I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 1266 The Smile of the Corpse King

The content of the video is actually very simple. It lasts for two hours. The soldier at the beginning, who is the original recorder of this video, has already arrived at the defense position of the zombie wall. The front-end defense line has already launched an attack against the incoming zombie wave. .

However, because of the existence of the Corpse King in this battle, in addition to some simple follow-up planned routes, all combat units in Hidden Dragon Sanctuary City were transferred to the first line of defense. As for their front-end defense line, it was only a temporary arrangement. Just to kill some of the zombie population.

The initial warm-up period was very short, less than ten minutes. The strong men of level 6 and above who were all gathered together were already running towards the zombie tide, aiming directly at the Radiation Corpse King. Because the distance was too far, it could be seen from the video perspective Those strong men were talking about what the Corpse King said, and then started the battle directly.

The scene has reached a fever pitch, and everyone is making all-out efforts to kill the Corpse King, because only when the Corpse King is dead can this battle have hope.

The plot will not be too surprising after that. There is no strong new human to stop it, even a sixth-level new human. The eighth-level zombies broke through the first line of defense of the Hidden Dragon Sanctuary City as quickly as possible, and a large number of soldiers died in the bloodthirsty in the zombie's mouth, or be trampled to death!

Although we already knew the ending, the scene was shocking enough. Someone was surrounded by several zombies and brutally cut into pieces. Their organs were scattered everywhere, which aroused people's long-buried uneasiness. The person who recorded the video was also killed by the zombies. Seized, the English and screams coming out of his mouth shocked even people outside the screen.

Then, the perspective is fixed somewhere, watching the zombies staggering through the streets filled with blood and internal organs.

The video lasts for two hours, and more than an hour of it is from this fixed perspective. Until the last thirty seconds, a person picks up the meeting, revealing a handsome face. He is wearing a tuxedo, and in his hand Holding a cane with a gold ring, he looks like an elegant gentleman. He is a young Westerner with dark blond hair and green eyes!

As he walked on the streets washed with blood, the whole world seemed to be surrendering to him. The zombies around him were avoiding him, fearing him and not daring to get close!

There was a radioactive species at his feet, kneeling in front of him like a servant!

This person, he is not a human being! He is the feared ninth-level corpse king on the North American continent!

This is something everyone knows exists!

He pointed the camera at himself and stared with his eyes, as if he could see through the screen the people who were watching this video, straight into their souls!

And those eighth-level new humans exerted their full strength and actually pushed the continent they were on about two centimeters westward. This shows how powerful the eighth-level new humans are, but even these strong ones were killed by the Corpse King. Kill easily and then devour! No one can withstand a single move in his hands, and how strong is the ninth-level power? Only she has experienced some of it.

If I had to describe it, it would be an idiom: the sky is falling apart!

As the camera focused on the face of the Radiation Zombie King, which showed no appearance of a zombie at all, at this time, the most terrifying scene in the entire video appeared. He smiled, with sarcasm and teasing in his smile, and his eyes The expression he revealed seemed to make people feel like he was standing in front of him!

I will find myself sometime in the future!

Because of this smile, this video has become the only video that can scare people to death across the screen. The original recorder of this video is dead and has no chance to upload it. Then when it appears on the Internet, the person who uploaded this video Who is it again?

This is enough to make people think deeply. Judging from the video, the Radiation Corpse King Lieer is completely no different from a human being. Of course, this includes his IQ. Uploading this video does not seem to be difficult, or even very easy!

Lieer, the corpse king, seems to have had a great hatred for the people on his continent since he was born. From the time his existence appeared in people's sight, things about him appeared one after another. Many survivor bases were captured by him personally and turned into hell on earth!

Until the fall of the Hidden Dragon Sanctuary City, the North American continent was completely regarded as a no-man's land, because before that, the only information coming from the North American continent was the Hidden Dragon Sanctuary City itself and the survivor forces related to it. Apart from this, no other communication messages were sent from humans in other parts of the North American continent, and there was total silence.

However, the situation on the North American continent is relatively good compared to other continents. A year before the fall of Hidden Dragon Sanctuary City, there had been no messages from humans on Yansha Continent, and Lanou Continent was also close to changing. A state of no man's land.

There are only a few sporadic pieces of information, all asking Yunxia Base for help in migrating to the mainland of China. However, the distance is too far, and no one is sure how much danger there will be in this distance, so Yunxia Base did not provide any help. The answer is relatively certain, and the places where these messages are sent are close to the equator.

Outside this area, there is no human information, as silent as in the darkness.

As for the South American continent, there was no information about human survivors five years ago. Maybe it was because there was a power to interfere with radio transmission, or maybe the South American continent was destroyed earlier, and that side The corpse king is also the corpse king that people have the least information about so far.

The rest of the place was the area that originally belonged to Tsarist Russia. No human information has been received for a long time. There are six zombies in the entire world who are called the zombie kings. The last one appeared in the northernmost part of Tsarist Russia. Previously, he was named the Extreme North Corpse King, but this Corpse King was very large. According to the confirmation of the exploration team half a year ago, this guy was already at the ninth level.

But unlike other corpse kings, the Far North Corpse King does not move much on the mainland. Its activity area has always been in the sea, and occasionally it will prey on land. There are also people who have witnessed the Far North Corpse in the southern waters of Asan Kingdom. The king's royal zombie species fought with another huge sea zombie species with a triangular head. It is said that some people witnessed the battle between the Extreme North Zombie King and another ninth-level zombie. It seemed that like the Extreme North Zombie King, he was active in the sea. There are high-level zombies, but there is no video or even photos to prove it. Many people don't believe it.

In addition to these, the Zombie King of the Far North seems to be attracted by something recently. He suddenly likes to run on the ground, and even uprooted a giant zombie tree whose branches covered an entire wasteland city!

At this point, there are not many noteworthy things in the land of Tsarist Russia. However, except for the mainland of China, other continents have become no man's land. Most of the reasons for this are the wanton slaughter of the ninth-level corpse king. All of this, the thing that people are afraid of now is the Corpse King.

No one knows when the Corpse King will appear.

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