I am the Way of Heaven: Creating the Strongest Chaos World

Chapter 53 The war continues to escalate, and the era of turmoil arrives

This battle lasted for half a month.

As more and more "enthusiastic" strongmen who did not leave their names and hide their identities joined in.

The Central Juntian Emperor, who was originally a little stronger, gradually turned into a disadvantage.

More than a thousand strong men in the human fairyland fell, and even more than ten in the true fairyland died. The army died tens of millions, and the wounded were tens of millions.

The Eastern Cangtian Emperor's side also suffered heavy casualties, with hundreds of people above the human fairyland falling. It can only be said that it was relatively better.

After half a month of fierce fighting, most people on both sides were exhausted. After gradually falling into a disadvantage, the Central Juntian Emperor began to order a retreat.

The Eastern Cangtian Emperor did not pursue, but stopped the war.

But this was not the end.

It was a new beginning.

The two sides did not immediately start a war again, but began to lay a large number of defensive fortifications, build war fairy cities, and shocking fairy formations.

Moreover, there was no big war, but small wars continued. Both sides had small-scale armies, fighting with a small number of strong men on the borders of the two sides, and fighting was going on all the time.

Soldiers shed blood, and immortals fell.

Until a few months later.

The immortal strong men of the Northern Xuantian Emperor's side, assembled with the elite army, and arrived late.

Although they only brought one-third of the power of the North, it was enough to rewrite the battlefield. Two against one, the strength of the East will be at an absolute disadvantage.

A larger-scale war started!

There were more immortal strong men participating in this war, directly exceeding 200,000, and the army was as high as more than 1 billion.

But the East was not defeated in one battle as the apparent strength gap showed.

Even the casualties were still lower than those of the Central Party...

But it was not beyond the expectations of the top strong men.

The East fought on two fronts, and it was not at a disadvantage.

The reason was that there were too many strong men who did not want to see the Eastern Xuantian Emperor defeated, nor did they want his strength to be lost too much.

So more and more strong men began to assist.

Of course, this is only one of them.

The most important thing is the attitude of the other three emperors, that is, the attitude of the Northern Xuantian Emperor who arrived at the battlefield at this time.

It took him several months to mobilize the immortal realm powerhouses and the army. Needless to say, this is his attitude!

A supreme emperor, several top immortal gods, tens of thousands of immortal realm powerhouses, hundreds of millions of elite troops, were actually blocked by the powerhouses and troops of 10% of the East...

Facing the Eastern fortifications, war immortal cities, immortal formations and prohibitions, etc., they could not defeat them, and blocked one-third of the entire northern force.

It is like a natural moat that cannot be crossed.

Both sides also fought big and small battles, but the casualties were pitifully small.

But, seeing this situation.

As the main battle party, the Central Juntian Emperor, who suffered huge casualties, was not angry, and Dao Wuchen, as the Emperor of Heaven, was not angry either.

He did not even blame the Western powerhouses and the army who were still fighting in the central territory and making a mess.

At the same time, he did not urge the Southern Yantian Emperor to take action.

It was a bit weird and strange.

A strange atmosphere spread in the hearts of the strong men in the Tianwu Realm, all wondering why Emperor Dao Wuchen was like this and what he was thinking.

Dao Wuchen, who was still sitting high in the Tianwu Palace, didn't care about anything and didn't express anything.

He didn't issue any more imperial orders to ask the top immortals such as Jiuyao Xingjun who were paying close attention to the situation to join the war, nor did he mobilize the power of the Heavenly Palace itself.

No one knew what he was thinking.

It was the Central Juntian Emperor who was taking action.

He began to invite many immortals to come to the Central to assist in the battle in order to complete the imperial order of Emperor Dao Wuchen.

Not to mention, there were many responders.

After all, the Central Juntian Emperor was acting in accordance with the imperial order, and could also represent Dao Wuchen's will to a certain extent.

As the supreme, most powerful and most noble existence in a world, not to mention how many diehards there were, there were definitely many beings who wanted to show their loyalty in front of him.

In order to be appreciated and get a higher status and strength.

Dao Wuchen did not issue an imperial order to them, but when the Central Juntian Emperor spoke, wasn't that equivalent to acting in accordance with the order of the Emperor of Heaven?

Or rather, it was a matter of taking sides...

For a time, many immortal realm masters came to help, and the power controlled by the Central Juntian Emperor became increasingly powerful.

But it still could not overwhelm the Eastern Cangtian Emperor.

As the war progressed and time passed, Dao Wuchen never spoke, and more and more masters who speculated and tested him joined the Eastern Cangtian Emperor.

Even many masters no longer hid their identities and stood in the open to fight against the Eastern Cangtian Emperor.

Because they deliberately turned the appearance of the war into a battle between the two emperors, confusing the audience and diluting its essence.

So that they could participate in the war in the open.

This was a test of Dao Wuchen, and while not breaking up, it also left a way out...

This also led to the escalation of the scale of the war between the two sides.

Among ordinary creatures, the eighth and ninth level warriors who could be called strong died in droves, like ants.

The number of strong people in the human immortal realm who died was also rising rapidly. Less than a year after the war, tens of thousands of them died.

Even the immortal gods who were given titles were not spared. In the blood-thirsty world, who cares who you are.

Besides, if you die, won’t the positions of the appointed ones be vacant?

There are many people who think this way. Some powerful people regard this war as a step to promotion and regard the appointed immortal gods as prey.

The immortal realm has a long life span, and the seal is blessed by the luck of heaven and earth. If you want to wait for the immortals to die, almost no strong man can wait.

If you don't make a big mistake, you will hardly be dismissed.

If you don't have a peerless talent, it's hard to get an additional seal from Emperor Dao Wuchen, and the position of immortals is out of reach.

This war is the best opportunity.

An opportunity for the high-level positions of the Tianwu Realm to be rebuilt and reshuffled.

Many strong men have such a cognition, and they have begun to take action, and the intensity of the battle is constantly escalating.

More and more human immortals, true immortals, and seal immortals have fallen.

It is also with the progress of the war that the most turbulent moment has arrived since the Heavenly Court ruled the Tianwu Realm.

The internal war in the Heavenly Court affected most of the strong men, and most of the remaining ones were also attracted, or were making preparations.

How could those strong men who did not belong to, or even respect the Heavenly Court, miss this excellent opportunity!

Some of those with "clean" fortunes joined the two camps.

More of them, to a certain extent, began to violate the laws of the Heavenly Court to strengthen themselves and develop their power.

But more of them chose to fish in troubled waters, burning, killing, looting, and obtaining resources to strengthen themselves.

It was no longer as dangerous as before, and they were frightened, but they gained more.

Under the rule of the Heavenly Court, an unprecedented moment of unrest began.

The Central and Eastern sides of the warring parties were the most focused on dealing with the war, and there was not much power to rectify them, which made them like fish in water, and even a little unscrupulous.

So that outside the battlefield, many ordinary creatures began to die, far more than ten or a hundred times on the battlefield.

In this regard, Dao Wuchen, who was sitting high in the Tianwu Palace, was not moved at all.

It can also be said that he seemed to have done nothing, but all this was caused by him.

It was exactly what he wanted to see...

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