Rowan far underestimated his deep sleep time this time.

Although he is an extraordinary species in other worlds, it is normal for him to have some special talents.

But after all, the environment has changed, and the talent has mutated, which is beyond his control.

After losing Rowan's swarm navy, after raging around the coastline for a period of time, due to lack of fertility, it gradually withdrew from the stage of history.

Some arthropods and crustaceans re-occupied the place.

At the same time, fish in the deep sea gradually appeared in the shallow sea, and even wanted to move towards land.

But they are not opponents of crustaceans and arthropods with armored bodies and sharp weapons. Although they are flexible, they still belong to the bottom of the food chain.

On land, due to the destructive sweep of the insect swarm, a large number of creatures were wiped out, even the eggs of the insects were not left, and the ecosystem was severely damaged.

But the bugs disappeared collectively, and the plants that lost their checks and balances got an opportunity for development.

Plants become denser, a large amount of carbon dioxide in the air is absorbed, and carbon is deposited with the death of plants.

There is less and less carbon in the atmosphere, and the surface temperature is getting cooler.

Vegetation withers, life withers.

The planet is gradually covered in frost.

Luo Wen, who was supposed to wake up at this time, ate a frozen bug. There is a super dormant gene in the worm, which is activated by Rowan's state and the surrounding environment at this time...

Rowan fell into hibernation again, this time more thoroughly.

Time flies, and the planet covered with a thick ice shell finally has too much energy stored underground and cannot release it, thus erupting a volcano.

Countless underground substances broke through the ice and shot up into the sky. And a large amount of carbon is re-released along with these substances.

The sky was covered by a large amount of floating volcanic ash, and the planet that was supposed to be cooled again because of the sun being blocked, but because of a large number of volcanic eruptions at this time, the temperature continued to increase.

Thick shells of ice began to melt, turning into water vapor and rising into the sky.

At high altitudes, the water vapor cools and falls back to the earth, entrained by volcanic ash.

Volcanic ash contains rich minerals and nutrients that have been accumulated in the mantle for an unknown amount of time.

The life suppressed by the temperature begins to revel, this is a rain of life.

A large amount of vegetation absorbs rich mantle nutrients, rises from the ground, and releases a large amount of oxygen.

On the planet, the oxygen concentration is constantly increasing.

The creatures in the ocean began to move towards the land again, and a special fish in the deep sea took the opportunity to come ashore.

The original dominance of crustaceans and arthropods has completely changed with the arrival of this fish.

This fish has a cross-age black technology-spine.

Animals with vertebrae continue to grow in size through an environment of increased oxygen.

Instead, they are crustaceans and arthropods, although in an oxygen-rich environment, the respiratory system is no longer the main reason for restricting their size expansion.

However, due to the exoskeleton armor covered outside the body, if you want to improve your body shape, you must constantly shed your skin.

In the primitive environment, a lot of physical exertion during molting, and the weak period after molting, are the way to death.

In the pursuit of gigantic crustaceans and arthropods, only some have a small amount of success in the deep seabed, and all of them on land have failed without exception.

Due to the size of the failed crustaceans and arthropods, although they still have hard armor and sharp weapons, the living space is constantly squeezed by the increasingly huge vertebrates, and they are gradually reduced to the bottom of the food chain.

Some vertebrates no longer develop towards large bodies, they are small in size, and gradually occupy the ecological niche of insects.

And some other vertebrates pursue a larger size by virtue of abundant oxygen. Some species have even begun to attach a thick cuticle to the surface of their bodies, comparable to exoskeleton armor.

Part of the insect whose living space is squeezed, one day the carapace opens, and one or several pairs of wings stretch out under the carapace. These wings were created entirely out of thin air, making them one of the few, free-for-all success stories in the history of evolution.

Their sudden take-off has re-developed a blank ecological niche.

Insects who have gained the ability to fly have regained their place on the planet by virtue of their unique talents.

Some insects forego armor, including the solid carapace and most of the rest, in order to gain size.

Soon after, vertebrates also learned to fly. Unlike insects who have free wings, they have specialized their forelimbs into wings.

Relying on their advantages in size, vertebrates became the new overlords of the sky by flying higher and farther as soon as they took off.

In this way, vertebrates occupy the land and the sky. Only in the ocean, there are still some large crustaceans and arthropods that can occupy a small place.

(This ecological evolution is located on an unknown alien planet, any similarity is purely coincidental.)

A two to three centimeter green beetle flapped its wings quickly, looking for food in a low weed.

The wings are transparent and weak, and the inner texture is clearly visible.

There has just been a very large earthquake nearby, and the original surface environment has been destroyed. The familiar hunting grounds in the past can no longer be found, so I can only come to this strange place to try my luck.

Suddenly, a long, flesh-colored object flashed past, and the green beetle disappeared.

And not far from where the incident happened just now, a huge frog with a height of twenty centimeters and a dark green body was swallowing something with its eyelids raised.

After the work was done, there were a few satisfied "gurgles", and the eardrum became larger and smaller, matching with the lazy facial expression, it seemed very comfortable.

The frog's ears grow behind the eyes and look like buttons from a distance.

At this time, its sensitive ears seemed to hear something strange. But it didn't move, its eyes had a special structure, and its dynamic vision was very powerful. It was confident that no creature could sneak attack it.

Blind self-confidence killed it.

A violent wind sounded, as if something was attacking it rapidly, and its ears were sensitive enough to catch the slightest hint of crisis.

But when the frog stretched its hind legs and was about to jump away, it felt as if it had been hit by an unknown weapon, and the huge impact pressed its entire body into the mud.

In a blink of an eye, the culprit was revealed. At this moment, he could finally see his true colors clearly.

At this time, a huge and mighty pincer-shaped claw was covered with dense and small potholes, like a crater. The pit is covered with tiny fluff.

At this time, its tip was poking into the frog's body. Although the frog was not dead, the injury was only a matter of time.

Looking back along the claws, its owner is a huge beetle with a body length of 60 centimeters. Even in this oxygen-rich environment, bugs of this size are rarely seen on land.

In addition to a pair of huge claws, he actually has eight spider-like legs. The strange combination makes him very different, and he can be called a handsome boy in the world of insects.

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