I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 1315 What a filial son

"It turns out that everyone only picks the weak ones." Tang Ye said disdainfully.

Su Sigui shook his head and was speechless about Tang Ye's deliberate trouble-making mentality, but still, with so many people following him, if you were an ordinary person, you would be lawless here!

The destructive power of these more than one hundred eighth-level new humans is so huge that it is no less than a hydrogen bomb that can explode at any time! Even worse! In this case, Yunxia Base can only try its best to coax this guy Tang Ye.

"The Ye family is not far ahead. Ye Chong should know that we are coming up and may be waiting for us."

Su Sigui looked forward and slowly pulled out the long knife in his hand. Step by step, the murderous aura slowly emerged in his body.

Seeing this, the people around them also drew their weapons. Xu Haihai and the others did not care about their status as zombies. Their arms turned into strange-shaped blades and they walked towards the Ye family with murderous intent. .

Pedestrians around him quickly moved aside for fear of being provoked. Some people were so frightened that they collapsed to the ground when they saw Xu Haihaii and the others' arms turning into blades.

"Zombies... zombies!"

"They're zombies!"

The people at the scene suddenly became confused! They fled this place with a horrified look on their faces, but soon they discovered that the target of Tang Ye and his party was not them, but the Ye family.

"The Ye family is finished."

"What did they do? Why did Su Sigui only look for the Ye family?"

The panic quickly subsided, and people watched Su Sigui and his party getting further and further away.

Outside the gate of Ye's house, there were more and more soldiers. They looked outside nervously. Some people's legs couldn't help but started to tremble. Not long after, Tang Ye and his party appeared in front of them.


One of the soldiers had the courage to step forward, only to say two words. A big man among the strong men in front waved his hand, and a long tentacle was drawn over. The door and both sides were cut into pieces from the railings on the spot. In both halves, a large number of soldiers were blown away!

Blood instantly covered the door of the Ye family.


The big man who took action roared, the sound was like thunder, making people's heads dizzy!

The soldiers who were lucky enough to survive the attack quickly hid to both sides, not daring to stand in front of them.

Su Sigui glanced at them. This big man from the prairie didn't make sense at all, which really made people speechless. However, she didn't want to say anything. Before this, the two superpowers of Yunxia Base had never reasoned with her.

Inside the gate of Ye's house, Ye Zhong had been waiting for a long time, but before he saw Li Henian and his party, his gate was broken open. Seeing this scene, his heart sank, and he always felt that something bad had happened.

Soon, he saw Li Henian's voice, and next to him was the mayor of the Bright Moon City, Su Sigui!

Looking around, behind Li Henian and Su Sigui, there were eighth-level zombies with no blood on their bodies but looking like normal people and a group of eighth-level new human beings, all looking at them with murderous looks. On his side, there is only himself, an eighth-level new human being. Under such circumstances, once a battle breaks out, the Ye family will only be destroyed!

"That guy is Ye Zhong, right?" Tang Ye looked at Ye Zhong and asked Su Sigui. The other person didn't speak, but nodded slightly, indicating that the other person was Ye Zhong.

After receiving the response, Tang Ye stretched out a hand, but before he spoke, Su Sigui said: "Wait, don't do anything yet, let Ye Chong leave it to his old man."


Tang Ye said "Oh" and put down his hand. Just now, he wanted to have Ye Zhong punched to death, but Su Sigui spoke up, so he decided to do what she wanted.

Su Sigui walked to the front and looked at Ye Zhong, who had a complicated look in his eyes. If it hadn't been for what happened now, it would have been hard for him to think that two months ago, members of the Bright Moon Capital were at the Yunxia Base. Running around like rats on the street, their mayor almost died at the hands of Zhang Zhichang, but as soon as Li Henian came out, the situation reversed instantly, forcing the two superpowers in Yunxia Base to become so cautious.

As for the Ye family, if they heard Ye Changgong's words, it would be obviously the best time to build a good relationship when the Bright Moon City was in the most critical moment. However, because of him, Ye Chong, all of this was missed!

The South China overlord who had disappeared for three years appeared in front of him. He was obviously here to help Su Sigui get out of the current predicament. It could be seen from the scene just now, which made Ye Zhong's heart sink again and again.

He looked at Su Sigui. After coming here for a while, he calmed down and asked in a deep voice: "Mayor Su, what's the matter?"

"Nothing's wrong. Where's that weird old man? I'm looking for him."

Su Sigui's tone was very calm, without any murderous intent. This tone made people relax a little.

Ye Chong took a deep breath and relaxed a lot. His beating heart slowly returned to normal. His eyes glanced around, scanning all the men, without stopping for even a tenth of a second, and finally quietly Glancing at Li Henian, he looked at his granddaughter who had just turned sixteen and said, "Liu Yi, take the mayor and the others to find your grandpa." Ye Zhong didn't say anything more and nodded directly.

The girl who was named by Ye Dian was stunned for a moment after hearing his words. She was a little overwhelmed and looked around in confusion. Then she nodded and stammered: "Oh... oh okay!"

Then, she walked up to Su Sigui and said cautiously to her: "Su...Mayor Su, come with me...?"

Su Sigui nodded, and Ye Liuyi began to lead the way. However, Su Sigui did not immediately take steps. He pointed at Ye Zhong and said, "You, follow me too!"

Ye Zhong sighed and didn't dare to say anything. He could only nod and follow him to the backyard.

"Let's go." Tang Ye said with his hands in his pockets, acting very casually.

A group of people headed towards the backyard in a mighty manner.

As one of the largest families in Yunxia Base, the Ye family has a huge headquarters area. After twisting and turning for a while, they followed Ye Liuyi into a dark basement. Tang Ye couldn't help but chuckle when he looked at the humid environment around him. Smile: "What a filial son."

His words made Ye Chong look very unnatural, but he didn't say anything. Ye Changgong was his biological grandfather, and he imprisoned his biological grandfather in this place. This was a fact that could not be erased no matter how he explained it. , but there is no other way. Ye Changgong is a sixth-level new human being. How can he be trapped under ordinary house arrest?

Therefore, Ye Zhong could only lock Ye Changgong in this place, using a cage that was enough to trap an eighth-level new human being.

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