I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 1054: Sending Changes 17

Wei Ba and his men walked forward to the Peace Society soldiers who were collecting Ding Fulong's body, and asked: "Brother, is there a hotel here? It's late at night, and we can't go back to the shelter, so …”

Wei Ba said nothing, and the soldier he asked about replied: "There are places to live in. If you pay two Yajin in those buildings, you can find a room to live in for a month. If you have enough Yajin, you can go to those buildings." Take a walk inside and find a special hotel." The soldier's tone was a little low, and he was obviously in a bad mood. It seemed to be affected by the death of Ding Fulong.

Hearing the soldier's words, Wei Ba was in trouble. This was the first time he came into contact with the word Yajin. He had never heard of it before. Where could he find Yajin?

"But brother, we don't have Yajin. Why don't you lend us some and we will pay it back in a few days."

Wei Ba was sincere and wanted to borrow a few Yajin from these soldiers. In his first impression, two Yajin should not be many, and he should be able to borrow them in one go, but Wei Ba had no idea that one Under normal circumstances, if Yajin is saved enough, it can keep an ordinary person alive for a month!

In the apocalypse, Yajin is no longer comparable to money in the apocalypse. Yajin can buy people's lives, or it can extend your own life. It can be said that with enough Yajin, you can basically realize any wish in the apocalypse, even... love! Of course, except for some that are too fantasy.

Although two Yajin sounds like a small amount, it is enough for soldiers of these classes to find four or five awesome girls to have sex with.

Therefore, the soldier had no intention of taking the two Yajin from Wei Ba and the others, not at all. He just pointed at a few buildings outside and said, "Did you see that? If there is no Yajin in those houses, just pick one at random. Defeat the black boss inside, and the whole building will be yours."

"This..." Wei Ba was stunned. Such an operation was too barbaric.

Before the end of the world, if you want to own a house of your own, you have to spend half your life to buy it, but in the end of the world, you can just hit someone?

"Don't be surprised, this is the end of the world, but you can beat the people inside to maim or cripple them, but don't beat them to death. If you beat them to death, we may show up the next day to arrest you."

"Okay, thank you."

Wei Ba nodded and led the people towards a building. As soon as he entered, he heard him say: "Who is the best fighter here? Come out!"

The next day, Wei Ba and his party walked out of the building. Several of them had bruises on their faces. After buying some edible cans in the Liantong District with the Yajin they grabbed, they prepared to leave. In the Liantong District, he returned to the shelter, but before he left, Wei Ba suddenly saw a few familiar figures on the street.

Wearing armor specially developed by the shelter, they were walking on the street, but just like when they entered the United Unified District yesterday, that group of people were looked at like monkeys.

"It's that shelter again."

"I saw a group of them yesterday, and they're here again today."

"Hehe, I was afraid that I couldn't survive in the shelter, so I ran out."


The group of shelter soldiers who had just entered the joint command area were made red-faced by people talking about them, but it was difficult to say anything.

And one of them, Wei Ba knew very well, it was Sun Wen, but for some reason, Sun Wen's face was pale, his eyes were dull, he was walking weakly, and he didn't care at all what the people around him were saying about him and others.

"Isn't that Sun Wen? Why did he come out again?" The moment he saw Sun Wen, Wei Ba had only doubts in his heart. There were a total of twenty inspection groups in the shelter, and each group had four people. Twenty days of work, and yesterday, the work of Sun Wen's group had ended, and the next start time would be eighteen days later at the earliest. But now, he came out again, and the other people around him were not from his group. Most of the members are fourth-order new humans, and only two of them are third-order new humans.

This is basically the entire high-end combat power of the shelter.

"Is there any urgent mission in the shelter?" Another fourth-level new human next to Wei Ba said.

"I don't know. Let's go over and say hello to them first."

With that said, Wei Ba and his men pushed through the crowd and walked towards Sun Wen and the others.

"Hey, Lao Li, why are you here!"

When the fourth-level new human soldier named Lao Li from the shelter heard someone calling him, a look of panic flashed in his eyes, but this was only for a moment. Soon, he saw Wei Ba and his group, and his eyes recovered. It's normal.

"Huh? Wei Ba, are you here too?"

"Yes, we were here yesterday. Alas, Lao Li, it's not your turn yet, why are you all out?"

"Ah?" The expression on Lao Li's face froze. He couldn't react to Wei Ba's question for a while. He didn't know how to respond, but there were always people among them who thought quickly, and soon there was a fourth The new human race responded: "Hey, Wei Ba, you don't know. When Sun Wen came back yesterday, he met a person on the surface. He followed Sun Wen down to our shelter. We found this place after what he said. Wei Ba, you also understand the current situation in the shelter. Time waits for no one, so we all came out. We just wanted to explore the situation here and ask casually about the recovery of our political system."

When the man said this, he had a relaxed smile on his face, but inadvertently his eyes swept over Sun Wen. The look in his eyes was very strange, with a hint of resentment. His meaning was very clear. He was telling Sun Wen with his eyes. : If it weren’t for you, the shelter wouldn’t be like this!

All of this was caused by Sun Wen. If he hadn't brought Lin Jie to the shelter, there wouldn't be slave bugs on their necks! All because of him.

Sun Wen ignored him at all. He didn't know why. Since yesterday, his body had been feeling wrong. He had no strength at all. He often had hallucinations in front of his eyes and intermittent pauses in his thinking. This feeling stayed with him. One night, yesterday, he didn't sleep at all and just stayed awake all night with his eyes open.

He suspected that the wound on his arm was infected, but from yesterday to now, the wound on his arm had long since lost its scar, leaving only the mark left by the scar.

"Oh, that's it." Wei Ba nodded clearly and had no doubt about what the other party said. Soon, he looked at Sun Wen and asked again: "Huh? Why does Sun Wen look so bad? He What's wrong?"

Lao Li looked at Sun Wen and frowned involuntarily, but in order not to arouse Wei Ba's suspicion, he still showed concern to Sun Wen in a friendly and caring manner: "Old Sun, what's wrong with you?"

However, Sun Wen just shook his head: "It's okay, I'm okay, I'm just a little mentally weak."

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