I am the Way of Heaven: Creating the Strongest Chaos World

Chapter 119 The ultimate plan is revealed, and the ultimate move is revealed!

The spirit of the white-bone skull split the strength of the skeleton demon shadow to the peak of Taiyi Jinxian, in fact, it was just afraid of Qin Yu.

Or it was the son of destiny it thought of.

Did the split skeleton demon shadow escape?

The answer is no.

It just left the scope of the most fundamental battlefield.

But for a side of the heavenly way, once it enters the world, there is no difference between near and far.

If you want to use the heavenly punishment thunder to strike you,

no matter where you escape or hide, it is close at hand, and the distance seems meaningless.

Therefore, the skeleton demon shadow at the peak of Taiyi Jinxian did not escape.

It was just because it was weak and not worth using the heavenly punishment thunder to strike it in the "fierce" battle.

At this time, the spirit of the white-bone skull still did not dare to merge the skeleton demon shadow, so that it could merge into the real Daluo strength.

Because this would attract the attention of the "son of destiny", and then the heavenly punishment thunder would fall, and it would be in vain.

But what it didn't expect was that, except for the only Taiyi Golden Immortal Mu Changfeng, all the other skeletons of the fused hundred demons were also struck by the heavenly punishment thunder.

Does this mean that this world still has spare energy?

Or is the "Son of Destiny" even crazier than it thought?

Or is this a manifestation of dementia?

For a moment, the spirit of the white bone skull was running wildly, but it did not stop its current actions.

Because this is also consuming the original energy of this strange world faster.

And it seems that the condensed demons are constantly being destroyed, and it is also rapidly consuming the exhausted energy.

In fact, it is not the case,

because the demons that escaped from the fundamental battlefield, even if they are at a disadvantage, are also absorbing the life energy of the Tianwu Realm strongmen.

There is a certain supplement, and the energy consumption is far lower than the surface.

If the Tianwu Realm strongmen are not so strong, and the "Son of Destiny" is not so crazy, it can become stronger and stronger...

Qin Yu naturally knows this.

That's why they used the Heavenly Punishment Thunder to split and merge many demon shadows with strengths very close to Daluo.

Let the strength of the Skeleton Demon Shadow and the Tianwu Realm strongmen always remain within the same range.

In order to achieve the dual purpose of constantly weakening the White Bone Skull and sharpening the Tianwu Realm strongmen.

And their deeper sense of identity with the Tianwu Realm...

Kill three birds with one stone...

The fields everywhere tended to be stable, and the White Bone Skull had been tentatively rushing into the Tianwu Continent,

At the same time, it was also constantly condensing the returning dark demonic energy into Skeleton Demon Shadows again.

After leaving the White Bone Skull itself, most of them were destroyed by the Heavenly Punishment Thunder and returned to the body again.

A very small number of demon shadows that escaped from the Heavenly Punishment Thunder, after a few or dozens of them merged, killed the Tianwu Realm strongmen.

Although they could not defeat them, they were all resisted by the Tianwu Realm strongmen, and even collapsed and turned into demonic energy to return to the body.

This cycle repeats over and over again.

It seems to be doing useless work.

But in fact, it is essentially a chaotic spiritual treasure. Even if it is damaged to the point of falling in rank, it still has some characteristics of a chaotic spiritual treasure.

Whether it is the heavenly punishment thunder or the strong men of the Tianwu Realm, they can only defeat the skeleton demon shadow it condenses, but cannot eliminate much of the dark demonic energy.

This makes such a war of attrition even more unequal than before.

At the same time, there are still strong men falling in the Tianwu Realm.

But the spirit of the white bone skull miscalculated. The thing that the Tianwu Realm lacks the least is the source energy!

This cannot be said to be a miscalculation, but a cognition, a cognition of the universe and the essence of chaos.

In the end, it was imprisoned by its own cognition.

So much so that it never doubted that under such unequal consumption, it would not be able to compare with an ordinary universe...

However, the spirit of the white bone skull will eventually see clearly.

One day,

One month,

One year!

But this cognition was only after such a high-speed mutual consumption lasted for a year, and it was also the time when it really reached its limit.

The condensed skeleton demon shadow has become weaker and weaker, and can only reach the middle stage of Daluo.

The split demon shadow can no longer pose a threat to the strong men in Tianwu Realm.

Although Qin Yu is also reducing the number and even the power of the Heavenly Punishment Thunder, the spirit of the white bone skull still finds that he can't win.

Suddenly, he stopped condensing the skeleton demon shadow.

But it was too late!

Qin Yu, who did not relax for a moment, naturally would not give the white bone skull any chance to breathe, or even give it time to think and respond.


The world roared, and the magnificent power of heaven cleared away the sins.

Tens of millions of Heavenly Punishment Thunders condensed in an instant, lighting up the entire starry sky.

But this is the light of destruction!

Before it completely fell on the body of the white bone skull, the same number of Heavenly Punishment Thunders condensed again.

Then they fell one after another and condensed again...

Sweeping away the previous decadent trend, the endless power of heaven destroyed everything.

The dagger was revealed.

The moment he saw the abnormal reaction of the skull, Qin Yu completely tore off his disguise and confusion, and really attacked with all his strength!

Turning passivity into absolute initiative.

At the same time, it was also a decisive kill!




Tens of millions of destructive lights, all struck the huge skull, and most of them were broken and cracked.

Different from the previous method, the skull spirit was caught off guard, and the sound of bone cracking was continuous.

Many cracks on the huge white bone skull were torn and expanded, and many pale bones were directly struck by the divine thunder of heavenly punishment and flew away!

In the past few years, this was the first time that the white bone skull was truly injured!

But this was just the beginning!

The spirit of the white bone skull, which was injured on top of the injury, had no chance to breathe at all.

The same tens of millions of divine thunders of heavenly punishment, which were comparable to the full force of Daluo, fell again!


It only takes a moment to condense and fall.

This is the original rule of the Tianwu world under load, and it is also the real limit of power!

This will cause damage to the original rule, but Qin Yu doesn't care at all, just for the greatest lethality!

Crack... Crack~

If the divine thunder of heavenly punishment is endless, it will completely submerge the white bone skull and turn it into a purgatory of destruction.

The sound of thunder and bone cracking occupied everything.

The cracks on the body of the white bone skull were torn and extended, and more and more bones were broken into pieces and separated from the body.


An inhuman scream resounded throughout the universe.

At the same time, it was mixed with anger, fear, panic and many other emotions.

This was the mood of the white-bone skull spirit at this moment.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"How can you be so strong... No, how can this world be so strong, no... How can there be so much original energy..."

"I didn't expect it... I just got rid of the old bones and escaped from the two strongest... but fell into a small world, haha... hehe."

"What a good plan! But I don't accept it!"

"You can't get anything, and you will perish with me!"

Crack, crack ~

The white-bone skull spirit roared again with disbelief and unwillingness to die.

At the same time, the huge body of tens of millions of miles began to shrink suddenly, and the sluggish breath was rapidly increasing.

But as it shrank, the cracks on the body that could not bear the weight also intensified, and then burst directly.

Almost half of the bones broke away from the body and exploded in the void.

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