I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 1067 Weird aberration

"go away."

In a street crowded with aberrant creatures, Tang Ye kicked away one of the aberrant creatures that came in front of him, his face full of disgust.

These aberrant creatures were too dense. Looking at the dense crowd on the street, Tang Ye was a little doubtful that there were so many people in Chenkun District.

Moreover, the street has been wrapped in a thick layer of red film, and there are some red lines with the texture of muscle fibers connecting the buildings. Tang Ye took a closer look and found that these seemed to be some kind of spores, and they would not be there if he touched them. What's the matter, I just don't know what will happen when someone encounters me.

After passing through the streets crowded with aberrant creatures, his clothes were more or less stained with the disgusting pus and blood from these monsters. At first, Tang Ye would clean up the sticky liquid, but as time went by, he was too lazy to After cleaning it, these things could not assimilate his zombie, and they would not cause harm to him. They were more contaminated, and his clothes were covered with a thick layer. Tang Ye felt that his whole body was slippery, like a loach. .

However, these things also made Tang Ye no longer feel nauseous. Anyway, there were too many lice and it didn't itch.

"Get out of here, get out of here."

Pushing the aberrations in front of them, under Tang Ye's push, these monsters fell to the ground one by one. Their bodies were as if they were made of tofu. If they were touched by the outside world, they would be shattered into pieces. The rotten flesh of the ground only makes people feel uncomfortable.

But the scary thing is that these monsters will not die, but will be broken into pieces. The rotten flesh scattered everywhere will turn into independent individuals and move around, and then form another aberrant character with other pieces of meat. Therefore, those aberrant creatures on the street It looks like a moving mass of rotten flesh.

It’s hard to imagine that these rotten lumps of flesh were all flesh and blood from certain body parts of different people before.

"It's so annoying."

Looking at the rotten meat in his hands, Tang Ye couldn't help but want to spit, but after turning into a zombie, his physical signs were somewhat different from those of humans. He couldn't spit naturally. He could only hold back his inner irritability and push the piles in front of him. Rotten meat moves forward.

"How did you get infected?"

To this day, Tang Ye is still confused as to how these monsters appeared. It was clear that everything was fine before, but this disaster seemed to suddenly appear among the crowd and then explode like this.

Tang Ye was among these monsters, but in terms of perception, there was no zombie around him. This meant that there was a big difference between these monsters and zombies, which was also in line with Xu Haihai's words, these things were not zombies.

But what is it if it’s not a zombie? The end of the world is coming because anti-life substances turn people into mindless monsters. In addition, all the weird things that happen in the end of the world, whether it is Tang Ye or others, are all because of anti-life. Matter, with anti-life matter, many unexplainable things have occurred in this world originally dominated by humans.

All because of anti-life matter!

Because of anti-life substances, zombies will appear, and those non-human strong men who can only be seen on TV will appear. Without anti-life substances, there would be no powerful power possessed by humans!

But any life that has been changed by anti-life substances, whether it is evolution or destruction, is either a new human being or a zombie. And these things are not zombies. How did they appear?

Could it be that these monsters would appear without anti-life matter?

This is too weird.

Looking around, Tang Ye noticed a deformed body with relatively intact skin and smiled.

"Try it on you." He muttered, then walked towards the aberration.

After arriving in front of it, one of Tang Ye's hands began to soften, and his flesh and blood twisted. After a while, it turned into a tentacle. As soon as he stretched out his hand, the tentacle raised, directly wrapped around the aberration and picked it up.

"What will happen if we assimilate you?" Tang Ye said to it, with curiosity in his eyes, but the next second, Tang Ye's expression suddenly became sluggish, and he loosened his tentacles and let go of the aberration. , then turned around silently.

"what are you?"

Tang Ye said, behind him, stood a deformed body. The flesh and blood all over its body were turned out and could not be seen. A large amount of rotten flesh was piled at its feet. When it walked, the flesh and blood rolled, driving his mud-like body forward. , and it stood behind Tang Ye, looking at him silently.

When Tang Ye turned around to look at it, the flesh and blood on the opponent's body twisted, and dozens of eyes came out of it, with pupils rotating as they looked at Tang Ye.

Although he didn't see anything in it, Tang Ye could tell at a glance that something was wrong with this aberration. Seeing that it didn't respond to what he said, Tang Ye said again: "Who are you?"

It still didn't react, but the mud-like flesh and blood on its body was still rolling violently, as if it was preparing for something. After two or three seconds, Tang Ye lifted his feet off the ground and flew directly into the air. Four or five tentacles suddenly appeared from behind the monster. He waved it to the sky, and then hit the place where Tang Ye was standing before. The cement and rocks were directly splashed!

"you wanna die!"

Tang Ye's murderous voice came from mid-air, so his other hand turned into a tentacle, swung two tentacles and slammed them at the monster!

It hit the target with the most violent power of the seventh-level zombie, but this monster seemed to be different from other aberrations. The body made of rotten flesh was actually full of toughness. The explosive power of the seventh-level zombie pressed it into a U In the end, he still couldn't withstand this terrifying blow, and his flesh and blood were immediately smashed open and scattered in all directions!

The flesh and blood carried the remaining power of the seventh-level zombies, and smashed the surrounding aberrations everywhere. However, Tang Ye's eyes were extremely sharp. After the flesh and blood of the strange aberration flew out, it hit other aberrations and melted into them. As one body, in the next second, dozens of tentacles stretched out from the left and right sides, all attacking Tang Ye!

"Take action against me?"

With a cold snort, Tang Ye rolled down in mid-air, and the tentacles on both sides collided and became entangled.


Falling to the ground from mid-air, the huge force caused Tang Ye to directly trample the ground into a big pit. The tentacles that had just attacked him quickly returned and waved, with dense teeth sprouting from its body, and black and yellow pus spread in the air. , and hit Tang Ye hard in the air!

Before it hit, a black light appeared, blasting the tentacles on one side into a mess!

When the tentacle on the other side was about to fall on Tang Ye's head, he grabbed it!

"come over!"

With a roar, the muscles on Tang Ye's body bulged one by one, and his clothes were pushed aside, revealing his body covered with muscle bumps like a wild bear!

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