“Students?” Harry asked.

“Yes, that magic only works for animals, not people.” Hagrid said.

Eugene came to Tooth and touched his head.

Tooth crawled there with a look of enjoyment.

“Who would that be?” Ron muttered.

“It should be a student who didn’t go home.” Harry said.

There are relatively few students staying in school this Christmas, but the number of students in the whole school is still quite large.

“By the way, I haven’t asked you, why didn’t Hermione come today?” Hagrid asked.

“It’s like this—” Harry was about to speak, but the words were snatched away by Eugene.

“Recently we were studying a potion, and then yesterday we accidentally got a piece of material wrong,” Eugene said, “and Hermione had a little accident while trying the drug.” ”

Hagrid looked at them suspiciously.

However, Harry and Ron nodded cooperatively.

“Hagrid, can I get some blood from my teeth?” Eugene asked.

Hagrid’s beard shook, and it took a while before he asked, “What do you want its blood for?” ”

Harry and Ron both looked at Eugene curiously.

“I’ve been teaching myself alchemy lately,” Eugene didn’t intend to hide, “I’m going to get some blood.” ”

“Alchemy?” Hagrid was surprised, “If memory serves, this is a sixth-grade course.” ”

“I’m more interested, so let’s learn it first.” Eugene said.

“In first year, Eugene managed to refine a piece,” Harry said, “By the way, what about your piece?” ”

Eugene smiled bitterly, “Accidentally broke it.” ”

The situation was that Harry passed through the black flame, and he found a different way, fused the two wines, and then drank them, followed by the black flames. After drinking that fusion liquid, Eugene was a little drunk.

Later, he staggered through the black flames, but he was dizzy and fell down the steps.

As a result, the palm broke and blood dripped onto the stone.

So that the light yellow stealth stone lost its effect.

Looking back now, Eugene felt a little afraid. In case he was wrong in his speculation, the liquid after the fusion of the two bottles of wine could not let him pass through the black flame, I am afraid that he would burn there.

“Oh—yes—” Hagrid said, “no problem, but I don’t have the tools.” Teeth and teeth are very afraid of pain. ”

Eugene didn’t expect Hagrid to agree, and he immediately took two things out of his pocket.

Small syringe and one test tube.

It has long been prepared.

“You’re quite prepared.” Hagrid stood up and took some creamy gummies from the table for Tooth.

He took the syringe in Eugene’s hand and plunged it into Tooth’s ass.

The teeth wanted to scream, but because they had just eaten the creamy gummies, the teeth were glued together.

Eugene thought that at this moment, tooth must feel like being pitted.

Hagrid drew a tube of blood and helped Eugene put it in a test tube.

Eugene immediately took out his wand and cast a spell on the test tube mouth, which was sealed.

“Thank you, Hagrid.” Eugene said, “I am very happy to have your help. ”

Hagrid smiled, his beard shaking, “If the refining is successful, tell me.” He winked at Eugene, “I’m particularly interested in something magical. ”


The four of them chatted in the cabin for a while, and it was not until dinner time that the three of them left.

For the next few days of vacation, Eugene spent time in the library and went to the school hospital to accompany Hermione.

Harry and Ron also frequented the library, and both were always looking for things about the Chamber of Secrets.

Of course, they didn’t make any progress.

The holidays passed quickly, and the day before the start of school, the students returned to Hogwarts Castle one after another.

On this morning, Eugene also received letters from Benson and Dora.

They also sent Eugene a hat as a late Christmas present.

The letter said they went to the Big Apple and played for three days.

Went to many interesting places.

They went to Film City again.

The letter also mentions the two of them going to the hospital for examinations.

Judging from the statements in the letter, they are still a little lost.

The test results said that because the blood types of the two were incompatible, it was difficult to keep the child.

“Happy New Year, Eugene!” A faint voice came.

It’s Luna.

Nothing changed, disheveled hair, with a pair of radish earrings.

No, one thing that changed was that she clamped her wand to her ear.

She still holds a copy of “Sing the Opposite Tune” in her hand.

“Happy New Year, Luna.”

“You don’t seem to be very happy.”

“It’s a little.”

“Can you tell me about it?” Luna sat down across from Eugene.

She didn’t feel at all that there was anything wrong with sitting at the Hufflepuff table.

Eugene told Luna that he wanted Benson and Dora to have a baby, but after going for a check-up, the doctor said that the two had a blood type match.

After Luna listened, she looked at Eugene blankly, and then she smiled, “I discovered a secret for you!” ”


Luna grinned, she stood up, stood on tiptoe, and climbed onto the table, trying to get closer to Eugene.

She knows that this secret should not be known by too many people.

“You are not their own son.” Luna said in a voice that only Eugene could hear.

With that, she jumped off the table.

Fortunately, there are not many people in the auditorium, otherwise, Luna’s action is really a little…

How to say it? It’s always easy to misunderstand.

In fact, it has already been misunderstood.

It turned out that Ginny was not far from them, looking at them a little dumbfounded.

Ginny opened her mouth slightly, wanting to say something. She didn’t expect that her good friend had just done something like that.

Luna didn’t seem to care very much, she straightened her robe.

Then, she seemed to notice something, “So, you read vampire books before, and the books that asked me to borrow tarantulas, is it related to your background——”

“Shh-” Eugene hurried to stop her, “Be quiet, don’t let them hear.” ”

“Oh, I’m sorry.” Luna’s face was a little red, “I didn’t expect it just now, I’ll guess it.” ”

“So did you find out something?”

Eugene shook his head, “No clue. ”

“What type of book do you want to read, I will try to borrow it for you.” Luna said, “Our library has a lot of rare books, some of which are handwritten diaries. ”

Eugene’s eyes lit up, this is a good idea, why didn’t he think of it before?

“Then you can help me find out some special but little-known things that happened in 1980-1981, which are better than those that happened in Dunlan, Aitel, or Big Apple City.”

“No problem.” Luna nodded, “I’ll write it down.” ”

After this day, Eugene has been looking forward to it, but it seems that this time is a bit long.

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