Oa Star, in the cold and majestic open-air temple.

Above each of the towering stone pillars stands a blue-skinned, old-man-like guardian of the universe. They are the masters of Oa and the founders of the Green Lantern Corps.

Their faces were indifferent, as if they had no extra emotions, and they looked down below.

"A huge light in the universe disappeared!"

Looking up at the indifferent stone statue of the Guardian of the Universe, Sinestro was saddened by the passing of his mentor who was both his teacher and friend, and at the same time felt angry.

"The inhabitants of two planets have been wiped out by an unknown enemy, one who has mastered the power of yellow terror!

And we still don’t know who it is! "

"Abin Su only said one sentence before he was killed - "It's the Parallax Monster"!"

Sinestro looked at the Guardians of the Universe angrily, expecting them to give an answer, no longer a simple sentence sent to the Legion members to search for enemies and prepare for battle.

"We already know that we will evaluate this disaster and whether we need to invest on a larger scale."

From the beginning of the universe to the present, the voices of the guardians of the universe have gone through vicissitudes of life without a trace of fluctuation.


Guardians, I can lead the legion of warriors to deal with this powerful enemy, and I will prove to you that our golden years have not passed.

But I want to know what you are hiding. "

Sinestro spoke fiercely.

The soldiers of the Green Lantern Corps join the Green Lantern Corps to protect the order and justice of the universe, not to be robot soldiers who do not need to know the inside story, but only need to know the orders.

The guardians were silent for a while.

"Guardians, no one knows how long you have lived and what kind of power you have, but one thing is known to everyone in the universe. You have knowledge as vast as the universe, and there is almost nothing you don't know.

But this time, why is the message giving the task so concise! "

Taking two steps forward excitedly, he asked loudly, barely able to control his emotions. The lives of legionnaires can be sacrificed for the safety of the universe, but they cannot die meaninglessly and without knowing anything.

"The power of will has always been the weapon of the Legion, helping us fight against the dark forces in the universe, but when this power is not enough..."

Finally, someone from the dozen or so cosmonauts spoke up.

"There was a heated discussion among us about whether to activate the power of fear that we vowed never to activate."

The Green Lantern Corps has maintained order and peace in the universe for billions of years, but the darkness of the universe has not always succumbed to their green light, such as Krypton, such as the New Protoss...

Although Sinestro didn't know the past history of the Legion, he guessed that it was related to the "Dark Years" that was unclear in the Book of Oa.

"The power of fear is too unpredictable and the risk of corruption is too high."

Another guardian of the universe looked at a broken stone pillar in one of the temples and continued.

The power of the emotional spectrum of the universe, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and violet, is closer to the center of the spectrum, and the power has the least impact on the user. For example, the green will has almost no impact on the user, but other powers are different.

“One of us, trying to prove to us that fear is controllable, had good intentions but naive views.

He went straight into fear itself and was eventually consumed by it, becoming our enemy. "

This is the origin of the Parallax monster. Before it could absorb fear and become powerful, they asked Abin Su to imprison it underground on a dead planet.

But now he has escaped and is becoming stronger and stronger.

Sinestro, who was almost the strongest Lantern of the Green Lantern Corps after the death of Abin Sue, asked with a look on his face and two seconds of silence.

"The power of fear is stronger than the power of will?"

One of the Guardians of the Universe nodded.

"The power of willpower all comes from one's own will. No matter how strong your own will is, how much power you can exert, there is often a limit.

Fear, on the other hand, can draw strength from the fears of others. "

Infinite life, infinite fear, represents infinite power.

"The Green Lantern Corps has maintained justice in the universe for a long time, and its reputation has spread throughout the universe. Countless evildoers will tremble just by seeing the light of the Corps from a distance."

One can imagine what kind of power that would be.

"Parallax may have absorbed the fears of several civilizations.

How powerful can our warriors be? "

Sinestro's face changed slightly, his brows furrowed, and he suddenly discovered something fatal.

The Guardians of the Universe looked at each other, and there was silence.

"In that case, we have no choice.

You must fight fear with fear! "

What do these guardians of the universe think of the legionnaires? If he doesn't ask, what will happen to the situation? The lives of the fearless and righteous warriors are not as good as the faults that the other party wants to hide.

Sinestro clenched his fists hard to suppress his anger, and a hint of respect appeared on his livid face.

"I think we'll have to forge a yellow light ring."

"The ring is right here, take it." One of them opened his palm, and a fear light ring floated towards Sinestro, whose eyes were shining.

"The power of fear and the power of will come from the same source, and you don't need training to master its power.

Legion members have discovered that Parallax is heading to a living planet called Earth. "

He waved his hand to reveal a picture. The Parallax monster, which was shaped like a flowing desert of death, was flying through the icy starry sky, heading in a certain direction with great momentum.

"Now your mission is to use the Legion's billions of years of prestige to solve this crisis for the universe."

The Guardian of the Universe warned.

"But remember, be careful of the erosion of fear."

"I will."

Holding the yellow light ring hard in his hand, Sinestro's heart beat faster. He didn't dare to wear the ring in the temple. He suppressed his excitement, turned around and left quickly.

In the ancient temple, only the guardians of the universe who guard the order of the universe are left again.

After a long time, he was broken by a voice that seemed to have no emotion: "The reputation accumulated by the Legion for countless years will make him extremely powerful, but he may not be able to defeat and capture the Parallax Monster."

"Don't worry, there are Kryptonians and powerful life forms of that unknown race."

One of them looked indifferently at the vast cosmic nebula.

"I have arranged for someone to guide them."


Thomas Ray flew in from outer space, following the direction indicated by the flashing light ring, and was about to enter the town to meet the two newly selected candidate Lanterns.

But suddenly it was like falling into a quagmire, encountering a strong resistance, making it difficult to get closer.

He looked alert, thinking he was encountering an enemy, so the green light quickly condensed into a set of high-tech armor that looked like a space suit.

"Why didn't the light ring sound a warning?"

The powerful and invisible force filled the entire town. Thomas Ray was surprised by the magnitude of the force and looked around defensively.

Two green figures rose from the town.

David looked at the alien in front of him and frowned slightly.

Just now, he didn't want a stranger to randomly run into his home, so he used his power to stop the person outside the town.

"Most Lanterns in the Green Lantern Corps are honest, fearless, and trustworthy people.

But not the little blue guys who lead the Green Lantern Corps. "

In mid-air, Clark experienced a wonderful feeling. He was just like a bird, but he could fly freely with an idea without vibrating his wings.

It reminded him of the same feeling he had when flying in his dreams.

"Recruits, I am Thomas Ray from Sector 2813. It seems you have adapted well."

Thomas Ray sounded surprised.

Many people who are selected by the light ring will be frightened and confused at first because of the power of the light ring.

He was keenly aware that the two successors chosen by the Lantern Ring seemed a bit unusual, such as the previous power.

"Wait a minute, are you a Kryptonian?"

After retreating a few meters in mid-air and seeing Clark, the light ring sounded a reminder, and Thomas Ray felt as if he had seen a ghost.

"Isn't Krypton already destroyed?"

Each member selected by the ring must be familiar with the lantern ring and receive training in combat before officially becoming a lantern. Generally speaking, the old will lead the new.

"The order from the Legion didn't tell me that I was going to train a Kryptonian."

Thomas Ray glanced at the sun above his head.

"And he's a Kryptonian who's been exposed to the yellow sun!"

"And you... are actually an unknown race in the universe that is not included in the Lantern Ring?

The light ring gave you the evaluation that it is suspected to be an unknown life form with potential that is not weaker than that of Kryptonians? "

Thomas Ray felt that he had been surprised enough today.

What could he teach these two?

I'm afraid I'm only familiar with the lantern ring.

"In fact, we have no intention of joining your legion."

Facing the alien who looked like a fishman and said a lot of things when he came up, David said.

He has no interest in staying away from the universe and putting out fires everywhere in the universe under the leadership of that group of little blue men.

"Is it the same for you?"

Thomas Ray looked at Clark who looked at him in surprise.

He is no stranger to this kind of gaze as he often goes to alien planets. He is assigned to be responsible for more than 80,000 sectors in the galaxy alone.

“Joining the Legion is entirely voluntary.

But I suggest you to learn more about it. You don’t know what an honor it is to join the Legion..."

Thomas Ray is about to go into detail about the history of the Green Lantern Corps.

David touched his chin, thoughtfully.

This Thomas Ray is just an ordinary member of the Green Lantern Corps. He may not know the message that the light ring has reached the Oa star headquarters, but it is impossible for the little blue people not to know.

"Knowing that Clark is a Kryptonian and treating him as an ordinary alternate member, the little blue people put aside their millions of years of rejection of Kryptonians?"

David doesn't believe it's that simple, fearing that a war is imminent, and the little blue man wants to use Clark and his power.

"Abin Sue tells us that the universe seems to be in crisis."

Clark interrupted and got to the point.

David looked a little helpless, but his brother was eager to let others take advantage of him.

"Abin Su..."

Thomas Ray expressed emotion, because the sector responsible for maintaining public security is adjacent to Abin Su's sector, and the two have formed a deep friendship over time.

Not only was his best friend dead, the Green Lantern Corps lost a great and fearless Lantern forever.

"You are right, Parallax monsters wander around this sector of the universe, sucking life through fear everywhere.

When he accumulates enough strength, he will probably attack Oua. No creature has dared to attack us in millions of years. "

He pursed his lips solemnly and whispered to himself.

"I'm afraid this is why this guidance mission was so hasty."

Originally, according to the normal process, the process of guiding new people should first pick up the candidate Lanterns on Oa and complete everything there.

At the very least, we need to bring newcomers to appreciate the past glory and history of the Legion, and let them understand the honor and responsibility of the Lantern identity.

"Okay, those will be taken care of by our official legion members.

Some of us have spread out to search for the whereabouts of Parallax Monster. "

Although Thomas Ray had the mentality to face a strong enemy, he obviously did not regard the Parallax monster as a catastrophic disaster, and smiled.

"Now, let me introduce to you the power of the light ring."

David shook his head secretly. Thomas Ray has never seen a Parallax monster, or basically all existing Green Lanterns have never seen a Parallax monster.

Even though the current parallax monster was created by the little blue people, what the little blue people are best at is covering up their dark history.

To this day, members of the Green Lantern Corps are unaware of Parallax's power.

"An ordinary Green Lantern would extinguish his light when faced with Parallax Monster."

The emotional spectrum is one of the original forces of the universe. It is an energy field inspired by the emotions of all life forms in the universe. Each energy has a corresponding conscious energy entity, that is, the lantern beast.

"The lantern beast needs to be integrated with a living body to exert its maximum capabilities. The Parallax Monster is the lantern beast with the power of fear, and its current host is one of the original members of the Little Blue Man."

However, the Green Lantern Corps members who were the first to do so were not in a hurry, and David certainly would not be in a hurry either.

"As one of the entities on the emotional spectrum, Parallax's strength and importance to the fate of the universe are self-evident."

If I could make the Parallax monster resentful, the emotional points I could provide would be quite considerable.

A glint flashed in his eyes.

Moreover, the Parallax monster itself is very high-level, and his current body cannot display his full strength at all.

“It’s a rare opportunity right now.”

However, the Parallax monster has not yet arrived on Earth, so there is no rush yet.

The universe may be in danger, but Clark is very anxious, but seeing that Thomas Ray doesn't seem particularly worried, he also thinks that the Green Lantern Corps has guarded the universe for countless years, and it should be extremely powerful to ensure the safety of the universe by itself.

As an outsider, he was more worried than the Justice Universe police.

Clark was doubtful and said nothing.

Thomas Ray took the two people to a silent and uninhabited wilderness and showed them the power of the light ring. The green light evolved the history of the Legion.

"The guardians use the power of will as the weapon of the legion. It is the most powerful force in the universe. The 3,600 sectors of the universe maintain peace and order under the light of the power of will.

If you can use it skillfully, you can do almost anything. "


Clark had to wonder aloud.

Wouldn’t that be the same as Almighty God?

David was very calm, knowing that Thomas Ray's words were not too exaggerated. He lowered his head and looked at the light ring in his hand, his eyes flashing.

"The emotional spectrum is the power of the will. As long as the Lantern's will is strong enough, a lantern ring in the hands of the Legion can reach the upper limit of the power of will.

Breaking planets and creating stars is not a problem. "

He paused for a moment and thought to himself.

"I don't know how much power of will I can exert with this light ring."

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