I am the Way of Heaven: Creating the Strongest Chaos World

Chapter 131 The qualitative change of the Soul Devouring Blood Beast Clan

As Mu Changfeng achieved the status of Daluo Jinxian.

The top masters were all greatly stimulated.

Almost all of them put aside trivial matters and devoted themselves to cultivation, hoping to break through to that mysterious realm.

Especially the masters of the other eleven Creation Mountains, they did not have many worldly ties.

Almost none of them stepped out of the mountain gate again, and they all practiced with all their hearts and souls.

But the effect was not as good as expected.

Although they all occupied the best cultivation resources in the Tianwu Realm, they still needed a lot of effort to make every step forward in the Taiyi Realm.

They were not like Mu Changfeng,

who had three Tianwu discussions and obtained the first merit of the three discussions, especially the last one, whose huge merits of heaven and earth saved Mu Changfeng a lot of time.

As the strongest, they naturally had huge merits of heaven and earth, but they were very different from Mu Changfeng.

At this time, the one with the highest cultivation level was only the middle stage of Taiyi, and only Dugu Weiyi had just broken through the sixth level of Taiyi.

To achieve the ninth level of Taiyi Jinxian perfection and to achieve the Daluo Jinxian is definitely not something that can be done in a short time.

Moreover, achieving the Daluo Jinxian is not just about the introduction to the rules of the Great Dao and the cultivation.

Although these two are the most important, once achieved, you can be called a quasi-Daluo Jinxian!

It is only a matter of time to achieve the Daluo Jinxian.

But the reason why it is called a quasi-Daluo Jinxian is that

it is because some beings need a long time to achieve all the prerequisites...

Except for Fengtian, no one knows that after Mu Changfeng achieved the perfection of Taiyi, it took a thousand years to break through.

Ten thousand years,

one hundred thousand years,

the craze of breaking through the Daluo Jinxian has cooled down...

because in these hundred thousand years, not only did no one break through to the Daluo Jinxian, but there was not even a Taiyi ninth level that appeared in front of people.

The difficulty of cultivation is once again reflected.

Even if you occupy the God Mountain of Creation and have an inexhaustible supply of primordial energy, it usually takes ten thousand years to break through one level in the realm of Taiyi.

And the further you go, the more difficult and slow it is.

At the same time, a wave of challenges to the Lord of the Mountain of Creation was set off.

100,000 years ago, in the third Tianwu Discussion, a large number of strong men broke through to the Taiyi Golden Immortal because of the gains from the discussion and the promotion of the merits of heaven and earth.

Among them, there are hundreds of existences who have entered the rules of the Great Dao in one fell swoop and obtained the ticket to the Daluo Golden Immortal.

Now that more than 100,000 years have passed, there are naturally more strong men who have entered the rules of the Great Dao, and the total number has exceeded 200.

In these more than 100,000 years, some of them have relatively slow strength improvement, some have made rapid progress, and some have come from behind.

They are all entering the rules of the Great Dao and the cultivation of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, so there is no qualitative difference.

It is difficult for the Lords of the twelve Mountains of Creation to maintain their absolute strength advantage.

Before, because Mu Changfeng had achieved the Daluo Daluo Golden Immortal and glimpsed the peak of the universe, their hearts were all hot, and they all took this as their goal and did not want to fight to the death.

It's not that they are afraid of death, but they just saw the peak, and the strong men don't want to die because of the inevitable fight.

Lose the opportunity to step into the Golden Immortal of Daluo forever.

At this time, the heat in their hearts faded, and they also realized that it would not be possible to prove the Daluo in a short time.

Without the merits of heaven and earth, only by relying on the huge cultivation resources can this process be greatly promoted.

The twelve mountains of creation are naturally the first choice.

Among them, the strong ones all look at the weaker existence among the masters of the twelve mountains of creation.

This is also a disadvantage caused by the superior cultivation environment of the Tianwu Realm...

One hundred thousand years, or even a million years, is so short for Taiyi Jinxian, and it can be passed in a closed-door retreat in the ordinary world.

However, the strong men of the Tianwu Realm, who are extremely determined in their Taoism, think that this is an extremely long time.

So that the powerful ones all look at the relatively weaker existence in the Mountain of Creation.

Then the battle for the peak of the Mountain of Creation broke out.

Several Fortune Mountains changed hands from time to time, and the strongest fell.

But it still couldn't extinguish the fire in the hearts of the other strong men, and could only make them dormant temporarily.

Once their strength improved greatly, it was time to step on a Fortune Mountain.


Fengtian, who often watched, had no joy or sorrow, and was never moved by the fall of the strongest in the battle for the Fortune Mountain.

Even though Taiyi Jinxian had the initial ability to harm the true spirit, and those who touched the rules of the Great Dao could even wipe out the true spirit, he never intervened in the slightest.

Because he was a living being and the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao.

Wherever he looked, it was the entire world, not the slight gains and losses in front of him.

The struggle could never be stopped, and it could not be stopped.

As long as the result was beneficial to the Tianwu Realm as a whole.

Fengtian looked at the underground world.

The reason why there were a large number of strongest people who could challenge and occupy the best cultivation resources of the Fortune Mountain.

The main reason was this.

The strong who could only share the thin, or even unable to obtain the Chaos Yuan Qi in the Wonderful Land of Creation, caught up with the Lord of the Mountain of Creation.

Soul-devouring Blood Beast!

Tens of thousands of years ago, the transformation of the Soul-devouring Blood Beast clan was completed.

This is a qualitative change of the Soul-devouring Blood Beast clan, not only becoming more powerful, but also gaining new characteristics.

The current Soul-devouring Blood Beast clan has a dark red appearance and already possesses some characteristics of the Skeleton Demon Shadow.

Its body still retains the ability to transform from real to virtual, and it has obtained a certain immortality of the Skeleton Demon Shadow, and the power of the soul and the will of martial arts are more difficult to erase.

This makes it not weaker than the strong men of the Tianwu Realm at the same level.

It also has the ability to split, which has become a new way for the Soul-devouring Blood Beasts to reproduce.

It is full of consciousness occupied by tyranny and chaos. Once it splits, it will become a new individual in a short time.

But for the strong men of the Tianwu Realm, it becomes more difficult to kill and difficult to obtain all the results of the battle.

But it is not all bad. The qualitative change of the Soul-devouring Blood Beasts is also a qualitative change for what they can get.

The spiritual consciousness of the Chaos Spirit Treasure!

When Qin Yu erased all the consciousness of the spirit of the white bone skull, it became an unconscious high-level spiritual consciousness energy.

But it still has some characteristics of the Chaos Spirit Treasure.

Even if it is weak, it cannot even be effectively manifested.

But it really exists, which has caused a fundamental qualitative change in the Soul-devouring Blood Beasts.

At this time, the upper limit of cultivation is no longer Taiyi, but Daluo Jinxian, or even Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian!

Although there will be no Dao fruit, it can have such strength!

Of course, this has nothing to do with the Tianwu Realm powerhouse in front of him.

Instead, it has a trace of the spiritual consciousness characteristics of the Chaos Spirit Treasure. The essence of the Soul Devouring Blood Beast Clan, the blood soul crystal condensed by it is also increasing.

It is because of that trace of characteristics that it can be called a treasure!

Ordinary creatures will also be like the Soul Devouring Blood Beast Clan, who have it but cannot play its role, and can only passively obtain some benefits.

But for the top of the Tianwu Realm, the talents and talents of the strong, the effect can be played is not weaker than the Chaos Yuanqi.

Even more can be obtained from it!

This is the main reason why many strong people, without the Chaos Yuanqi, can quickly improve their cultivation and comprehend the Great Dao.

Still catch up with or even surpass the Lord of the Creation Mountain!

The powerful Soul Devouring Blood Beast Clan is still creating more and more powerful strong people for the Tianwu Realm!

The meaning of existence is getting higher and higher.

Qin Yu's great investment has never been let down...

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