I am the younger brother of Superman, but I got the template of Thanos

Chapter 112 The planet under my feet is my weapon

"What will the third template be?"

David's eyes were hot, anxious and expectant.

[The third template is loading...]

[Loading 3%...20%...]

A few seconds later, in the excitement, there was a buzzing in his head. David shook his head. Suddenly there was a strange power around him. He looked around and cast his eyes into the void.

Something he had never sensed before, something huge, invisible and ubiquitous, opened up to him.

In the green wilderness covered with weeds, unknown insects chirped wantonly.

David looked down and moved his fingers slightly.

Several stones on the ground seemed to be caught by an invisible force and floated up.

call out!

David's eyes moved.

The stone suddenly flew out, like a sniper bullet, piercing the tree dozens of meters away.

With another movement, the backpack weighing hundreds of kilograms on his back fell to the ground.

"That's not all..."

He closed his eyes and felt it carefully, and the feeling became clearer and clearer.

There is an infinite and vast field that covers this planet.

David felt like an ant suddenly touching a vast ocean. The best thing was that he borrowed and controlled the power of this vast ocean.


He opened his eyes suddenly, and the flowing air seemed to be under heavy pressure, and the air pressure increased suddenly.

Click, click, click!

The weeds blowing in the wind were suddenly crushed to the ground. The insects whined and then disappeared. The branches of the big trees made overwhelming sounds and broke and fell to the ground. An invisible force covered the surrounding area for miles.


At the same time, his feet lifted off the ground, and David's body grew taller like a god about to ascend to heaven.

The stones on the ground floated up like a star ring surrounding the celestial body. As he rose into the sky, the radiance of the sun coated his ancient Greek sculpture-like face with a golden glow, faintly adding a touch of divinity.

Between the clouds and the sky.

David, who had gained the ability to fly, opened his eyes with a sense of novelty, and looked down at the small wilderness below. He felt heroic and suddenly felt like he was unfettered and the world was at his disposal.

"Flying freely in the sky like a bird has been a dream of mankind since ancient times."

And now he has done it, he has conquered the sky and escaped the capture of gravity.

"To be more precise, I manipulated gravity!"

Clenching his fist fiercely, David seemed to hold an invisible world in his hands, and a strong light burst out in his eyes.

The capabilities of the new template are already obvious. They are ubiquitous and present everywhere on the planet, but what is often overlooked is gravity.

[Wanliwang template is loaded and 30% integrated]

"King of Ten Thousand Powers?"

David opened his eyelids, searched his memory, and finally remembered who this person with a nickname similar to Magneto was.

He is very similar to Magneto. One of them mainly controls magnetism with a little bit of electromagnetic force, and the other mainly controls gravity with a little bit of gravitation.

"King Wanli's real name is Franklin Hall. He was originally a physicist. In an experimental accident involving a particle accelerator, he gained the ability to control gravity and later became one of the Avengers' powerful enemies."

He turned over the relevant information and background of King Wanli in his mind.

Both are members of the Ten Thousand Word Generation, and their strength is not weaker than Magneto at all, and is even a little stronger under normal circumstances.

"He has defeated the Avengers many times, and even defeated the heroes of the entire earth including Hulk, Thor and Scarlet Witch all at once.

The reason for failure is often due to poor brains and mental instability. Either you give up on your goals, or you are defeated by others who take advantage of this. "

It's the software that drags down the hardware.

And he doesn't have that kind of weakness.

Familiar with the newly acquired ability, David hooked his fingers and the backpack on the ground flew over.

Then, he reached out and pointed at a mountain peak a few miles away that was eight or nine hundred meters high.

Baa baa!

At the foot of the mountain, an old shepherd with a cross necklace on his hand and a white hat on his head was grazing goats, waving a whip in his hand, and the goats jumped around between the rocks and gnawed on the grass.


Suddenly, there was a tremor, rocks rolled down, and the entire mountain peak shook.


The shepherd looked towards the mountain in shock.

The next second, his jaw dropped, a scene he would never forget.

It was as if an invisible giant hand had grasped the mountain peak. The part where the mountain body was in contact with the earth was torn apart. The entire mountain peak was pulled up from the ground, separated from the earth and rose into the air.

The sheep bleated in fear and fled.

The shepherd was stunned, frozen on the spot, extremely shocked.

"God, what do I see?"

He rubbed his eyes, but the scene in front of him did not change at all. The mountain peak was uprooted and hovered dozens of meters above the ground.

"Is this... is this true?" The shepherd was as stiff as if he had been struck by lightning. He felt as if he had seen a miracle. Looking at the magnificent power, he felt as small as an ant. He kept calling God and kneeling. and began to pray.

"It's a little difficult."

After more than ten seconds, David manipulated the gravity field, put the mountain back to its original position, and looked at the palm of his hand.

The power to pull up mountains, this is almost the limit of his current manipulation ability.

Immersed in his newly acquired powerful abilities, David didn't know there was a shepherd below. When he saw the mountain reset, he thought it was God playing a joke on him.

"Reshaping the moon's ring-shaped mountains and raising islands and cities into the sky like King Wanli did in the comics can only be achieved after a higher degree of integration."

But this also caused his strength to skyrocket. Now he can tear mountains apart and change the terrain with a wave of his hand.

There was undisguised excitement on his face, and he was comparing things in his mind.

The difference between Magneto and Power King makes it easy for people to compare.

"Compared with Magneto's abilities, there is no doubt that gravity is more powerful than magnetism. It can easily control everything in the world, not just metals, and it is easier to control."

As for the ends of the two abilities, they are both one of the four basic forces of the universe. The electromagnetic force is stronger than the universal gravitation.

David believes that there is no difference between an untouchable upper limit and nothing.

“There are also some extended abilities in terms of manipulating gravity.

For example, twisting light to see things in the distance, sensing things far away across the ocean through a gravity field, eliminating the gravity of all things, creating a gravitational field to attract all things to each other, creating a gravity field shield, creating earthquakes, emitting gravity wave beams..."

There are too many extended abilities, some of which he cannot yet achieve regarding gravity.

But the most basic point is that within the range of gravity, you can control everything almost like a god.

"The planet under my feet is my weapon!"

Bang bang bang!

Continuous sonic booms sounded, like sonic boom clouds that were punctured by a white gaseous plate, which were generated one after another in the sky and lingered for a long time.

Manipulating the effect of deflecting the earth's gravity on him, David's eyes lit up as he became familiar with his newfound flying ability, breaking through the clouds and galloping freely through the sky.

Ten times the speed of sound, fifty times the speed of sound... a hundred times the speed of sound, two hundred times the speed of sound!

In just ten seconds, David accelerated to 200 times the speed of sound. It was not until nearly 260 times the speed of sound that he reached the limit of his speed. A gravity field was generated around him, protecting his clothes.

David couldn't help laughing, like a meteor flying across the sky.

“Originally, I was worried that I would have difficulty moving at the bottom of the deep sea.

Every move is subject to the pressure of the deep sea, and the attack is also resisted by the sea water, so its strength is greatly reduced. "

He thought about setting out for Atlantis.

"But now - it's no longer a problem!"

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