I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 1152 What does it mean?

After hearing that they were paid double the usual monthly salary, the soldiers of the Eighth Army were all happy. The brothers who had just been killed by the plainclothes soldiers of the Second Army were suddenly thrown away by them. Beyond the sky.

In the end of the world, profit is paramount. Who knows who those people are who died. Most of the people in the Eighth Legion just came to join in the fun. Most of them even didn't know about the Ding Fulong incident at all.

Inexplicably, the amount of Yajin doubled every month. Who would be unhappy if it was given to someone?

Soon, these dead Second Legion soldiers were completely forgotten by them.

Many faces showed surprise. Huang Quanjiu noticed the expressions on these people's faces, and a smile appeared on his face involuntarily.

"Okay, everyone, that's it for today." Huang Quanjiu said to a group of soldiers of the Second Legion, then looked at the group of plainclothes soldiers, snorted coldly, and said: "What are you still doing? Get up and go. !”


The group of plainclothes soldiers lowered their heads and stood up. As Huang Quanjiu waved his hand, the night watch troops immediately moved forward and removed all the weapons in their hands, leaving no one behind.

In this way, these plainclothes soldiers formed a neat team and followed Huang Quanjiu's car as they trotted towards the management area of ​​the Second Army.

After Huang Quanjiu left, one of the elite soldiers in the Eighth Legion turned to look at his companion next to him, tilted his head, and heard him ask: "Hey, what do you think?"

What exactly is this matter? Not everyone in the Eighth Legion is so mediocre, and there are also some shrewd people. The elite soldier of the Eighth Legion who was questioned by him just glanced at him and then said coldly. He said: "How else can you look at it? If you see through it, don't tell it. After all, Huang Quanjiu is a general. If you tell me, you and I will not live for three days. Alas, your acting skills are really good."

"Let's forget it like this? Our Eighth Legion can't let the bastards of the Second Legion bully us like this!"

"Otherwise, what else can you do? But this matter cannot end like this. We should wait until our Admiral Ruan comes out."

"Okay, but it also surprises me that a Ding Fulong can actually cause such a big mess."

"Okay, let's go."

After Huang Quanjiu left with a group of plainclothes soldiers, the soldiers of the Eighth Army also left one after another. However, some dormitories in this area had been damaged to a great extent. Some soldiers were unable to return to their dormitories. Arrange accommodation for these soldiers in the city. It’s also a busy job.

While the dormitory soldiers were busy, unknowingly, the sky began to light up, and the dark red night was dispersed by a ray of light, revealing patches of dark clouds that blocked the blue sky and could not reveal the color of the day. The soldiers gathered in the morning Unable to feel the dazzling glare of the new sun, many soldiers gathered together to chat about what happened in the Eighth Army Corps yesterday. In the past few days, all kinds of melons were popping up in an endless stream, which provided a good source of conversation.

The soldiers' morning exercises had not yet begun. At the moment they had just gathered, white particles scattered from the sky.

The soldier who organized all this stood on the rostrum and stretched out his hand. At the same time, the residents outside the Zhongtong District also stretched out their hands. The snowflakes falling from the sky fell and melted quickly in their palms. They raised their heads, All the soldiers, including those on the playground, also raised their heads.

The sergeant murmured: "Winter comes earlier every year."

After muttering like this, the sergeant lowered his head and looked at the soldiers in front and said, "Okay, it looks like it's going to snow. There will be no morning exercises today. We will go directly to the east playground at eight o'clock to gather."

Hearing these words, the soldiers below were filled with joy. They looked at their comrades around them, and the joy in their eyes overflowed from their expressions. For them, there is nothing more comfortable than this.

"Everyone has it!"

"Take a break, stand at attention, dismiss."

With this sound, the phalanx of soldiers quickly became chaotic. The soldiers who left and the soldiers who came back from duty passed by each other, smiling and saying hello.

During the noisy day, Tang Ye, who was sleeping, also woke up completely from his "half-asleep" state. He opened his eyes, revealing a pair of blood-red pain, turned his head, and found the coordination of his body before returning to normal.

After turning his head, Tang Ye quickly turned back. The next second, he seemed to notice something and turned his head away again in confusion.

There seemed to be something on his bedside table.

Tang Ye stood up and picked up the thing. He looked at it doubtfully. It seemed to be a box of toys.

"Lego toys?"

Tang Ye was even more confused. This box contained Lego building blocks. The picture above showed that after all the building blocks inside were assembled, it would look like a robot. However, what made Tang Ye confused was that someone put this thing here. What means?

Tang Ye got out of bed and walked out of the room, and came to Li Qingtian's door. As soon as his foot fell on the ceramic floor outside the room, a footprint appeared.

It seems that Li Qingtian has come back.


Tang Ye shouted, but no one answered in the living room. Tang Ye narrowed his eyes, walked to Li Qingtian's door and took a look inside. Everything inside was very neat, and all the items on the bed were placed in place. It is pleasing to the eye.

However, there was no one inside.

When Tang Ye just went to sleep yesterday, he vaguely felt someone entering his room. It seemed to be Li Qingtian, but she got up very early, cleaned up and went out. She didn't know what she was going to do.

Tang Ye walked back to his room, picked up the Lego toys on the bedside table and looked at them carefully.

"What do you mean by giving this to me?"

Tang Ye had never played with this kind of toy. He had only seen it in some TV commercials. Therefore, he became more and more confused as he looked at this box of Lego toys.

"Did I install it?" Tang Ye thought so. He tore open the package, poured out all the parts inside, found the instructions, and started assembling the parts one by one.

But after a while, Tang Ye felt very bored. He was not one of those kids, he was already an uncle in his thirties, but due to evolutionary reasons and the characteristics of the frozen age of zombies, he looked like he had just turned twenty. Just a young man.

He is not that naive and cannot patiently assemble parts one after another like those innocent children.

So, when Tang Ye reached less than one-tenth of the level, he stopped what he was doing.

"What do you mean?"

Tang Ye roared a little impatiently. At this time, the door of the living room was pushed open. Xu Haihai and Gong Xiao walked in from the outside. They were stunned when they saw what Tang Ye was doing and the parts scattered on the ground. .

"President, what are you doing?"

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