I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 1288 Portrait of a Loser

After that, he realized the importance of color and tried to guide it, but how to guide this color that no one except himself had seen or even imagined, so A Fu, Xu Haihai, a group of eighth-level zombies and Bai Huipeng, led by All the eighth-level new humans are stuck at the eighth level without exception, unable to take a step forward!

Whether it is a zombie or a human being, it seems that after reaching the eighth level, it has reached its limit. This is the limit of all living things, and the ninth level is a qualitative change in a life form! Tang Ye, who has ninth-level strength, knows this very well.

For anyone, things that can be passed in one go are very simple, but if they can't pass it, it will be regarded as difficult. This is the case for Tang Ye. When he evolved to the ninth level, he passed it in a daze because he saw that color. , the small piece of mud that appeared on the white wall, the color of that piece of mud made the world he saw brand new, but that color did not seem to be the first thing he saw. After the previous evolution, he saw I've been there before, just for a fleeting moment, and was gone before I could react.

And Su Sigui might be stuck here, otherwise, she would evolve to the ninth level like herself.

He probably knows why Su Sigui is looking for him at this time. Although he has always been in the royal court, how could he not pay attention to everything outside when he has evolved to the ninth level? He is here, and there are many him in the outside world. In some The cities in the wasteland are wandering around, but in order not to affect themselves, those clones only retain the eighth level of strength. There are still one or two clones in Changyuan City outside Yunxia Base. They are not very familiar with the situation inside Yunxia Base. Must understand.

The biggest role of these clones is to find one person. Judging from the reports of reloading from outside, some of the followers of the Corpse King have begun to appear in the land of China. This has clearly shown one thing. There is no Nine When faced with the Corpse King, the so-called survivor bases, including the Yunxia Base, will be like cans that can be easily opened by people to eat the delicious food inside.

He is waiting, just waiting for everyone outside to die, and the remaining living humans to live in the royal court. Then everyone in the world will be in the royal court, and humans and zombies will live in harmony. He has fulfilled his wish, and Completed my own obsession and responsibility.

Although this completion has a certain degree of distortion, it is still completed, isn't it?

Tang Ye was once a human being, but he has not always been a human being. His true identity is that of a zombie, which he has fully accepted and can admit generously. The two different racial identities he once had and now have can make Tang Ye stand out between the two races. make the most balanced judgment.

The Mingyue Capital at Yunxia Base is being expelled by the two superpowers of Qianlong Society and Judgment Society. When their interests are harmed, people will always get rid of some people who share the cake with them. Unfortunately, Mingyue City The last joiner is selected, always.

But he also admired Su Sigui. At such a critical time, as the pillar of the Mingyue City, he left the Yunxia base and came to the Northern Empire to look for himself.

What made her do this? What on earth was she going to do?

It's like taking a gamble and throwing down all the chips!

In the spacious palace, which was almost the size of half a football field, his words did not become less quiet than the environment here. Su Sigui did not respond. She just looked at Tang Ye's eyes, as if she wanted to see through "Li Henian" Those eyes see something.

Tang Ye is not worried about being seen by Su Sigui. He is now at the ninth level and also at the eighth level. When facing people, his identity has always been Li Henian. In order to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, he likes to hide his clumsiness as before. , Corpse King is the ninth level, what does it have to do with me, Li Henian?

As if he was not used to looking at Su Sigui for a long time, Tang Zhong took the initiative and said: "I know that I broke my promise to you and almost used the biggest secret you gave me in vain. I'm sorry for this. However, you have found the wrong person, I am just a loser, a loser who cannot recover after being hit, I don’t think I will have any hope.”

After saying this, Tang Ye smiled self-deprecatingly. He was right. He was a loser, a loser who thought he would always succeed and was easily hit. When the United District was prosperous, he thought about his distance. That goal is very close. In the near future, the influence of the Peace Society will expand to the whole world, leading people to create a harmonious and beautiful world bit by bit.

But at the moment when the "Changheng Electric Power Supply" exploded, everything was destroyed. Now, he just wants to simplify and formalize this responsibility or obsession and the wishes of others in this small royal court. of completion.

This is the standard portrayal of a loser!

Su Sigui remained silent, looking at Tang Ye as if he were looking at a statue.

Tang Ye shook his head at her, turned around, faced the sofa next to the faucet, and walked up, but before he could touch the sofa, Su Sigui's voice suddenly sounded from behind.

"You can break our agreement. Maybe that agreement is too difficult for you to bend. However, I have a request, a very simple request. This request will not be difficult. It is even just a thought for you. matter."

After hearing this, Tang Ye turned around and saw Su Sigui's facial features. At this second, the expression on his face was stunned, and everything felt unreal.

He saw the fatigue, pain, and pleading in Su Sigui's face. The image of Su Sigui to him had always been that of a strong man who would not be defeated but was unimaginably strong. , he never thought that such a person would one day beg others.

Just like a high-spirited young man, he stepped into society with the momentum of taking his own destiny, and would not obey any powerful existence. Under the blow of life, the water chestnuts on his body were worn away, praying to be let go, and giving She had a chance to breathe.

Tang Ye was stunned for a moment, as if he was in a dream. Looking at Su Sigui, he originally wanted to say, "I once rashly agreed to someone else's wish, thinking that it was very simple and could be accomplished, but in the end, such a wish was rejected." "Bound."

But thinking of that agreement, he didn't say it. Now Su Sigui is like a teacher facing a primary school student and giving him a relatively common task. However, this common task is very difficult for a child and cancels it. He was given a simpler task and asked the other party to get through it.

He seems to have no reason to refuse...

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