall. Otherwise, with just those fleets, the inner circle alliance may have severely damaged the Ji clan even without the help of the Zerg.

However, the real enemy of the inner circle alliance is not those new season clans, but "Ying". And "Ying"'s special life form makes it very difficult to kill, so it's useless to just severely injure the Ji clan. The inner circle alliance must completely clean up all traces of the Ji clan.

Since the territories of the Ji clan and those inner circle civilizations are very large, although the Inner Circle Alliance declared war on the Ji clan in the ninety-seventh year of the new era, it will not be until the hundredth year of the new era that Sarah's spaceship is about to When they arrived at the XM768 star gate, they only fought a few small-scale battles, and both sides suffered damage, but they were not serious.

According to the original plan of the Inner Circle Alliance, after they declare war on the Ji Clan, they will give priority to taking down XM768 Stargate and Extreme Starport, but in fact, it is much more difficult to accomplish this goal than they imagined.

Because Stargate XM768 has not stopped transporting troops since it was repaired. In a few years, the Ji Clan has assembled hundreds of millions of warships in this small star field.

This number has far exceeded the defense standard that a star gate should enjoy. Moreover, there was a troop fleet before, and after being summoned, they conducted a self-inspection. Although they did not find the Zerg Queen, they found a lot of problematic guys, which made the inner alliance's ability to resist these warships worse.

In fact, the inner circle alliance does not have a large number of internal agents on a warship, so they usually use EMP bombs to explode internally, this kind of suicide attack.

But since the Ji clan took precautions and the level of guarding against EMP bombs has been raised several notches, this kind of attack has become very difficult.

When the fleet has fewer internal responders due to self-inspection, this kind of operation becomes even more difficult. Therefore, if the Inner Circle Alliance wants to win Stargate XM768, it can't be done by relying on internal reaction as before.

But if you want to attack by force, under the guard of more than 100 million warships, you can only send a small number of warships to the stargate at a time, then you really come and send as much as you want.

Therefore, for various reasons, until Sarah's arrival, this place is still in the hands of the Ji clan.

During this period of time, the high-ranking members of the inner circle civilization were scratching their heads anxiously. The Zerg queen was already in place, but the channel was not opened, not only on XM768, but also on XM1209.

What's more, the Ji clan actually blew up the XM1209 stargate. Fortunately, under the desperate efforts of Ying in the inner circle alliance, and the solid attributes of the stargate itself, there is still a possibility of repairing XM1209. At present, the engineers of the Inner Circle Alliance are trying to repair it with the help of the Zerg.

However, XM768 has turned off the option to transfer to XM1209. Although the permission can be granted again, it will take more time. This made the plan of the Inner Circle Alliance to take down the Stargate control room and forcibly open the Stargate regardless of the cost, also ruined.

"You said it's already been this battle, will the target return to XM768 star gate?"

"If she still wants to go home, she must come back, maybe she has already arrived."

"But we are so strict in defense, isn't there no chance for her? If the target doesn't do anything, it will be difficult for us to find her location."

"It doesn't matter, our goal now is the same as before. The previous plan was to capture the target, but now it is to prevent the target from returning to the Zerg. As long as the target cannot return outside, we can concentrate on dealing with the so-called inner circle." Alliance without worrying about Zerg meddling."

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