I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 1100 Get out of here!

It was as thick as syrup, constantly exuding an indescribable smell, flying into the sky, and then raining down, as if someone was sitting in a helicopter and constantly spraying water on the ground. However, this was not water, but some kind of disgusting The internal juices of living things!

People saw the ball of pus disperse in the air and fall into countless parts, and then spread out in all directions. They were afraid that if these aberrations were finally gone, it would be unjust for them to be infected again.

But what remains in front of people's eyes is the chain of flesh and blood all over the sky. The wind and sand in the distance make a "whoosh" sound, but really, ever since the aberrations turned into mud and flesh and spread out, this sandstorm has been in place. It stopped, except for the strong wind blowing, but it was blowing in place.

This wind and sandstorm looks like it is watching something.

Not long after, people were squeezed out one after another from behind the dense crowd of spectators outside the defense line.

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way! Don't block it."

"Get out of the way, everyone, get out of my way!"

Hearing the sound from behind, people subconsciously looked back and saw a group of Peace Corps soldiers appearing behind the crowd, pushing and shoving people to drive away the dense crowd.

"Hurry up, the vice president is here!" Someone from the Peace Society soldiers behind revealed his identity. People who heard the words vice president quickly dispersed. In the joint unified area, except for the marshal, the following people The two vice-presidents are basically inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people. They have great power and have an absolute status in the joint district.

So after hearing these three words, people moved out of the way. Someone shouted, reminding others who didn't hear that the vice president was coming. In a short period of time, a path opened up in the crowded crowd. , the Peace Society soldier and the vice president came in behind.

Ah Fu led the people to the front and took a look at where Feng Shabao was, but he did not have the curiosity in his eyes like the others, because he knew that Feng Shabao was his boss, Tang Ye!

"Why did Old Xu become such a jerk?" Compared to Tang Ye, Ah Fu was now more curious about Xu Haihaii. Before he walked to the front of the crowd, he saw the body of Xu Haihaii from a distance. The flesh-and-blood chains stretched out, and these chains have strong grip. There are hundreds of chains, except for those that flew directly into the sky at the beginning, the rest are clinging to the ruins of buildings. , and some clinging to the ground.

At first, Ah Fu didn't recognize the thing, and thought it was some strange thing derived from these damn aberrations. But when Ah Fu got closer, he felt a very familiar aura coming from it. The aura belongs to Xu Haihai, but I don't know why he became like this, and the aura has become relatively unfamiliar.

It seems that the direction of his evolution has deviated towards a path with unknown purpose.

Ah Fu's muttering was very low, but the Peace Society soldiers following him, except for Xu Changchi and Xiao Wu, were two powerful beings with level five strength. Of course Ah Fu's muttering could be heard if he was so close. arrive.

"Ah? That thing is Vice President Xu."

Ah Fu was stunned for a moment, then glanced at him and said casually: "I don't know."

His words made the surrounding Peace Society soldiers look strange. Did they hear wrongly, or did the powerful vice-president say something wrong.

But no matter what it is, they are too lazy to care. Someone taught them before the end of the world. When someone whose status is not at the same level as themselves is talking about something they don’t understand, it’s best not to interrupt if they don’t understand. Not only will these people not remember themselves, but it will also arouse their resentment. This is the most basic respect for people with a higher status than themselves.

The scene was rarely quiet. Except for the "whooshing" sound of the wind and sandstorm, there was no longer the sharp scream of the aberrations. People were just looking at the countless flesh and blood chains connecting many people in the distance. place.

In about the past two minutes, people felt a violent tremor on the ground. For a while, hundreds of people collapsed on the ground without standing firm.

"Let me go, what's going on? There's an earthquake?"

"What's going on?"

"Look over there!"

The ground suddenly shook, directly causing several old houses in disrepair in the distance to collapse on the spot!

Before anyone could react, someone with keen eyes saw in the distance that the flesh and blood chains on the "sea urchin" that Xu Haihai had turned into suddenly began to shrink!

The flesh and blood chains attached to various places directly pulled up a large number of cement fragments! All this happened so suddenly. A large number of huge rocks were pulled by chains of flesh and blood and smashed towards Xu Haihaii. In an instant, Xu Haihaii was covered and buried on the spot by a large number of cement fragments!

About four or five seconds passed, and the place where Xu Haihai was buried seemed to have been exploded by a bomb. A large number of cement and stone fragments turned into powder and flew everywhere in an instant!


A long roar rang out, penetrating through people's eardrums. The penetrating sound of the sound was so strong that it seemed to penetrate people's eardrums and directly enter their souls, crushing their souls completely!

At the same time, the sandstorm also noticed something strange here. The huge sandstorm rolled inwards, as if waiting for something.

All the cement rubble buried in Xu Haihai's body spread out, and Xu Haihai's figure was also revealed at this time. He was floating in the air. At this time, his body had returned to its previous size, almost like a human.

Because the distance was too far, many people only saw a figure with something lined up behind him, but Ah Fu's sharp eyes immediately saw who that figure was.

It’s Xu Haihai.

"What's wrong with him?" Ah Fu narrowed his eyes. Although Xu Haihaii was far away from him, he could see it very clearly. It was not that Xu Haihaii at this time seemed a little different from the one he knew before.

In the meantime, Xu Haihai's skin changed from slightly dark silver to brown silver. Moreover, the skin was covered with spider web-like blood threads, and bone spurs grew out of his back. There were many branches on these bone spurs, like branches, at the end. The ports are extremely bent, and there are sixteen in total, all neatly arranged behind Xu Haihai.

Under the rising sun, the blood-streaked texture on Xu Haihai's skin shone brightly in the sunlight, filled with a sense of evil.

He couldn't stay in mid-air for too long. After a while, he fell from the air. In the distance, Ah Fu seemed to see something falling from Xu Haihaii. With Xu Haihaii as a reference, he quickly It was analyzed that these things are the size of two human fingers put together.

The falling speed was so fast that Ah Fu could no longer see it, but soon he shouted to people: "Get out of here quickly!"

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