I am the villain, plundering the destiny of the heroine

Chapter 221 28: Ji Wei's yandere transformation to black (Part 1) [Please subscribe! ]

"The magic circle collapsed on its own..."

In the sky above the Imperial Capital, the three barbarian officers all showed varying degrees of astonishment on their faces as they looked at the complete view of the Imperial Capital below.

They had just sensed clearly that the spiritual power fluctuations spreading from the Sealing Heaven and Desperate Earth Formation definitely exceeded the first-grade level. Even if the three of them and Ji Weiming joined forces, they would probably not be able to break the magic circle in a short period of time. However, they never expected that the barrier would collapse on its own.

"Your Majesty, should we go down and find someone to inquire about Li Xu's whereabouts?"

A barbarian officer asked for instructions.

Although Li Xu had told Ji Weiming everything honestly 20,000 years ago, Ji Weiming was in Dayan Imperial Capital for the first time after all, and she didn't even know where the Xiangguo Mansion was. Just as she was about to nod in agreement, suddenly a strong rhythm of time and space was transmitted from a distance.

"Is that rhythm of time and space... coming from the Ninth Sun?"

Ji Weiming's mind suddenly moved.

She knew that only she and Li Xu could master the Daluo Space-Time Method in the world. Even if Li Xu passed on the Daluo Space-Time Method to others after returning to the Imperial Capital, the other party would not be able to cultivate it in such a short time.

So Ji Weiming did not hesitate and immediately locked the coordinates transmitted by the Space-Time Daoyun, and disappeared again with the three barbarian generals.

"Okay! Then I will wait for you to hunt me down in the future!"

In the ruined and scorched earth of the Yangxin Palace, Liu Cang was finally bluffed by Li Xu's empty city plan after careful consideration, and gave up the idea of ​​killing him while he was in a weak state.

He didn't have to kill Li Xu. In the past ten years, Li Chunfeng had also been hunting him all over the world, and he was still alive and well? There was no need to use his precious life to verify Li Xu's depth at the moment.

"Don't be happy too soon. Even if Zhou Yan dies in your hands, you, Li Chunfeng and Li Tianai will still die soon!"

"You don't understand what kind of trump cards we have in our hands!"

After the voice fell, Liu Cang flew high into the sky and was about to escape from the Imperial Capital City and retreat with Jiang Mubai and others. At this time, he accidentally saw from the corner of his eye that the giant sword in Li Xu's hand with a magical shape turned into countless rhyme light spots and disintegrated. He lost the support of the sword and fell to the ground.

"It seems that you are really exhausted and can't do it anymore!"

Liu Cang suddenly stopped his figure, turned back and stared at Li Xu with a grim smile.

"I was almost fooled by you!"

When he woke up from a dream, he realized that he was a little scared by Li Xu.

In order to verify whether Li Xu had the strength to fight to the death, he did not need to approach him at all. He could use magic weapons to kill him remotely. If Li Xu could block the magic weapon he offered, it would mean that he was deliberately showing weakness to him. If he could not resist, he would be able to kill him forever!

Thinking of this, Liu Cang took out a spear from his ring and threw it at Li Xu without reservation.


Accompanied by the sound of sonic boom, the spear was like lightning that broke through the sky, and it enlarged rapidly in Li Xu's pupils.

"Will I die in his hands after all..."

"Li Tianai and Lao Deng will definitely avenge me in the future... It's worth it to exchange my life for the death of Emperor Yan!"

Li Xu was ready to die, and finally couldn't keep his consciousness clear, and slowly closed his eyes before the spear shot.

Little did he know that at the moment he closed his eyes, a circle of visible ripples suddenly spread out in the void in front of him.

A slender, white and tender hand reached out from the void ripples, and accurately grasped the spear in the palm, so that it could not pierce forward an inch.


In the sky, Liu Cang's pupils shrank in shock.

Mainly because he had only seen this kind of elusive teleportation method on Li Xu, he seriously suspected that the person who suddenly appeared at this moment was Li Xu's rescuer.

The next breath, Liu Cang's suspense was broken.

Following the white and tender hand that grasped the spear, a noble woman who was like a fairy in a painting and like a dream also walked out of the void ripples.

Liu Cang was once the master of the Louvre Palace. He had experienced countless ups and downs in his life, but when he saw the beautiful figure in the void ripples, he was still deeply amazed by her. He felt that the other person's appearance and temperament were similar to Li Tianai!

"It turns out to be the Queen of the Northern Territory!"

After being amazed, Liu Cang's tense heartstrings suddenly relaxed, and his eyes stayed on the long and straight ears that were the symbol of Ji Weiming's elves.

Although he had never been to the Northern Territory, he had seen Ji Weiming's portrait many times for various reasons. At this moment, combined with her peerless beauty and powerful cultivation, if Liu Cang still couldn't recognize Ji Weiming's identity, then he would be too blind!

"...Did Ji Weiming also form an alliance with Zhou Yan to deal with Li Chunfeng and his daughter? Did she come to the Imperial Capital City to help Zhou Yan this time?"

It's no wonder that Liu Cang had this idea. In the past ten years when Ji Weiming had contained Li Tianai in the Northern Territory, all the major sects had secretly transported war supplies to the barbarians. He hoped that Ji Weiming could contain Li Tianai for a longer time. If she could directly kill Li Tianai on the battlefield, it would be the best.

Based on the common enemy of Li Chunfeng and his daughter, it is reasonable and normal for Emperor Yan to contact Ji Weiming and form an alliance with her.

"Although Zhou Yan has been killed by Li Xu, now with Ji Weiming joining us, we still have a good chance of defeating Li Chunfeng..."

Liu Cang's thoughts turned quickly. Thinking of this, he immediately showed a kind smile on his face and politely bowed: "Your Majesty, you came to the Imperial Capital today, are you going to fight Li Chunfeng with us?"

Ji Weiming ignored him and looked back at Li Xu who had fallen to the ground and fainted behind him.


The spear held in Ji Weiming's palm exploded into powder in an instant, and endless terrifying murderous intent burst out from her beautiful eyes.

"Did you hurt Jiu Ri like this?"

The voice as cold as ten thousand years of ice reached Liu Cang's ears.

The kind and polite smile on Liu Cang's mouth froze, and he felt that something was wrong with Ji Weiming.

"I wonder who the Jiu Ri that Your Majesty is talking about... is?"

Ji Weiming answered him with practical actions, leaning down, and slowly picked up Li Xu with extremely gentle movements.


Liu Cang's pupils suddenly condensed into the size of a needle tip, and goose bumps all over his body seemed to explode.

What kind of person is Ji Weiming! !

How could she treat Li Xu in this way! ! !

Even though Liu Cang couldn't believe it, the facts he saw with his own eyes would not lie. He didn't care to think too much and quickly turned into a stream of light and fled to the horizon at full speed.

But the moment he turned around, the void in front of him was rippled, and three barbarian generals appeared in it, and they all mobilized their spiritual power to kill him.

Liu Cang was caught off guard and only managed to block the attack of two barbarian generals in a hurry. He was punched through the chest by the third barbarian general, and blood spurted out of his mouth and fell to the ground.

"How could this happen..."

Liu Cang struggled to get up from the ground, stretched out his hand to cover the huge blood hole in his chest that connected directly to his back. He couldn't believe that the person who took his life in the end would be Ji Weiming!


In the incomparable fear, a sound of ice crystals condensing came, accompanied by a heart-piercing pain.


Liu Cang screamed and lowered his head, and saw that his feet were covered with ice at some point, and countless ice spikes rushed out from under his flesh and blood, giving him a torture more tragic than slow slicing.

"Ji Weiming! You actually made an alliance with Li Chunfeng!"

Watching his flesh and blood being cut into pieces by ice spikes, Liu Cang was extremely terrified and in extreme pain. He screamed miserably to Ji Weiming who was holding Li Xu in the distance:

"Have you forgotten how Li Chunfeng and his daughter stopped you from going south to the Central Plains!"

"You and Li Tianai confronted each other in the northern border for ten years. Have you forgotten all the strategic materials sent to you by our major sects!"

"You made an alliance with Li Chunfeng... Are you worthy of your thousands of barbarian people!"

Soon, all the painful howls gradually faded into the void, and the area where Liu Cang was located was completely submerged by ice spikes. Only a group of human-shaped crystal blocks piled up with countless ice spikes could be seen.

Ji Weiming certainly had not forgotten how Li Tianai had once stopped her from going south to the Central Plains.

She had also not forgotten the numerous strategic materials that the major sects had secretly provided her with, but she would never regard the major sects as allies because of this, let alone be naive enough to regard Li Chunfeng and his daughter as allies.

She only knew that whoever hurt her Jiu Ri would die.

Perhaps because of Liu Cang, after Li Xu lost consciousness, he vaguely sketched out his mother's voice, appearance and smile in his mind.

However, since he had only seen the portrait in Li Chunfeng's study, the female outline he sketched was very illusory, as if the flowers in the mirror and the moon in the water would be blown away by the wind.

But the faint fragrance always lingered clearly around the tip of his nose, and the warm and soft touch of the embrace also wrapped him all the time, making Li Xu feel unprecedented peace and stability, as if as long as he could immerse himself in such a gentle place, he would never wake up.

… Am I not dead yet?

How can I still smell the fragrance?

And what's the matter with this warm embrace? ?

Li Xu opened his eyes in a daze, and a noble and beautiful blurred face came into his sight.

Li Xu's heart was moved, and the three words "Li Tianai" were about to blurt out, but suddenly he noticed the noble and beautiful blurred face in front of him, with a delicate and straight long ear on each side.

These ears, she is——

"Jiuri, you wake up."

Although this is also an ethereal and beautiful royal sister's voice, it is too tender and sweet compared to Li Tianai.

"Ji Weiming! It's you!"

Li Xu was suddenly startled, and the whole person was instantly awake, completely recognizing who the face in front of him was, and also understood that the warm embrace and the faint fragrance around him were all because he was resting on Ji Weiming's jade-like white legs.

"Jiuri, what do you call sister?"

Ji Weiming frowned slightly.

What's the point of calling me sister...

Li Xu's mouth twitched, and countless messy memories emerged in his mind. Ji Weiming's seductive appearance of kneeling, standing, lying on her side, lying prone, or looking at the moon appeared in front of him.

Along with each scene, there was also a ethereal and crisp voice of a queen.

"...If my sister doesn't give in to you, what else can I do?"

"Jiuri, now that things have come to this, my sister can only obey you in everything."

"Since you don't want to break up with your former lover, my sister can't force you."

"But if you ignore and alienate me because of other people...I will commit suicide in front of you!"

"I will commit suicide in front of you with the flesh and blood in my belly!"

Did I play so many tricks with Ji Weiming 20,000 years ago...

Seeing Li Xu stunned and lost in silence, Ji Weiming seemed to have finally figured something out. Her wrinkled eyebrows stretched out, and her beautiful eyes looked at him with deep affection:

"Jiuri, is your soul weak? After returning to the modern era with me, you can't remember the memories of 20,000 years ago?"

Li Xu swallowed his saliva awkwardly, looking at Ji Weiming's beautiful face with a sentimental expression, thousands of words were stuck in his throat, and he didn't know how to respond.

Ji Weiming got the answer from his silence, and said in a lost tone: "It is true, you have forgotten every bit of our past..."

Half a year ago, when she traveled back to the present, when Li Xu was just taken away by Cheng Susu, Ji Weiming was not sad and anxious.

She thought that with the husband and wife friendship she and Li Xu had honed in countless life-and-death crises, the two had long been inseparable and their love was stronger than gold. Li Xu must have been unable to do anything with Cheng Susu, so he would temporarily follow her and leave her.

Just give Li Xu some time to explain to Cheng Susu. Even if he couldn't convince Cheng Susu in the end, he would definitely return to the North to find her through the Daluo Space-Time Method.

It was based on this trust in Li Xu that Ji Weiming was not in a hurry to chase Li Xu back immediately. While sending people to negotiate peace with Li Tianai, she quietly waited for the pregnancy in the Northern Barbarian King's Capital.

However, it took more than a month to raise this baby. Ji Weiming felt that her child was about to be born, but she had not waited for Li Xu to come back. Finally, she could not hold back her temper and took the initiative to go to the Imperial Capital to find him.

It was also on the way to the Imperial Capital that Ji Weiming considered all the possibilities of Li Xu ignoring her for so long, and finally selected two guesses.

One guess is that Li Xu was imprisoned, causing his cultivation to be sealed, and he could not use the Daluo Space-Time Method to escape, so naturally he could not come to the Northern Territory to find her.

The second guess is that when Li Xu traveled back to the modern era, his cultivation was only the fourth-grade refining period, and his soul strength was weak, and he lost his memory of 20,000 years ago.

Only if he forgot every bit of his experience with her, would Li Xu not be concerned about returning to the Northern Territory to reunite with her.

After all, when he traveled back, with his first-grade soul strength, he felt dizzy for a long time as if he had been in another world, so that he was in a bad state, and even if he led the battle formation of the Northern Barbarian Army, he could not take down Cheng Susu.

“I haven’t forgotten everything!”

Seeing Ji Weiming’s sad face and low tone, Li Xu’s heart subconsciously ached.

This is the husband-and-wife relationship that he and Ji Weiming have forged through countless life-and-death crises. It has long been engraved in his bones. Instinctively, he would rather die than see the empress sister hurt her heart and shed a tear for her.

“I still remember part of it, and the other part of the memory is vague, but as long as I give me some more time... I will remember it soon!” (End of this chapter)

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