I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 1003 Blazing Tyrant 1

Lin Jie ignored Mo Jun who had just arrived and walked towards Ah Fu.

"You'd better return my things, and then I'll send you on your way, hehehehehaha~"

Lin Jie let out a strange laugh, walked up to Ah Fu, and reached out to touch his pocket. Ah Fu became more and more furious and roared at Lin Jie. Until Lin Jie touched his toy bear, Ah Fu felt an uncontrollable feeling in his heart. He has a revengeful mentality and will not let the other party feel better even if he dies!

Just when Lin Jie took out his toy bear, Ah Fu suddenly reached out and grabbed it. Lin Jie held the label and he held the bear.

The expression on Lin Jie's face was also stunned by Ah Fu's sudden behavior.

"give me back!"

He roared at Ah Fu, not daring to snatch it from Ah Fu's hand, because both of them were too powerful, and the thread connecting the tag and the bear could be torn off even by ordinary people, let alone a Seventh-level new humans and sixth-level new humans.

Lin Jie didn't dare to lose this kind of thing at all. This toy bear was where all his souls were for him, and it was this toy bear that gave him the soul of this walking corpse. Lin Jie didn't dare to imagine what it would be like to lose it, so he Hui resolutely went back to look for him, which made him determined to kill Tang Fu, the vice president of the Peace Society, even if offending the Peace Society would cause him great trouble.

Lin Jie's voice was hoarse, but he didn't dare to use force, but Ah Fu did!

Without any hesitation, Ah Fu suddenly exerted force, and the thread connecting the tag and the bear broke instantly like the most fragile thing in the world.


Ah Fu let out a devilish laugh, and in front of Lin Jie's dull expression, he threw himself towards the crater at the top of the volcano!


Lin Jie didn't immediately pay attention to Ah Fu's actions. Instead, he let out a heartbreaking cry and ran towards the flying bear. However, his reaction was still a step too slow. When he reached the crater, His little bear toy had already flown to the rock wall on the other side, hit it lightly, and fell into the black-red magma below under Lin Jie's eyes.

The moment the little bear came into contact with the magma surface, the fur on it was ignited and turned into ashes at an extremely fast speed. The magma lake below also rolled like a giant beast because of the addition of a flammable object, turning black and red. The surface of the magma was torn open, revealing a bright red color.

The sorrow and anger on Lin Jie's face began to disappear and became expressionless. He looked at the rolling magma below and seemed to accept the reality.

He got up and walked towards Ah Fu. When he came to him, he looked at Ah Fu silently, with no emotion in his eyes, but suddenly, he burst out into a sickly laugh.

"Hahaha~hehehehehe~hahaha! You actually...hahaha...you actually...you actually~hahaha, hehehehehehe~"

Listening to Lin Jie's laughter, Mo Jun's heart tightened. He had known Lin Jie for half a month and almost knew what kind of character this person was. In short, he had a character that normal people wouldn't have. He was a bit anti-social. ! Not a little bit, but completely anti-social. Even his soul is anti-social!

A complete lunatic!

Such a person, no matter what time, state, or expression he is, is an extremely dangerous person, because you have no idea what he is thinking about this kind of person, crazy, cruel, and violent all rolled into one!

But this kind of person laughs after encountering the most devastating thing. This is the most dangerous time!

Lin Jie didn't say a word. In Mo Jun's eyes, he picked up one of Ah Fu's legs and walked towards the crater. As soon as Ah Fu started struggling, Lin Jie put him down. But the next second, Ah Fu The other leg was torn open by Lin Jie using extremely violent means!

Immediately afterwards, his arms left his body one after another. Lin Jie was so cruel that Mo Jun couldn't bear to look at it.

He moved very fast, even though he was holding a huge thing in his hands. After a while, he pulled Afu to the crater, still with a smile on his face.

He didn't say much, and only said four words: "Go and be buried with him."

After saying these four words, Lin Jie didn't give Ah Fu any chance and threw him into the magma under the volcano. Even standing in the crater, the surrounding temperature was already over a hundred degrees, which made Lin Jie sweat profusely. But he didn't leave, and just watched Ah Fu fall into the magma.

Ah Fu, who had just fallen into the magma, finally felt the breath of death. He was a little panicked. The moment his flesh and blood touched the rolling magma, he felt that his flesh and blood was quickly being consumed, although he could not feel the pain. , but the feeling of physical disappearance made him panic.

The anti-life substances in the body quickly withered under the absolute high temperature, and the sense of the passage of life became more and more tangible. This feeling was the feeling of death. He never thought that he would die, because he was a silver-armored corpse. As long as he still has energy, he can be resurrected indefinitely, but after entering the magma of several thousand degrees, the anti-life substances in his body were swallowed up by high-temperature ions before they could be repaired.

I thought I would never be afraid of death, but when the shadow of death fell on me, Ah Fu panicked, and at the same time he seemed to have endless anger!

Lin Jie's image kept flashing in his mind. Ah Fu's eyes were filled with blood, and his roar swallowed up everything. The hot magma was also swallowing up everything in him. Suddenly, Ah Fu realized that he still had many things to do. Tang Ye The back figure appeared in his mind.

That's his boss. He has one thing to do, which is to build a world where zombies and humans live together. Ah Fu doesn't know why he did this, but since he became conscious, that figure has been a relative to him. The same existence teaches you what feelings are, and his business is also your own business.

After living in the Peace Society for so long, and under people's exaggeration, Ah Fu also understood that he was Tang Ye's right-hand man and the person he trusted most. If he died, it would be much more difficult for Tang Ye to achieve his goals. How could he Worthy of him?

So I can't die!

Due to Ah Fu's sixth-level zombies, even in the frighteningly dense magma, his body was still sinking. However, at this time, deep in his soul, there was a radiance that was impossible to possess in his body. This ray of light Give Afu unlimited power.

The picture in his mind was fixed on Lin Jie's face. His anger exceeded the limit. Lin Jie's face was torn apart by him crazily, with blood splattering everywhere!


He looked up to the sky and roared, and Tang Ye, who was far away in the Liantong District, was also inexplicably startled, looked around, and finally locked in the direction of Jiuge.

"What’s wrong with you?"

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