I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 1085 He is already infected

However, this conservation of energy is an iron law that cannot be escaped in this world. No matter how much it evolves, it cannot be escaped. Although the particles of his body are scattered in all areas of the world, and there are more than enough, but in doing so, as the particles are separated, As there are more and more particles, the strength will be proportionally weakened.

But now Tang Ye doesn't have much time to think about his abilities. What he has to do now is to get out first, so he points to the closing plate above and whispers: "Blast it open!"

Following his voice, a large number of strange birds from behind silently slammed into the closing plate above. Their sharp beaks seemed to be able to break through everything in the world. In an instant, the closing steel plate that closed the deep pit was In front of a large number of strange birds, they were smashed to pieces as if they were made of paper!

On the other side, Ah Fu had already led a group of sixth-level new humans into the shelter from where Tang Ye jumped down. As soon as he entered, he saw a messy scene. Most of the place had collapsed, and the rubble was ruined. There were several bloody corpses pressed into the iron, and several crying people could be seen faintly in the gaps.

These are all left behind after the battle between the seventh-level experts.

"I'll go and beat him like this." Huang Quanjiu couldn't help but exclaimed after he came down. Then after looking around, he seemed to sense something, and then looked at Ah Fu, and asked doubtfully: "Vice President, President Aren’t you fighting a seventh-level new human being? Where’s the human? It doesn’t seem like he’s here?”

Ah Fu didn't answer immediately. He looked around for a while. It was true that there was no aura that matched the seventh-level new human beings, but he felt a more powerful aura. It was a terrifying aura that was even more powerful than the seventh-level strong man!

Eighth level!

However, this is not blood, but comes from the zombies. It is the boss who has evolved. Judging from the swaying of the breath, it should be still in the process of evolution.

Ah Fu smiled. If Tang Ye was evolving, then the guy named Lin Jie suffered a big loss and ran away. However, after the boss evolved, he didn't look like a human being, so he still had to keep these people away.

Immediately, Ah Fu said to Bai Huipeng and other sixth-level experts: "Go this way and look for anyone suspicious. That person should have drank the blocker and hasn't left yet. Also, The boss is over there, I’ll go there by myself, if that person is still there, it’s useless for you to go there.”


Although everyone was a little confused, they still agreed. The gap between the seventh level and the sixth level was so big. When the seventh level strong men fought, a group of sixth level warriors like them couldn't even intervene.

Immediately afterwards, a group of sixth-level new human powerhouses who came with Ah Fu dispersed and went in different directions.

"You go and rescue those people first, count the number of people, and then ask what's going on..." After Bai Huipeng briefly divided the work, they dispersed together, while Ah Fu walked towards the place where Tang Ye's aura was. Clear away the ruins on the road one by one and approach step by step.

After a while, Li Qingtian over there noticed that someone was approaching here. He quickly turned his head and looked behind him, only to see a huge piece of broken iron being pried, and then there were a few "clang clang" sounds, and a large piece of iron came out. The ruins of broken iron were forcibly lifted up. As the huge piece of iron was lifted up, Li Qingtian also saw the people behind. Seeing the giant-like figure, Li Qingtian also breathed a sigh of relief. .

The person coming is Ah Fu, as long as he is not an enemy.

While relaxing, Li Qingtian was also pleasantly surprised. The moment she saw Ah Fu, she immediately said to him: "Ah Fu, come here. He Nian is down there. Go find the central console and destroy that thing." Got it!"

Ah Fu was stunned when he heard Li Qingtian's words. Forgive him for not understanding the specific meaning of Li Qingtian's words, but he knew that Li Qingtian wanted to save his boss, but it seemed that he didn't need to go to such trouble.

He looked at the four huge sealing plates that had been sealed. He sensed that his boss was below. It seemed that his breath had evolved and he should be awakening. The quality of these four sealing plates was not suitable for ordinary people. If you want to use tools to break the speed, it's like reaching the sky, but what are you? I am an absolutely powerful seventh-level zombie! It is too easy to break through these iron plates with bare hands!

After thinking about it, Ah Fu walked forward to the sealing plate that sealed the pit, but before he could reach it, the surface of the sealing plate made a "dong dong dong" sound. The next second, a sudden sound occurred on the sealing steel plate. Several large holes appeared, and the large holes were growing at an alarming rate!

From these large holes that suddenly appeared, a large number of black and ferocious strange birds emerged from them. The number of strange birds could not be counted at all. They were so densely packed that they shot out from the ground like fountains shot by high pressure!

However, the spring water is not transparent, but black, pure black!

The moment these strange birds appeared, Ah Fu and Li Qingtian's eyes suddenly widened!

"What's this?"

"It's the boss!" Ah Fu replied. He felt the aura of his boss from these ferocious-looking strange birds.

"Is it the Year of the Crane?" Li Qingtian didn't realize that these strange birds were actually Li Henian? She couldn't believe her eyes!


Ah Fu nodded, and Li Qingtian also nodded in confusion. Soon, a figure jumped out of the pit! And this person is none other than Li Henian!

"New Year of the Crane!" The moment he saw Tang Ye, Li Qingtian immediately surrounded him, raised Tang Ye's hand, walked around behind him and took a closer look, then looked at him and said, "Are you okay? "

Seeing the worry in the other person's eyes, Tang Ye felt warm in his heart. It was good to have someone who cared about him.

"It's okay, I evolved?"

"Really?" Li Qingtian seemed to be very surprised, but Tang Ye saw in her eyes other inexplicable emotions besides surprise.

Tang Ye smiled and said that he was really fine. Tang Ye vaguely saw the tears in the corners of Li Qingtian's eyes?

Did she cry?

Maybe that's the case. This scene made Tang Ye feel warm in his heart. What did this crying mean? Of course, she already regarded him as her relative, and this was what Tang Ye needed most.

Having relatives means that he is no longer alone. He has something that everyone has, that is, relatives. He can work hard for it. Even if it is very tiring, it is at least the best proof that people live in this world.

Tang Ye looked at Ah Fu and shook his head: "The man is gone, but he can't survive. After a while, there will be another silver-armored corpse in this world?"

"Why?" Ah Fu didn't figure it out, but just when he figured it out, he heard Tang Ye say: "He has been infected, and even the new seventh-level humans can't be immune."

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