I am the villain, plundering the destiny of the heroine

Chapter 158 157: The Daluo Sword that controls the power of time and space [Please subscribe! 】

"Among the four levels of heaven, earth, Xuan and Huang, the exercises below the earth level were created by ancient sages who observed the secrets of heaven. However, the heaven level exercises were not created by human beings, but were all created by heaven. The fragments generated after the collapse evolved." Su Xianer continued to explain to Li Xu.

"No one knows how many pieces the Heavenly Dao collapsed into 20,000 years ago. I'm afraid even the Nine Days Emperor doesn't know this. In the ancient books I've read, there are only five clearly recorded Heavenly Dao fragments."

"They are the Great Luo Sword, which corresponds to the gold in the Five Elements of Heaven, the Jingtian Charming Earth Secret, which corresponds to the wood in the Five Elements of Heaven, Frozen Thousand Miles, which corresponds to the water in the Five Elements of Heaven, the Burning Fire Secret, which corresponds to the fire in the Five Elements of Heaven, and the Six Paths of Reincarnation. Gong corresponds to the earth in the five elements of heaven..."

The more Li Xu listened, the more surprised he looked!

When he played the original game in his previous life, he only knew that every heaven-level skill was extremely powerful and terrifying, but he had no idea that all the heaven-level skills were derived from the fragments of heaven and corresponded to the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. No one has ever told him!

...No wonder Jiang Yue has also mastered the Six Paths Devouring Heaven Technique. The Heavenly Temple she belongs to has a long history, and the sect must have retained a lot of inheritance related to the fragments of Heavenly Dao.

"The reason why catastrophes occurred 20,000 years ago was precisely because of the collapse of heaven and earth, which caused the spiritual power of heaven and earth to fail and all things to wither, and various famines and disasters emerged one after another."

Speaking of this, in the soul ring space, Su Xianer's voice began to tremble with excitement again, and her bright starry eyes shone with admiration.

Li Xu's mind suddenly moved as he listened, guessing that this guy would definitely brag about the Nine-Day Emperor again in his next sentence.

as expected.

"It wasn't until the Nine-Day Emperor was born! He single-handedly suppressed the dark turmoil and collected the fragments of Heaven's Dao in sequence. Only then was it possible to reshape the order of Heaven's Dao and completely resolve the catastrophe that had brought despair to all the people in the world!"

...Sounds quite remarkable. Who with "Nine Days" in their name is an ordinary person?

Li Xu secretly kept the title "Nine-Day Emperor" in mind. His eyes kept scanning back and forth on the mural in front of him, and suddenly he said to Su Xian'er as if he had a sudden realization:

"Xian'er, you just said that the Nine-Day Emperor spent his entire life searching for the ruins of the Haotian Sect - just for this Great Luo Sword, which was derived from the Way of Heaven?"

Su Xian'er looked in the direction of Li Xu's finger and saw on the penultimate wall of the mural, a fairy sword descended from the sky and plunged straight into the highest mountain peak of the Haotian Sect, creating a terrifying scene of the sky collapsing and the earth shattering and the earth sinking. .

Next to the mural is another ancient text that states:

No one knew where the great sword that controlled the power of time and space came from. In short, the moment it fell into the sect, the Haotian Sect was destined to be destroyed.

All time and space were disrupted and turned upside down. Some elders returned to youth, some disciples turned into withered bones overnight, and the sect leader even entered the river of time alone...

Li Xu had actually seen this mural in the original game in his previous life. It was equivalent to a cutscene. From the perspective of a low-level disciple of the Haotian Sect, it recorded all the changes that happened to the sect when the catastrophe came.

As Su Xian'er said, just the initial stage of the catastrophe was quite terrifying. The originally abundant spiritual power in the world was completely exhausted. Countless vegetation and crops suffered death. After the monks lost the supply of spiritual power from heaven and earth, their cultivation levels declined. It was falling sharply every moment, and the whole world looked like it was dead, without any life left.

Because the Haotian Sect was the most powerful sect at that time, it had a deep foundation and a very high risk resistance. With the resources such as the spiritual stone veins it had accumulated, it was barely surviving in the Age of Ending Law, hoping to survive until the day when the spiritual energy was revived.

However, they did not wait for the spiritual energy to revive, they only waited for a Da Luo sword falling from the sky - it is worth mentioning that the mural said that the Da Luo sword controls the power of time and space, which is indeed true.

In the original plot of the previous life, regarding the attribute information of Daluo Sword, the game official also stated that it has the power to control time and space.

It's just that no player has ever been able to clear the ruins and conquer the Great Luo Sword, and Li Xu doesn't know exactly what kind of power of time and space it has mastered.

According to the content of the mural, as the Great Luo Sword landed and dealt a fatal blow, the Haotian Sect could no longer survive and was on its way to destruction.

The leader of the Haotian Sect made a last-ditch effort to save it. He refined all the elders and disciples under his sect into puppets with spirit stones as the driving core, and buried them and the entire ruins of the Haotian Sect into the ice field. He himself used the Great Luo Sword to Possessing the power of time and space, he plunged into the long river of time to find a way to revive the spiritual power of heaven and earth.

"Yes, it is because of that Great Luo Sword that the Nine-Day Emperor spent his whole life trying to find the ruins of the Haotian Sect!"

Su Xianer also briefly browsed the content on the mural and gave answers to Li Xu's questions.

"After all, the Da Luo Sword is one of the fragments of Heavenly Dao. According to the ancient books I have read, Emperor Nine Days and Queen Ji Wei were both disciples of the Haotian Sect at first. They escaped from the Haotian Sect before the catastrophe broke out. They couldn't bear to witness the devastation of the world. He not only created the first unified dynasty in the history of the Tianxuan Continent, but also collected many fragments of the way of heaven, including the Six Paths of Heaven Swallowing Technique, the Jingtian Charming Earth Technique, and Frozen Thousand Miles."

"The Nine-Day Emperor didn't know how many pieces Heaven's Dao had collapsed into. He could only collect the fragments and piece them together. After initially reshaping the order of Heaven's Dao, he discovered that although the lifeless world was rejuvenating, he had to complete The Heavenly Dao is not complete, and another extremely important core fragment is missing, and one of them is the Great Luo Sword."

"If the missing core fragments cannot be found, the incomplete Heavenly Dao completed by the Nine-Day Emperor will collapse again sooner or later in the future, resulting in a world-destroying catastrophe that is more complete and terrifying than the first time!"

"So, in his later years, the Nine-Day Emperor devoted almost all his energy to searching for the ruins of the Haotian Sect. The ancient books do not clearly state whether the Nine-Day Emperor finally found the Great Luo Sword, but I guess he should have found it, otherwise the Nine-Day Emperor would have found it. The incomplete Heavenly Dao completed by the Japanese emperor will definitely not be able to last for 20,000 years without the core fragments, and it will collapse again and cause catastrophe. "

Su Xianer's brisk subjective judgment made Li Xu's heart skip a beat.

Unlike Su Xianer's random guesses, Li Xu knew full well that the Nine-Day Emperor did not find the Daluo Sword in the end, let alone take the Daluo Sword to complete the way of heaven!

Because at this moment, the Great Luo Sword was inserted in the third level area of ​​the Haotian Sect ruins.

That one insertion lasts 20,000 years!

"...I want you to join the Temple of Heaven and use your destiny to fight against the catastrophe of heaven and earth with us..."

What Jiang Yue said that day echoed clearly in Li Xu's ears, and his back gradually became cold.

"Could it be that because the Nine-Day Emperor failed to complete the Dao of Heaven, the Dao of Heaven remained in a damaged state for 20,000 years and is now about to collapse again??"

"Is this what Jiang Yue told me about the catastrophe of heaven and earth?"

Li Xuzheng was thinking and wondering, when suddenly there was a "clack-clack" sound like a mechanical operation in the cave.

"What's the noise?"

Su Xian'er thought Ji Wei was chasing after her again, and was frightened. She followed the sound with Li Xu and met a pair of scarlet blood eyes deep in the cave.

"Anyone who breaks into the Haotian Sect without permission...will be killed without mercy..."

Accompanied by a roar that was too hoarse to resemble that of a normal human being, the scarlet blood eyes in the depths of the cave became more and more dense. One pair became two pairs, two pairs became four pairs, and four pairs became eight pairs.

With the help of the light of the blood eyes, Li Xu and Su Xianer saw hundreds of humanoid puppets. They stood up slowly from the darkness. Each puppet had a blue spiritual stone embedded in its chest, emitting The spiritual power fluctuations range from ninth grade to second grade.

"No! Those puppets were made by Master Haotian using his elder disciples!"

Su Xian'er exclaimed. After browsing the content of the mural, she naturally understood where the puppets in front of her came from: "You bastard, run! There are so many puppets swarming you, even a real first-grade monk can't stand it!"

Li Xu was not surprised at all changes, or he had expected it.

This was also the case in the original game in the previous life. When the player was moved by the teleportation circle to the second floor of the ruins for the first time, there would be a safe period for the cutscene. The player could only wait for the player to observe the murals and understand the background story of the Haotian Sect, and the cave. The hidden puppets will wake up in batches.

Those puppets are both a crisis and a dungeon reward. Just take out the spirit stones embedded in their chests, wipe away the remnants of the puppet's life, and then install them. The puppet will immediately transform from the enemy's position into a slave who obeys the player's words.

In the original work, Ji Wei relied on these puppets to realize her ambition to take over the Central Plains. She wiped out almost all the puppets on the second floor of the ruins and sent Cannian to the battlefield. This was equivalent to the entire Haotian Sect's elders and disciples turning to her. Potency.

In order to prevent Ji Weiming from using puppets to threaten Li Tianai, Li Xu originally planned to take away the fountain of immortality and destroy all the puppets on the second floor of the ruins as well as the large number of heavenly materials and earthly treasures buried on the first floor. However, he Now that we have to beware of Ji Wei's pursuit, we obviously don't have the extra energy to destroy the ruins.

"It's a pity that there are no first-level puppets..."

Li Xu roughly scanned the puppets deep in the cave and saw that there were more than a dozen puppets with second-grade cultivation, but not one with first-grade cultivation. He couldn't help but secretly expressed regret, and then activated the soul power transmitted to him by Su Xian'er. , turned around and fled towards the outside of the cave.

Like Bai Hua Huan's tomb copy, Li Xu also has an evil guide to speed through the second level of the Haotian Sect's ruins, but that evil guide is only effective against first-level puppets.

"Anyone who breaks into the Haotian Sect without permission...will be killed without mercy..."

Seeing Li Xu turn around and run away, the puppets deep in the cave were like living people being angered. The scarlet blood in their eyes became more intense, and they turned into streams of light and jumped in pursuit.

With the help of Su Xian'er's soul power, Li Xu's flight speed will not be slower than that of puppets. However, puppets are not found deep in the cave. There are also a large number of puppets on the road leading to the outside world. Sensing the breath of living people, Li Xu emerges from his slumber one after another. After waking up in the middle of the night, driven by the desire to protect the sect, they all attacked Li Xu brazenly.

"Get away!"

Li Xu had no intention of getting entangled with the puppet. Regardless of the loss of soul power, he operated the Burning Fire Technique to the limit, and the 36,000 pores in his body erupted into raging flames. He punched away a puppet blocking the way and vowed to force his way out of the cave.

"You brat...just take it easy!"

Su Xian'er's voice was trembling with nervousness: "I was chased down by Ji Wei before. I don't have much soul power left, and I can't bear your lavish spending!"

Li Xu understood that she was reminding him, so he closed his lips tightly and said nothing, concentrating on dealing with the successive interception attacks of the puppets around him. When his soul power was consumed to only 20%, a bright light finally appeared in front of the passage.


As soon as he rushed out of the cave passage, a series of "rumbling" explosions that shook the world immediately sounded in his ears.

Li Xu turned his head and saw that there was a huge square outside the cave. The explosion sound heard in his ears was the sound of Ji Weiming being besieged by an army of puppets not far from the square.

Rather than saying that the puppet army besieged Ji Wei's life, it would be more appropriate to say that Ji Wei ordered one person to besiege the puppet army.

The Frozen Thousand Miles she mastered was very suitable for team fights. Every time she waved her slender hand, a large number of puppets swarming around were all frozen in place. They were immediately helpless and allowed Ji Wei to order them to be taken down. The spiritual stone on the chest.

"She already knows how to subdue the puppets?"

Seeing that Ji Wei was determined to harvest the spiritual stones from the puppets' chests, Li Xu's heart suddenly tightened, and he knew that those puppets would definitely be sent to the battlefield by her to deal with Li Tianai in the future.

At this time, Ji Wei Ming also noticed Li Xu's appearance, and there was a cold murderous intent in her gorgeous appearance. She left the puppets frozen around her and flew directly towards him.

"Why did you meet Ji Wei's fate again so quickly!"

Su Xian'er was shocked and turned pale. She caught a glimpse of the bright sun in the sky from the corner of her eye and said in a hurry: "You brat, keep running towards the sun. Maybe that sun is also a teleportation circle!"

Xian'er, you are really smart, you have learned to draw inferences from one instance...

Li Xu silently praised Su Xian'er, and while running at full speed towards the sun in the sky as she said, he shot two Happy Beans at Ji Wei's life with his backhand, blocking her pursuit.


Ji Wei ordered herself to avoid the layer upon layer of obscene and charming energy exploding in front of her, and snorted with disdain in her heart.

Even Su Xianer was able to draw inferences and deduce that the sun on the second level was also the entrance to the third level of the ruins. How could Ji Weiming not have thought of this?

She has entered the second level of the ruins many times, and has also tried to go to the third level of the ruins many times, but none of her attempts have been successful.

Every time she was close to the third-level entrance disguised as the sun, more than a dozen first-level puppets would emerge from the surrounding clouds.

Although those first-grade puppets are just dead objects, and their actual combat power is far inferior to that of real first-grade monks, they cannot withstand their large number. Under the siege of more than a dozen first-grade puppets, even Ji Wei's life cannot last long in their hands.

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