In the video, Fran, who was tied to a chair, was crying and confessing the crimes he had committed in the past.

"He frequently helped gangsters sell information on informants, assassinated colleagues who had conflicts with him, framed obstacles for promotion in the police station, and threatened people to steal various business secrets... The crimes he committed were enough to shoot him five or six times."

Finally, the video also shows Fran's desire to control Clark.

"If Clark disobeys, I will give him some tricks, such as getting corpses and black guns, hiding them in the barn, framing your father for murder, and putting your father in jail. Then I will truly have you. The handle of the family."

There was a trembling voice in the video, and Fran spoke with fear.

But Clark could still hear an insidious calculation that sent chills down his spine.

Maybe my brother was right, he was so naive that he took chances.

"I did this wrong."

After the video was played, Clark looked slightly ugly and admitted his mistake to his brother.

He looked seriously into David's eyes, his face full of worry.

“But you shouldn’t kill, brother.

You haven't even finished high school, and you can beat people into a vegetative state, torture them to extract confessions, kill people, and dispose of corpses without blinking an eye.

I'm really scared. "

Strictly speaking, his brother David is not yet a minor, but many of the things he does are enough to make the hair stand on end of many adults.

Future Superman Clark is more worried about David's future condition than someone being killed.

[Concern from Clark +35...]

[The template has been integrated 96%]

"What do you think of those soldiers who killed people in the defense war?"

David said.

"Are they uncontrolled, evil murderers?"

"of course not."

Clark said, "How can you be guilty of defending the country?"

"Then don't bother me anymore."

After saying a few words, David turned and left.

"I am protecting this family from any external troubles and damage!"

Looking at his brother's leaving back, Clark opened his mouth, speechless to argue.

If your brother stays like this all the time, he won't worry. He will be afraid that when something develops, you don't care and stop it. When the outcome of the matter is already determined and you want to change it, you will be unable to do anything.

"Today David crossed the line of murder, and he seemed to have no psychological burden. It was like squeezing a bug to death and doing a small thing casually."

Clark couldn't help but feel worried, reminding him of those scenes in Lady Cassandra that predict the future.

If those scenes are true, David in the future will obviously not limit his power to just protecting this family.

Dark clouds covered the sky, and cold raindrops fell on the glass.

Metropolitan Environmental Protection Center, the top floor of the building with clean and bright windows.

A meticulously groomed man wearing a suit and tie, his hair slicked back, with a fighter-like tenacity hidden between his brows, looked seriously at the crowds of people coming and going outside holding umbrellas.

“The scenery here is really nice.”

A kind voice came, and a brown-haired man in a black coat walked into the office and took off the leather gloves on his hands.

He had a heart-warming smile on his face.

"Good morning, Mr. Rickman, you are welcome."

Paul turned around slowly, as if he was a soldier preparing to face a tough battle, his voice was serious but not impolite.

"Director Paul called me here. Can I contribute anything to the environmental protection center?"

He sat down unceremoniously across the table and twisted his body as if he disliked the fact that the chair was not comfortable enough. Rich man Rickman, who is worth hundreds of millions of dollars, raised his head and smiled.

“I heard that your company is doing some research in the small town of Smallville and is preparing to acquire several farms.

Does your company have any plans? "

He also sat down in his own place, looked directly into the other person's eyes and got straight to the point.

"My plan is to build a massive new factory and create some jobs and tax revenue for our beloved metropolitan area."

Rickman spread his hands.

Without saying a word, Paul took out a bottle of water sample from the cabinet, placed it on the table, and stared at him closely.

"What's this?"

"The groundwater sample taken from the location of a factory you recently built contains more parameters that exceed the standard than the factory under your name." He said with sharp eyes.

"The relationship between Rickman Enterprises and the Environmental Protection Center has been excellent, Paul."

Without even looking, Rickman smiled and pointed to the corner of the room.

"Did you know? The water dispenser in your room was actually sponsored by my company. I just had dinner with some of your colleagues two days ago."

“Not everyone is bought by money.

Tomorrow I and my people will issue a restraining order to prevent your company from approaching that town. "

He stood up, with an unyielding look in his eyes, and held the table with both hands.

"Listen to me, everyone will benefit, otherwise..."

Rickman also stood up, his smile disappeared, and his eyes revealed a terrifying coldness.

"I have researched the pesticide factory owned by your company, and it seems that there are a lot of cases against you for employee poisoning, although you have suppressed them all."

Paul took out a thick folder and spoke tit-for-tat without fear.

“I have contacted several people and have decided to re-charge you.

Next, Mr. Rickman may be very busy and have no time to do anything else. "

His eyes suddenly became more gloomy. After a few seconds, Rickman suddenly smiled and shook his head helplessly.

"You really hit home with me, Paul."

He put his hand on Paul's shoulder, and his palm seemed to touch the back of his neck inadvertently, making physical contact with him.

After Paul's eyes and pupils dilated for a short time, they returned to normal. He looked at the business elite in front of him again, feeling extremely close and admired, and suddenly felt extremely regretful.

How could he be so rude to Mr. Rickman who always donated things to the Environmental Protection Center.

"I'm sorry, sir, I just..."

"It's okay, Director Paul."

With a gentle smile on his face, Rickman hugged him and came to the window, as if he were treating an old friend.

"I admire your fighting spirit very much, but I have never bribed anyone with money."

"You are right, sir. I should not doubt your nobility."

"Look at the buildings outside. You have contributed so much enthusiasm to your work and ensured people's safe and environmentally friendly life, but do you own any place?"

"No, sir, my wife and children are still renting in an apartment for the time being." As if thinking of something sad, Paul's brows showed a trace of sadness.

Shaking his head, Rickman seemed to have sincere pity on his face.

“What’s the point of living in a day like this?

Think about it, Mr. Paul. "

Patting the confused Paul on the shoulder, he turned and left.

After a while, in the lobby on the first floor of the Metropolitan Environmental Protection Center, Rickman, who looked like a successful man, walked to the door.


A figure jumped down from the building and smashed the taxi at the door, turning it into a puddle of flesh.

"Tyler, I heard that there are a few stubborn farmers who refuse to sell their land?"

He withdrew his cold gaze and took out his mobile phone from his arms.

"Prepare a car and go to the town. I will talk to them."

The golden sunlight at noon shines through the glass into the house.

When David and Clark opened the door and returned home, they didn't smell any lunch aroma.

The atmosphere was so dull and depressing.

"Dad, Mom, what's wrong with you?"

Entering the house, David was surprised.

In the living room, his father Jonathan sat sadly at the dining table, and his mother Martha stood aside angrily, as if they had just had an unprecedented quarrel, and no one paid attention to anyone.

This kind of situation has been rarely seen in this warm little home in the past ten years.

"What is this, Dad?"

Seeing his parents quarreling, Clark was confused and worried, and pointed at several documents that Jonathan was looking at over and over in his hand.

"It was your father's contract to sell our farm and house."

When she mentioned this incident, Martha couldn't help but get angry, her eyes turned red and she accused her husband.

"How could you not discuss with me first, who once told me that this land is an heirloom of our family, and who told me that we will live here forever!"


The two brothers were stunned.

They were fine in the morning, but they just came back from school at noon. In the blink of an eye, their house and land were gone?

David frowned, took a step closer, and confirmed in disbelief.

"Father, did you really sell our Kent Farm and Kent House?"

The update is a little late, I wrote 500 more words, please read (ω`)

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