I am the Way of Heaven: Creating the Strongest Chaos World

Chapter 97 A billion times the original energy!

The Tianwu Realm, which seemed to be still, started to move.

Faster and faster, Qin Yu drove the Tianwu Realm, moving at high speed in the boundless chaos, without knowing when or where.

Without a goal,

he would drift in a random direction.

But this was only temporary.

Since he was escaping, what was the difference between always keeping one direction and staying in place?

The former might even be safer.

Escape was out of not wanting to be completely controlled.

Qin Yu would change direction and speed from time to time, and even he himself didn't know where he would go.

What is certain is that he would not get too close to the Changqing Immortal Realm, nor would he enter the rapidly rushing chaotic waves.

Even in deep sleep, once the above two points were triggered, Qin Yu would be instantly awakened and began to correct himself.

Oh, Changqing Immortal Realm!

Qin Yu immediately awakened his consciousness in Changqing Immortal Realm.

The war between the two realms continued.

There were more than billions of Golden Immortals on both sides, and Taiyi Golden Immortal was still fighting fiercely.

Bloodstained the void, buried in the battlefield of Jidao

Sometimes they were also affected by the aftermath of the battle of the Daluo Jinxian, and turned into ashes in pieces, and were annihilated in an instant, returning to nothingness.

At the Daluo Jinxian level, most of the battles seemed to be fierce, but in fact, neither side suffered much damage.

What surprised Qin Yu was that most of the people who ascended from the Tianwu Realm had already left the battlefield.

There were only a few who were still in the Jidao battlefield.

But this was not the point.

The point was that the Daluo who ascended from the Tianwu Realm were very abnormal, at least in his eyes...

The Tianwu Realm was upgraded to the Great Thousand World, not only was there a lot of noise, but it also lasted for a relatively long time.

Those who ascended from the Tianwu Realm and then became Daluo Jinxians must feel something strange.

Just like the previous Zhu Wudao and several masters above the Tenth Heaven, it would have a huge impact on the state of mind.

But at this time, Qin Yu could not see the slightest abnormality from them.

This is very abnormal...

With a thought,

From the time he left before to the time when the Tianwu Realm was upgraded, all the scenes passed through his consciousness.

In just a moment, the existence of the Tianwu Realm's ascension to the Daluo Jinxian, all the actions during this period were collected in his consciousness.


Qin Yu could only say:

With such good acting skills, it would be a pity not to create a fantasy version of the entertainment industry...

With more than a thousand Daluo Jinxians, only a few of them had a moment of unnaturalness in their expressions, and most of them did not react at all!

What level of acting is this?

Qin Yu flipped through all the moments frame by frame,

most of them did not show even a trace of unnaturalness during the process of the Tianwu Realm's upgrade.

Even if there was any incoordination and unnaturalness between the eyes and the current environment and the battle.

None of them had seen and could sense the direction of the abnormal Tianwu Realm.

There were only a few who had flaws that lasted less than a moment, indicating that they could sense the unusual changes in the Tianwu Realm.

But it was also covered by the Jidao battlefield filled with countless avenue powers, immortal light, demonic energy and murderous aura.

It was impossible for other strong men in the two worlds to find and determine that they had problems.

At this time, Qin Yu also truly saw how high the acting skills of these actors were.

Even He, the Heavenly Dao, could only see the unnaturalness of a few Daluo Jinxians in a few moments!

If He was not sure that these beings who ascended from the Tianwu Realm to become Daluo Jinxians would definitely feel the different Tianwu Realm in the process of upgrading.

He would even ignore those few Daluos, the unnaturalness of a moment, and would not think about other directions at all.

The reason why the Tianwu Realm strong men withdrew from the Jidao battlefield in large numbers was that they were not able to resist the targeting of Lingxu Immortal Realm, so they had to withdraw to save themselves.

In fact, it was because of the special induction of the Tianwu Realm that made them suffer and retreat from the Jidao battlefield.

It was not as it seemed that they could not fight and retreated.

At this time, they were all recovering from their injuries or adjusting their breath in the back. In fact, they were communicating with each other secretly while sensing the Tianwu Realm.

From the outside, there was still no sign of anything unnatural.

If there were teeth, Qin Yu would have to watch them with a toothache.

There was also a deep sense of powerlessness.

At the same time, he was also glad that he had given up the Changqing Immortal Realm at the beginning and practiced the Tianwu Realm.

The Daluo Jinxian of the Changqing Immortal Realm, after endless years of interpretation, all returned to their original nature and almost never revealed their own nature and thoughts.

It was too difficult...

So, Qin Yu didn't have to figure out what they were thinking at this time, anyway, he was already invincible.

Even if the Changqing Immortal Realm was destroyed at this time, it would only prevent him from seeing with his own eyes that this group of white-eyed wolves died in endless despair...

Without thinking too much, he was too lazy to guess.

The ascended masters of the Tianwu Realm might have guessed many things, and even guessed that several abnormal movements in the Tianwu Realm were the world upgrade.

But what could he do?

Qin Yu will always keep a safe distance between Tianwu Realm and Changqing Immortal Realm.

That means there is no threat.

When they are within a safe distance, that is when Tianwu Realm ascends and all the Daluo in Changqing Immortal Realm perish in endless despair in the boundless chaos!

The ending is destined!

The process is actually not that important.

Perhaps, this may also be a change that will be beneficial to Him...

The consciousness is silent and returns to Tianwu Realm.

Qin Yu immediately began to experience the changes in the depths of his consciousness.

To be precise, it is the Gate of Fortune!

In just a moment, Qin Yu's consciousness was completely occupied by extreme joy, nothing else.

It was even more than when the world was upgraded!

Because this is what He really relies on, with the fortune energy that continues to penetrate from the Gate of Fortune, and upgrading is just a byproduct.

I saw that it was originally just a very blurry light curtain, which was named the Gate of Fortune by Him. It is now clearer and more like a portal.

The sense of reality has increased by more than ten thousand times!

The fortune energy that penetrated is completely different from the past. It can be said that it has changed from a small stream to a rushing river.

Ten thousand times,

No, it has to be more!

With his mind calmed down, Qin Yu immediately sensed all the changes without any difference.

Not ten thousand times, but one hundred thousand times!

It is one hundred thousand times more than the Changqing Immortal Realm!

Horrible, extremely terrifying fortune energy, continuously and steadily penetrated from the Gate of Fortune!

Even though he had deduced it before, when he really reached this point, Qin Yu still couldn't help but be ecstatic.

His soaring moment has really arrived!

It's just that when he was in the Heavenly Dao of the Changqing Immortal Realm, the aura of good fortune that permeated the Gate of Good Fortune.

When converted into the source energy, it reached 10,000 times that of the crystal wall of its own world.

Because the Tianwu Realm is more in line with the Gate of Good Fortune, it is now 100,000 times that of the Changqing Immortal Realm before.

Then, it is 1 billion times!

It is equivalent to 1 billion times the speed at which the crystal wall of the world can obtain the source energy of an ordinary world!

This is an extremely terrifying speed of obtaining source energy!

Even the Hunyuan World of a higher grade can only achieve this level, right?

Equivalent to the speed of obtaining source energy in the Hunyuan World?

Qin Yu couldn't help but tremble a little...

You know, this is not the final manifestation of Him in the world level, but just a beginning.

From this moment on, every time the Tianwu Realm becomes stronger, that is, every time He becomes stronger in essence, he will get more aura of good fortune.

How much good fortune will there be when it is upgraded to a higher-level world or a top-level world?

Moreover, the role of good fortune at this time is no longer limited to the conversion into original energy.

Qin Yu, who was extremely excited, seemed to be impatient to start the experiment...

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