"I will never forget that day. My wife was killed by those damn zombies, and various parts of her body were scattered in front of me. You know, that was the first time I saw the structure of a human body so truly. !”

Miao Luo's tone of voice began to become weird. He seemed a little crazy. The more he spoke, bloodshot eyes gradually appeared in his eyes. It could be seen that Miao Luo was very angry now.

"When my wife died, I was scared and cowardly. I saw her surrounded by a large group of zombies. I didn't help. I ran away. I returned to my house and watched the zombies scattering outside. After opening, my wife’s flesh and blood was scattered on the ground.”

"My wife's death made my children beat me up hard. I didn't blame them because I knew it was all my cowardice. Later, my daughter and son and I stayed in my house. It lasted for several months. During that period, Brother Song, you should also understand that people always have the darkest months at the beginning of the end of the world. Yes, it is indeed very dark. In a few months, everything stored at home All the food had been eaten. We were afraid of zombies and did not dare to go out to look for food. We survived that period hungry. We usually relied on cockroaches crawling out of the sewers for food. Although it was disgusting, at that time , no one cares about the consequences of eating these foods.”

"The feeling of hunger can really drive people crazy, and they just want to fill their stomachs. At that time, we were drooling when we looked at the plastic buckets filled with swill on the opposite street. There were even days when I They even started fighting with my son and daughter."

"Do you know why?"

"Why?" Song Muyuan asked curiously.

"We are hungry..."

"Oh~" Song Muyuan nodded. As a zombie, he didn't have any feelings about cannibalism. But soon, Miao Luo opposite him was stunned for a moment when he saw the plain expression on Song Muyuan's face, but Miao Luo Reacted quickly.

It seems that Song Muyuan is also a person who has experienced this incident, but unlike himself, Miao Luo only had the idea of ​​killing his son and daughter to satisfy his hunger at that time, but he just thought about it. After surviving until now, he still He maintained the bottom line of human morality and did not really kill people to satisfy his hunger like those lunatics.

But this Song Muyuan was different. The disapproving expression on his face seemed to mean that he had done such things, and he had done many, many more. Otherwise, how could he not have the slightest concern about cannibalism?

However, it is difficult to explain this kind of thing clearly. After all, at that time, human nature was the ugliest. Basically, people who can survive to this time have done some outrageous things during that period. At that time, don't be cruel. There is no way he can survive now. If he wants to live, he will treat everyone around him as a tool and exchange their lives for his own.

Including that time of Miao Luo, in order to survive, he had done everything. Everything he did was an illustration of the darkest nature of human nature.

"But at that time, we had been hungry for so many days. The cockroaches crawling out of the sewer didn't look so normal. We didn't eat. Hahaha~ We were so hungry that we had no strength. We just beat for a while and we couldn't move. , it seems that it was in the eleventh month that the army organized by the state passed through our Xujiang River. At that time, there were too many people to be rescued. The more problematic question was where to place the rescued people, and then , that army only rescued the survivors they met along the way."

"I was hungry that day. In order to survive for a few more days, I slept all day anyway, because sleeping makes me feel less hungry. It must have been at noon. It was quiet outside, but suddenly we heard something coming from outside. There were screams, and then I went outside to look, and saw many people running out of the building. We were also shocked. I thought everyone in Xujiang City was dead by that time. Well, I was a little surprised to see so many people suddenly."

"It was at that time that we heard from someone that troops were passing through our Xujiang City, and then my daughter and son and I followed the group of people and rushed outside desperately. Do you know that scene? The streets were full of zombies. A large group of people were desperate to squeeze through the zombies. Fortunately, there were so many people. A lot of people outside were caught and killed. My son and daughter and I were lucky enough to be inside and ran past two people. Just down the street, you can see the army clearing the zombies from the streets along the way."

"But the top was also crowded with people. It wasn't just us, there were also crowds of people coming from other places, rushing towards us. Before we even got there, we heard the announcement from the armored vehicle that the top was full. You can't even pretend to be here. You don't know. At that time, we were all crazy. No one moved forward, so we kept rushing forward. We also did the same. Before we caught up, we pulled all the people off the military transport truck, and then we ourselves Climbing up, the soldiers behind couldn't stand it anymore and shot at those who hadn't come up yet. My son was killed at that time..."

Miao Luo became more and more enthusiastic as he talked. From his eyes, you could see his madness at that time. He would do anything to survive. Song Muyuan was also fascinated by it. This was a very, very good adventure story.

But just when Miao Luo wanted to continue speaking, there was a knock on the door suddenly outside the box, which stopped Miao Luo's words. He looked at the closed door of the box, frowned, and after a while he said: "Come in. .”

"Yes, Mayor."

A smooth and slightly charming female voice sounded outside, making people feel as if they had been scratched by a cat. Suddenly, the lock of the box door was opened from the outside, and a woman with a graceful figure, a voice of 1.8 meters tall, and a long A woman with tall legs, a sister-like appearance, wearing black silk stockings and a black and white maid outfit walked in, carrying a dinner plate upright, and she walked steadily to Miao Luo.

"Mayor, it's dinner time."

Miao Luo looked a little embarrassed, waved her hands and said, "Is it for two people?"


"Then leave it here and get out."

"Yes." The tall woman nodded and walked out. Miao Luo glanced at Song Muyuan and said with an awkward smile: "Hey, brother Song, I don't have any hobbies, I just like this one."

"It's okay." Song Muyuan didn't know what was going on, so he could only wave his hands at a loss.

PS: As for why I didn’t update yesterday, I’m too lazy to explain it. It seems like it’s too much pressure, but actually it’s nothing. My sister is in junior high school and she needs to get the COVID-19 vaccine together, and someone needs to watch the store at home. There’s nothing wrong with it. I was preparing to be on the road all day, and I didn't arrive until 12 o'clock in the evening, so I couldn't update in time. I'm sorry everyone, I will update if I feel better that day.

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