I am the Way of Heaven: Creating the Strongest Chaos World

Chapter 134: Upgrade again, the higher world

The time has come to upgrade to a higher world!

It's so fast!

It has only been a million years since the Tianwu Realm was upgraded to an ordinary world, and it has already reached its peak!

If it only relied on the original energy that was equivalent to 1 billion times the natural conversion of the ordinary world, which penetrated through the gate of good fortune.

That would naturally not be enough to upgrade again in such a short time.

But after the Tianwu Realm became a world, Qin Yu also broke the shackles of the essence. Every point of strength is fundamentally stronger.

The good fortune that can be obtained will also increase accordingly.

Like a snowball, with the continuous strengthening of the Tianwu Realm, the essence is constantly getting stronger, and the good fortune obtained is no longer the same.

It only took a little over a million years to reach the peak at the level of the world, and it will be upgraded again!

"Fengtian, pay homage to the Heavenly Father."

Suddenly, when the will of the Heavenly Dao in the Tianwu Realm was excited and the rules were about to boil, the voice of Fengtian sounded in Qin Yu's consciousness.

Heaven beyond Heaven,

Standing on the top of the Tianwu Realm, in the supreme Fengtian Dao Court, Fengtian saluted the sky with full respect and piety.

"Father, can you postpone it for three days so that the weak spirits can bathe in your grace and multiply and inherit the prosperity of Tianwu."


"Fengtian thanks the Heavenly Father on behalf of all spirits!"

Fengtian bowed to the sky again.

When He wanted to upgrade the Tianwu Realm, the original energy of the entire Tianwu Realm boiled up, and Fengtian, as the spokesperson of the Heavenly Dao, could naturally sense it.

And then he immediately understood the reason.

Therefore, there was an act of pleading for the weak creatures.

Because, every time the Tianwu Realm was upgraded, a large number of weak creatures would die, unable to adapt and return to heaven and earth.

Fengtian is a person of great love. While he cares about the world, he also cares about all living beings. It is normal for him to feel reluctant.

Although Qin Yu thinks it is redundant, the weak cannot adapt to the upgrade and die, causing the withering of living beings, but it will not take long to recover.

But he still agreed to Fengtian's request and did not upgrade to the Tianwu Realm at this time.

After all, this is also the character that he values.

Knowing everything about Fengtian, including his thoughts, he naturally knows that this is not a saintly heart, but only pity for the weak when possible.

"I, Fengtian Dao Lord, Tianwu Lord, Tianwu Realm will be upgraded to a higher level in three days. It is the fortune of my Tianwu Wanling, and there should be no one who does not enjoy it!"

"Order, the strong of all races protect the reproduction of all spirits, and those who maintain the prosperity of Tianwu should have merits!"

The law follows the words, and the words are the will of heaven. Fengtian's majestic and benevolent voice spreads throughout the world and appears in the true spirit of every living being in Tianwu Realm.

This was the first time he issued an order to the creatures of Tianwu Realm after becoming the Lord of Heaven and Earth, but no one was dissatisfied.

Then the whole Tianwu Realm was boiling.

Countless strong men were ecstatic and walked out of the place of cultivation.

Tianwu Realm was upgraded three times, but this was the first time they knew it in advance and celebrated the world that gave them life and nurture.

At the same time, they were excited about the next good fortune. Informing them in advance meant that they could prepare in advance to welcome this good fortune of world upgrading.

Of course, there was also rescue for the weak...

Strong men who had experienced the upgrade naturally knew how many weak creatures would die.

The upgrade of Tianwu Realm was good fortune and death.

In the past, they could only rescue afterwards.

So much so that the last upgrade made the weak creatures the most precious resources of the Tianwu Realm sects.

With advance notification, all this could naturally be avoided.

At this moment, countless creatures' respect for Fengtian and Fengtian increased sharply, as well as their infinite gratitude.

A deeper recognition of Fengtian's becoming the master of heaven and earth is the blessing of all the spirits in the Tianwu world.

It is just like Fengtian's state of mind when facing Qin Yu.

Then, a large number of strong men began to act, and the entire Tianwu world was full of strong men coming and going.

A large number of weak people were brought back, or they were placed in a powerful formation to protect their safety.

There are also more strong men sitting in various cities to deal with possible crises.

Fighting, once again began to play out among the strong.

Although weak creatures are not the most precious resources at this time, this time the rescue has merits of heaven and earth!

For the merits of heaven, even if the strong men in the Tianwu world have never had them, no one knows the benefits of them.

Of course, there will never be many merits of heaven and earth, unless you can protect all the weak.

Therefore, there was no violent conflict.

In less than a day, more than 99% of the ordinary creatures were taken away by the strong, or protected in place.

Even the human immortals were gathered together and stayed in the formation established by the strong, just in case.

But the world was still full of strong figures.

Finally, many strong people began to capture the creatures without intelligence and below the immortal level, and set up a large formation to protect them...

The strong people were not sure whether these creatures had merits in heaven and earth, but it was just a piece of cake.

If not, it was no problem at all.

The endless reproduction of creatures without intelligence was not a bad thing for the Tianwu clans...

Three days passed in a flash.

The entire Tianwu world was peaceful, and countless creatures were waiting for the moment of world upgrading.

This would be the biggest fortune in the Tianwu world in tens of millions of years, and everyone was extremely excited.

Especially the strong ones, all of them have made many auxiliary preparations in order to gain more from the world's upgrading.


There was no sound,

an invisible sound resounded throughout the universe.

The whole world was trembling with excitement.

Excitement, full of endless joy, filled the world.

The sun and the moon coexisted above the nine heavens, reflecting each other, and thousands of stars released their most brilliant light.

It was not dazzling at all, but it dispelled all the darkness of the entire Tianwu world.

The rosy clouds filled the whole world, the auspicious colors were countless, the endless auspicious air was filled, and the whole world was cheering.

Thunder filled the sky, turning into the most beautiful music between heaven and earth.

Countless plants and trees swayed towards the nine heavens, and the mountains, rivers and seas were full of vitality, vivid, like living things.

The conscious creatures in the world were instantly occupied by the joy from the true spirit, forgetting everything, and looking up at the sky with the purest joy.

Forget everything, empathize.

An extremely familiar scene reappears!

The world is upgraded!

However, there are very few exceptions.

That is, at this time, more than a dozen people who have already achieved the status of Daluo Jinxian and cut off the ties between heaven and earth.

The true spirit is no longer directly affected.

But their joy remains, and they are also cheering for the upgrading of Tianwu Realm in their hearts and happy for the world.

This is the world that gives birth to and nourishes them!

Even if the ties of the true spirit have been broken, the ties of the mind can never be cut off!

Excited about the strength of Tianwu Realm, and at the same time, happy for the next good fortune and the better cultivation environment in the future.



Countless chains of heaven and earth rules appeared, densely covering every corner of the world, like a cage, but more like the source of life.

In an instant,

All the Daluo Jinxians who saw the mind and enlightened nature immediately gathered all their thoughts and began to comprehend.

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