"Fuck! Hurry up in front!"

The people at the bottom of the stairs blocked all the passages, and the people behind could not take a step for a long time. Under the threat of death, the people behind gradually became impatient. The scene was in chaos. How could they still look like they were well-trained in the past?

"If you step on the horse, the building will collapse. If we don't hurry up, we will all die here."

At this time, someone couldn't stand it anymore, so he led a few people and walked towards the back where there were few people. There was a toilet in that place, and there was a window in that toilet. So far, people had already passed through the window. If you jump down, you are all new humans after all, so jumping out of the window will not cause any harm to yourself.

The only danger is that those people below are obviously here to kill people, and they have been prepared for it. If they go down and are found by them, they don’t have a weapon in their hands, and what greets them is the word "death", so people are more willing to face it together, so that The survival rate will be greater.

"Forget it, forget it, I'll jump out of the window, and if I continue to block you here, I don't know how I'll die."

As someone jumped from the window, more people started to jump from the window, and some people jumped below. They met the people of the Second Legion immediately and saw the burnt limbs and broken arms on the ground. The soldiers of the Eighth Legion suddenly became angry.

A burst of murderous intent broke out, and he rushed towards those people with bare feet and bare fists, but as a result, his head was pierced by the laser before he could touch them!

But as more and more people rushed downstairs, the soldiers of the Eighth Army went crazy and attacked them. The scene at this moment was just like yesterday when the soldiers of the Second Army attacked Wang Dabiao and his group. But the difference is that this time The Second Legion's revenge was well prepared. They were not unprepared like Wang Dabiao and others.

Therefore, when these soldiers of the Eighth Legion rushed towards them with bare feet and empty fists, they were quickly blasted to pieces by laser weapons, and their broken limbs and arms flew everywhere. For a time, the dormitory buildings of the Eighth Legion seemed to have turned into hell.

In the dormitory building, more and more people ran out of the stairs and ran towards the nearest window. However, the firepower of the Second Legion soldiers downstairs was too strong, and the laser weapon attack could even penetrate the entire building. Dormitory building, break into the building.

"Hurry up!"

Seeing that someone had escaped from the window, more people chose to give up taking the stairs and hurried towards the windows in different directions.

"Those idiots outside are from the Second Legion!"

"Damn it! Go down and kill them!" Someone discovered that the soldiers of the Second Legion who launched a fierce attack on their dormitory building below couldn't help but roared. After hearing the news, all the soldiers of the Eighth Legion in the dormitory building became angry. , with a strong evil look in his eyes, he wanted to go down immediately and kill all the unkind Second Legion soldiers below!

As a result, a large number of people jumped out of the window, but a few unlucky ones among them were hit by highly penetrating lasers into the building before they could reach the window, directly piercing through their bodies. The fire exploded, and the scorching flames The man's body burned, and his body was torn into several parts by the laser. This scene stunned the people around him.

The next second, a large area of ​​the wall at the stairway collapsed, and the entire dormitory building facing the west had been torn off by the intensive laser rays.

Large swaths of lasers entered the dormitory building without any obstruction. The soldiers of the Eighth Legion on the third, fourth, fifth and higher floors fell like wheat under the laser attack.

Fires are burning everywhere!

"Let's go!"

Wang Dabiao waved to Xiao Hu and the others, indicating that they should go faster.

"Fuck! My leg is injured!" One of the people's face was distorted. On his left calf, a large piece of flesh turned black. This was injured by a laser weapon, but the laser weapon was not directly hit. , but was burned by the scorching heat of the attack from the laser weapon, so such injuries occurred.

Such injuries are not serious injuries, but they are enough to reduce a person's ability to move a lot. Fortunately, they are not hit directly. The highest level here is the fourth-level new human beings. Unless the new humans are level five or above, if the fifth-level one is below The new human was directly hit by the attack of the laser weapon. Sorry, either dead or seriously injured!

Xiao Hu saw that his roommate was limping, so he quickly ran over to support him and ran forward with all his strength. Now the walls of the dormitory building behind them had all collapsed. At this moment, they were leaving their backs to those below. The Second Legion soldiers who took revenge on themselves and others!

The longer you stay here, the higher the risk of death.

Lao Cao shouted and asked the person running in front to jump to another window. Then he speeded up and ran to the nearest window to occupy this place.

"Da Biao, come here! Lao Xu, hurry up too!"

"Old Cao, you go down first."

"I'll be taken over if I go down. Hurry up. Da Biao, you go down first. Xiao Hu, follow with the three drums on your back. Then there will be Lao Xu and you two. I'll go down last. Hurry up!"

Several people also knew that now was not the time to argue about who was first and who was last. Wang Dabiao nodded and rushed to the window where Lao Cao was in a few steps. He turned over and jumped down. Then, Xiao Hu carried his roommate on his back. He also followed.

"Hurry up!" Lao Cao urged from the side.

Xiao Hu didn't dare to delay for too long, so he changed to a safer way and jumped down with his roommate on his back. However, because he was carrying a person behind him, his actions were a little clumsy. After coming out of the window, he grabbed it with his hands. He stayed on the window edge of the lower floor to slow down his fall.

"Xiaohu, come down, I'll catch you." At this time, Wang Dabiao was already waiting below. Seeing Xiaohu's cautious appearance, he shouted.


Xiao Hu replied, stretched out his hands, and jumped down. Wang Dabiao, who was already downstairs, caught them in time when Xiao Hu was about to fall to the ground.

"Come down!" Supporting Xiao Hu, Wang Dabiao shouted to the top again. Not long after, another roommate also leaned out from the window, moved his limbs together, stretched out his body from the window, and then used his hands Grasping the window edge, he let go and jumped down from the fourth floor with ease.

Then, there was Xu Qiang, but at this moment, an accident happened. Just when Xu Qiang had just hung his body by the window edge, a ball of flesh and blood splashed out from the window they climbed out, and there was a laser blast. It almost flew into the distance close to Xu Qiang's face.

The expression on Xu Qiang's face froze instantly, and Wang Dabiao and others below were also stunned. A very bad picture appeared in their minds.

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