I am the villain, plundering the destiny of the heroine

Chapter 188 187: Put Jiang Yue in front of the mirror and fill the heavenly way! (IV) [Please subscr

“So much luck!”


"Give it to me! It's all mine!"


"Stop! You are not allowed to hurt Mr. Li!"

"What Mr. Li! He is just a sacrifice for me to absorb my luck!"


After the luck value of Tian Dao's evil thought exceeded [90], Jiang Yue was suppressed by her and unable to show up, and the evil aura that pervaded his body almost solidified.

"It's just a sub-personality derived from me. Can you resist me?"


"Kekekeke! No one can stop me. I am destined to reappear in the world and be immortal above all things!"


"On the day when the Age of Ending Dharma comes, all those who disobey me will die!"

【? ? ? 】

"Ah! Ah!!"

As soon as the luck value of the Evil Thought of Heaven broke through [99] on its front foot, it turned into three question marks on its back foot, and the originally cheerful and evil laughter at the corner of its mouth turned into bursts of shrill screams.

"Too much! Too much!"

"Stop! Stop sacrificing your luck to me - it's going to explode! Ahhhh!!"

The evil thoughts of heaven that were hungry and thirsty for luck just now, now showed a ferocious expression of pain on her face, as if she couldn't bear the majestic luck instilled in her by the altar, and she let out a horrifying roar.

"Is it about to be charged?"

On the cross, Li Xu was stunned.

When he saw that the luck value of Tiandao Evil Thought had turned into three question marks, he thought of Li Tianai at first, thinking that the other party was as scary as his sister. However, when Tiandao Evil Thought heard the next shrill scream, he was a little confused.

[Luck is being deprived. 】

[The luck deprivation failed, the sacrifice limit has been exceeded, and the opponent is on the verge of being charged. 】

Li Xu: "..."

no! You really want me to charge it up! ?

Li Xu was in disbelief. He lowered his head to look at his remaining luck of [123.3], and then looked at the extremely painful evil thoughts of heaven at the top of the altar. Two words suddenly appeared in his mind:

That's it? ?

I really thought you were so amazing!

Previously, I had been worried that you would drain all my luck and suck out my marrow. It turns out that just sucking away a small part of my luck can make you unbearable - with this little ability, you just pretended to be crazy with me! !


"Stop the sacrifice!"

"It's going to explode! It's really going to explode!"


The "will be charged up" mentioned by the evil thoughts of Heaven is not just talk. As the luck that exceeds the upper limit of her carrying capacity is continuously poured into her, dense spider web-like clouds quickly appear on the surface of the ice soul that has trapped her. crack.


At the edge of the altar, Zhu Canghai and other elders of the Guangming Sect looked at Jiang Mubai in surprise.

"Palace Master Jiang, the will of heaven seems to be begging us to stop the sacrificial ceremony. Is her reaction normal?"

Jiang Mubai was slightly silent.

Do you still need to ask this kind of nonsense?

The reaction to the evil thoughts of heaven must be abnormal!

According to the top-secret scrolls recorded in the Heavenly Temple, sacrificing the Child of Destiny is the only way to awaken the evil thoughts of Heaven. As long as the evil thoughts of Heaven drain away the great luck of the Child of Destiny, her incomplete divinity can be compensated, and she can emerge from her slumber. Awakening, she broke the seal that the Nine Days Emperor had set on her using multiple fragments of heaven 20,000 years ago.

However, the scroll did not indicate what to do if the evil thoughts of heaven were to be filled up by the fate of the child of destiny.

Perhaps, the Lord of the Heavenly Temple who originally wrote the top-secret scroll did not expect this to happen. After all, the reason why the Son of Destiny is the Son of Destiny is because of the favor of Heaven, but you are a person favored by Heaven. , how could the luck in his body turn out to be more than the way of heaven? Even enough to charge up the Heavenly Dao? ?

"Nine-Day Emperor, am I the one who underestimated him after all?"

"It feels like he is full of variables..."

Jiang Mubai took a shallow breath, suppressed the panic and uneasiness in his heart, and calmly responded to Zhu Canghai and others: "Don't worry, everything is under my control. The reaction of the will of heaven is really normal."


The ice soul that trapped Jiang Yue suddenly appeared with denser cracks, and it looked like it might explode into a puddle of powder at any time.

"The ice soul is about to explode! Is this normal?!" Zhu Canghai took two steps back in shock.

Jiang Mubai said calmly: "Only when the ice soul is shattered, the will of heaven can completely break the seal."

He couldn't tell Zhu Canghai. In fact, even he couldn't understand the situation now. He could only take it one step at a time. No matter what changes happened during the period, the sacrifice ceremony must be carried out to the end.

Once the main sacrificial ceremony is started, it cannot be stopped artificially. No matter who enters the altar, they will become a sacrifice like Li Xu and be devoured by the evil thoughts of heaven.

"The will of Heaven is divided into two parts. One part of the main will is sealed in the ancestral land of the Temple of Heaven, and the other part of the will is Yue'er."

"For the past few decades, I have been nourishing the will of the Lord of Heaven with my essence and blood every day and night. I have already concluded a blood contract with her. The moment the will of the Lord of Heaven breaks the seal and awakens, it can be used by me!"

After hearing Jiang Mubai's explanation, Zhu Canghai and others secretly breathed a sigh of relief and were no longer disturbed by the shrill roar of the evil thoughts of heaven.

"Ah! Ahhh!!"

"Why is there so much luck! I don't want it anymore! I really don't want it anymore!"

"Please stop! Please! I don't dare to... I'll be blown up by you again!"

On the cross, listening to the roar of Heaven's evil thoughts turning into cries for mercy, Li Xu not only did not feel compassion, but he wished he could open up his destiny to her to devour.

"I never expected that the turning point that broke the situation turned out to be my luck!"

Li Xu stared intently at the evil thoughts of Heaven and saw the hope of survival on her painful face.

"To make her suffer so much, maybe I can really use my luck to blow her up in one fell swoop? Her body and soul will be completely destroyed by the explosion?"

"If we can solve the evil thoughts of Heaven in this way, I would like to thank my dear sister Leng'er, as well as Li Tianai, Yu'er, Cheng Susu, Hua'er, Zhou Lingyu, Zhou Furong, Ji Weiming, and Jiang Yue!"

"Without the nine of them, I wouldn't be as lucky as I am now!"

"If there is a chance for the nine penises to compete with each other in the future, I will have to deal with both of them——"

As soon as the idea of ​​fighting for penises arose, it was immediately interrupted by a deafening "boom" explosion.

The ice soul that trapped the evil thoughts of heaven, under the continuous explosion of luck, the cracks that appeared on the surface finally reached the upper limit, and exploded into countless fragments.

"Ah! Ahhhh!!"

Along with the ice soul that exploded, there was endless evil Dao Yun. With Jiang Yue as the center, the monstrous black mist rolled in all directions, and its power was even more terrifying than the night she turned black in the north!

At the same time, high in the sky several miles away from the Guangming Sect.

Youzhou is the shortest route from the north to the Temple of Heaven. If this were not the case, Jiang Mubai would not have made a special trip to stay in Youzhou to intercept and kill Li Xu.

Cheng Susu was eager to rescue the traitor, and was turning into a stream of light and rushing towards the ancestral land of the Tianshen Temple at full speed, when she suddenly heard a "boom" in the distance and an explosion like the earth was shattering.

"What's that noise?"

Cheng Susu turned her head and saw that at the end of the sky ahead, there was an extremely gloomy black mist rising into the sky and spreading into the shape of a mushroom cloud that covered the sky and the sun.

"What a strong evil aura..."

Cheng Susu just glanced at the black mist from a distance, and she felt that her will was polluted by evil. The various dark sides hidden deep in her heart in the past were enticed and magnified by the evil aura in the black mist.

"That direction is the territory of the Guangming Sect. Could it be that all members of the Guangming Sect have fallen into the devil's path? How can they release such devilish energy!"

Cheng Susu's pretty face changed slightly. If it was a normal situation, she would definitely go to Guangming Sect to see the source of the magic mist. But now she is in a hurry to go to the Temple of Heaven to rescue the rebels and has no extra time. She was extraneous.

"Youzhou is not far from the north. If there are really evil heretics causing trouble here, Li Tianai will come to check the situation as soon as possible after hearing the news. There is no need for me to meddle in others' affairs."

Cheng Susu thought to herself, and then she used the Jingtian Charming Earth Technique to stabilize her Taoist heart, turning into a stream of light to bypass the monstrous demonic energy in front of her. Obviously, nothing could delay her search for Li Xu.


Even Cheng Susu, who was several miles away, was invaded by the evil charm of the evil thoughts of heaven, not to mention Jiang Mubai, Zhu Canghai and others who were at the center of the evil energy explosion at the moment.

"Palace Master Jiang! Didn't you say that the moment the Heavenly Dao Master's will breaks the seal, it will be used by you! Now that she has broken through the seal, order her to restrain her aura!"

Zhu Canghai shouted hurriedly. Under the endless attack of demonic energy, in addition to the dark side, the panic, fear and other emotions in his heart were also infinitely amplified. He felt like a mayfly facing the dragon directly. If the will of heaven wants to If you want to crush yourself to death, you only need to press one of Mayfly's dragon claws.

"Everything in the world is mine!"

"It is an honor for all of you to be sacrificed to me as a sacrifice!"

"Give me a sacrifice!"

"Sacrifice, sacrifice, sacrifice!!"

Of course, Jiang Mubai also avoided the invasion of demonic energy. Looking at the evil thoughts of heaven roaring like crazy demons at the top of the altar, the fear in his heart was even greater than Zhu Canghai's.

"That's not what is recorded in the scroll..."

"What is recorded in the scroll is that after the evil thoughts of Heaven have devoured the Child of Destiny, she will completely merge the derived secondary personalities into one, break the seal in a complete state, and then obey the orders of the person who made a blood contract with her..."

Thinking of this, Jiang Mubai glanced at Li Xu, who was still struggling vigorously on the cross, and then looked at the evil thoughts of Heaven at the top of the altar, which had clearly not yet merged with Jiang Yue and were falling into a state of madness, and suddenly felt a little confused.

"But now, the evil thoughts of Heaven have not completely devoured the Child of Destiny, nor have they merged with the sub-personality. The seal was completely blown by Li Xu's luck - in this case, can I still use the blood contract to order her?"

"Master Jiang!"

Zhu Canghai only felt that he was being invaded more and more severely by the demonic energy. He could not even stabilize his Taoist heart. The dark side of his heart and all kinds of negative emotions had been magnified to the point where he could not get any bigger. He was afraid that he would encounter poisonous hands without knowing it. He shouted in horror again:

"If you don't let the will of heaven restrain your breath, what are you waiting for!"

"If this continues, I will use the strength of the entire sect to sacrifice the will of heaven into my Ten Thousand Souls Banner!"

...You have such a big appetite, you’re not afraid of stuffing yourself to death!

Jiang Mubai secretly said something to Zhu Canghai, and then his heart suddenly changed.

As the saying goes, there is no turning back. Having awakened the evil thoughts of the Heavenly Dao to this point, even if the result is very different from what he expected, he has to bite the bullet and go to the end.

"The Lord of Heavenly Dao who is above everything!"

Jiang Mubai "plopped" and knelt down in the direction of the evil thoughts of the Heavenly Dao, and took out a bright red formation flag from the ring.

The formation flag was nothing else but the blood contract that Jiang Mubai had made with the evil thoughts of the Heavenly Dao, who had nurtured her personality with his essence and blood day and night for decades.

"Your most loyal servant awakens you from your slumber today, and asks you to lead him to enjoy this peerless sacrifice called "World" together!"

Jiang Mubai squeezed out word by word from his teeth according to the words of sacrifice recorded on the scroll:

"You and your most loyal servant will be immortal together in this feast!"

As the words fell, a scarlet blood light shot out from the formation flag and sank directly into the forehead of the evil thoughts of the Heavenly Dao.

As the blood light shot over, Tiandao Evil's originally hideous and painful expression finally eased a little.

She forced down the extreme pain of her body that was about to burst by luck, raised a delicate and beautiful hand, covered her face and panted "ho ho":

"Lead you to share the world together..."

"Since you helped me break the seal, it's not impossible..."

Jiang Mubai was instantly overjoyed when he heard this, but the next moment-

"You can't do it!"

On the cross, Li Xu roared and sneered at Tiandao Evil:

"I don't know who it was back then, crying and begging to sacrifice the whole world with me, and said that I got your approval, and in this vast world, only I am qualified to match you!"

"Why, it's been less than 20,000 years, and you changed your mind so quickly, and found someone else who is qualified to match you?"

When these words came out, both Tiandao Evil and Jiang Mubai were stunned.

"No! This brat is going to ruin my plans!"

Before the Heavenly Evil Thought was broken by Li Xu, Jiang Mubai had actually wanted to kill him, but he was afraid that he would be swallowed by the Heavenly Evil Thought as a sacrifice, so he didn't dare to enter the altar.

At this moment, hearing Li Xu's sarcastic remarks, Jiang Mubai's murderous intention towards him became stronger and stronger. After a moment of hesitation, he still didn't dare to enter the altar. He could only accumulate spiritual power in his palm and shoot a terrifying beam of light at Li Xu from a distance.


The Heavenly Evil Thought's jade hand flipped, and a ball of dark demonic energy was shot out, which shattered the spiritual power beam that Jiang Mubai was bombarded with to kill Li Xu.

"It's you! The Emperor of Nine Suns!?"

As soon as he recognized Li Xu's identity, the Heavenly Evil Thought's face was like a soy sauce shop that had been overturned. All kinds of expressions such as resentment, anger, pain, love, and longing were all presented in turn. (End of this chapter)

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