I Am the Swarm

Chapter 790 Influence

Although the Ji clan lost more than a dozen star gates at one time, they still control hundreds of star gates. Although this little loss looks ugly, it is actually not considered a serious injury.

And these dozens of star gates are also dispensable for the Zerg. The Zerg has no desire for the territory of those foreign races, and even those foreign races can reproduce normally, which is what the Zerg expects, so that they can be harvested by the Zerg like the Rickon ranch.

But the importance of these star gates to the inner circle alliance is unimaginable. Because of the special composition of the inner circle alliance, they need a large number of foreigners to fill some basic combat positions.

However, due to the limitation of distance, the number of their fleets is already facing constraints. The addition of more than a dozen star gates at this time is equivalent to the addition of more than a dozen conscription points, which can be described as an epic-level enhancement that will send charcoal in a timely manner.

Although the recruitment of a large number of soldiers conflicted with the Zerg's ranch plan, in order not to arouse unnecessary suspicion, the Zerg didn't say much. Anyway, even if these personnel died on the battlefield, the Zerg could still harvest some of them. It's a small matter, making some unpleasant things.

The return of the Zerg Queen has greatly improved the decision-making efficiency of the Zerg. The Zerg force's support for the front lines has once again been strengthened. Although Sarah was wandering outside, it was all in the eyes of outsiders, but she still shouted the slogan of revenge, because this was in line with the personality set in the eyes of the Ji clan and the inner circle alliance.

On the front line, the troops of the Anti-Ji Clan Alliance still followed the stellar shock wave, slowly but firmly marching towards the hinterland of the Ji Clan.

In order to contain this situation, the Ji clan has decided to launch a wave of counterattacks to prevent the alliance army from advancing.

It is foreseeable that this will be a needle-to-head battle, and the number of troops participating in the battle on both sides is likely to exceed 50 billion. A war of this magnitude has never been seen in this star field since the birth of the Ji Clan. In front of it, any star gate wars or wars against insects can be regarded as petty fights.

It can be said that all intelligent life in this star field, including those foreigners who have little right to speak, are looking forward to the start of this battle.

Because they have been restricted in their actions, they really need a little talk to pass the increasingly boring life. And the star gate battle can only be regarded as dessert before dinner, they need a real big meal.

As for the anti-season alliance, the inner alliance is eager for this war. The Ji clan has hundreds of overseas production bases. The longer the time drags on, the more unlikely their victory will be. Therefore, they are the forces most eager to go to war. They urgently need to consume the Ji clan through war, so as not to keep accumulating their troops.

On the Zerg side, it doesn't matter. The Zerg has its own cards, which the inner circle alliances don't know. Moreover, the demands of the two sides are different. What the inner circle alliance wants is to get rid of the restraint of the Ji clan and lift the mountain that has been suppressed for millions of years. But the Zerg is different. The Zerg just want to use this prosperous land as a pasture. It is even better to downplay your own sense of existence, so that the sheep will thrive with peace of mind.

As for the sites, there are endless places like this in the universe, and the Zerg already have a long-distance warp. The sub-bases that have been opened over the years have reached thousands under Rowan's continuous efforts.

The sub-bases here are not the sub-bases in the previous definition. Each of the sub-bases mentioned here has dozens or even hundreds of star systems. And because there are no hostile forces and can expand unscrupulously, the scale of the first few bases developed is far greater than the current base in the Starfield of Origin.

Therefore, due to the hidden harvesting methods of the Zerg, the Zerg no longer care as much about the territory of this star field as before. So far, the war between Zerg and Ji has gradually changed from the initial battle of survival.

Therefore, whether this star field is dominated by the Ji clan, or the inner circle alliance, or the Zerg itself, it has little impact on the Zerg.

However, the Ji Clan still has what the Zerg needs. Whether it is their advanced technology or "Ying" itself, they are all things that can make the Zerg stronger. For such things, as long as there is an opportunity, Rowan will not refuse.

In order to narrow the scope of the war as much as possible and reduce the loss of pastures, the Zerg began to frantically increase their troops to the front in the name of revenge for the queen. The extent of its exaggeration made the inner circle alliance, which is an ally, a little dumbfounded.

In this regard, the inner circle alliance is happy to see the results, and at the same time strengthened its own deployment. Since the Zerg are so powerful and have enough cannon fodder, they also need to strengthen their long-range firepower and strive to wipe out the Ji clan troops with a big advantage. In this way, under the continuous snowballing, the advantage will become bigger and bigger, and they can also overthrow the Ji clan's rule earlier.

Moreover, such a large-scale increase of the Zerg's troops will definitely cause an emptiness of its own troops in the future. When the Ji Clan is wiped out, these troops should be almost exhausted. Wouldn't it be beautiful to tear up the agreement at that time and destroy the Zerg Clan in turn.

Thinking of this, the Inner Circle Alliance once again increased the plan to build fifty star gates for the Zerg in the name of speeding up the Zerg increase. And on these star gates, back doors were left to prepare for the rapid entry of troops into the Zerg hinterland in the future.

Naturally, the plan of the Inner Circle Alliance cannot be concealed from the Zerg that had infiltrated them through the sieve, but it is immoral to disturb other people's dreams. Out of personal high-quality recuperation, Rowan didn't remind them.

Because the Anti-Ji Clan Alliance was frantically increasing its troops like taking the wrong medicine, the Ji Clan had no choice but to follow up passively. Otherwise, if the difference in military strength is too great, it can only be regarded as sending troops when the level difference between the two sides is not large.

This makes the war that was originally predicted to be 50 billion level continue to increase the expected order of magnitude. On the front line, the vanguard troops of both sides have already begun to make contact.

A number of tentative firefights ensued. Since the two sides invested 50 billion warship-level troops in the war, the distance between the teams stretched close to a light-year, and it was very difficult to adjust the formation.

Therefore, in the process of approaching, both sides are constantly adjusting their own formations, hoping that they can use their local superior forces to destroy part of the opponent's effective forces first.

But in fact, this idea is extremely difficult to operate. Because there are no obstacles, all formations are carried out in the opponent's field of vision.

If one side changes, the other side will definitely make targeted arrangements, so in the end, war battles still need to be head-to-head to determine the outcome.

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